# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - name validation and limitation # # Copyright 2016 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.exceptions import * import re __all__ = [ "AwlName", ] class AwlName(object): labelRe = re.compile(r'^[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]{0,3}$') alpha_lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" alpha_upper = alpha_lower.upper() alpha = alpha_lower + alpha_upper space = " \t" special = "\0\a\b\v\f" newlines = "\r\n" num = "0123456789" alpha_under = alpha + "_" alpha_num_under = alpha + num + "_" @classmethod def isValidLabel(cls, labelString): """Checks if string is a valid label or label reference (without colons). """ return bool(cls.labelRe.match(labelString)) @classmethod def isValidVarName(cls, name, checkMaxLength=True): """Checks if a string is a valid variable name. """ return name and\ all(c in cls.alpha_num_under for c in name) and\ name[0] in cls.alpha_under and\ name[-1] != "_" and\ name.find("__") < 0 and\ (not checkMaxLength or len(name) <= 24) @classmethod def mayBeValidType(cls, typeString, checkMaxLength=True): """Check if a string looks like a valid type. This does NOT check whether this actually is a valid type. It does just check if there are no obvious non-type-like characters in the string. """ return (typeString and\ all(c in cls.alpha_num_under or c in cls.space for c in typeString) and\ typeString[0] != "_" and\ typeString[-1] != "_") or\ cls.isValidSymbolName(typeString.strip(), checkMaxLength) @classmethod def isValidSymbolName(cls, symName, checkMaxLength=True): """Check if a string is a valid symbol name (with quotes). """ return len(symName) >= 3 and\ symName[0] == '"' and\ symName[-1] == '"' and\ symName[1:-1].find('"') < 0 and\ all(c not in cls.newlines and c not in cls.special for c in symName) and\ (not checkMaxLength or len(symName) <= 24 + 2) @classmethod def mayBeValidValue(cls, valueString): """Check if a string looks like a valid variable value. This does NOT check whether this actually is valid data. It does just check if there are no obvious non-value-like characters in the string. """ return valueString.strip() and\ all(c not in cls.newlines and c not in cls.special for c in valueString) @classmethod def isValidComment(cls, commentString): """Check if a string is a valid AWL comment string. The string shall not start with the // comment characters. """ return all(c not in cls.newlines and c not in cls.special for c in commentString) @classmethod def stripChars(cls, string, replaceWith="", notStripChars="", stripAlpha=True, stripNum=True, stripSpace=True, stripNewline=True, stripSpecial=True): """Strip characters from a string based in the character type. """ ret = [] for c in string: valid = True if c not in notStripChars: if c in cls.alpha: if stripAlpha: valid = False elif c in cls.num: if stripNum: valid = False elif c.isspace(): if stripSpace: valid = False elif c in cls.newlines: if stripNewline: valid = False elif c in cls.special: if stripSpecial: valid = False else: valid = False if valid: ret.append(c) else: ret.append(replaceWith) return "".join(ret)