# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - project V0 legacy format read support # # Copyright 2014-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.cpuspecs import * from awlsim.common.cpuconfig import * from awlsim.common.sources import * from awlsim.common.hwmod import * from awlsim.common.util import * from awlsim.library.libselection import * if isPy2Compat: from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as _ConfigParser from ConfigParser import Error as _ConfigParserError else: from configparser import ConfigParser as _ConfigParser from configparser import Error as _ConfigParserError import datetime __all__ = [ "LegacyProjectParser", ] class LegacyProjectParser(object): """Legacy project parser. Legacy format is v0 INI-style file format. """ @classmethod def parse(cls, projectClass, text, projectFile): from awlsim.common.project import GuiSettings from awlsim.common.project import CoreLinkSettings from awlsim.common.project import HwmodSettings projectDir = os.path.dirname(projectFile) createDate = None modifyDate = None awlSources = [] fupSources = [] kopSources = [] symTabSources = [] libSelections = [] specs = S7CPUSpecs() conf = S7CPUConfig() obTempPresetsEn = False extInsnsEn = False guiSettings = GuiSettings() linkSettings = CoreLinkSettings() hwmodSettings = HwmodSettings() try: p = _ConfigParser() p.readfp(StringIO(text), projectFile) # AWLSIM_PROJECT section version = p.getint("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "file_version") expectedVersion = 0 if version != expectedVersion: raise AwlSimError("Project file: Unsupported version. "\ "File version is %d, but expected %d." %\ (version, expectedVersion)) if p.has_option("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "date"): # Compatibility only. "date" is deprecated. dStr = p.get("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "date") createDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(dStr, projectClass.DATETIME_FMT) modifyDate = createDate if p.has_option("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "create_date"): dStr = p.get("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "create_date") createDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(dStr, projectClass.DATETIME_FMT) if p.has_option("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "modify_date"): dStr = p.get("AWLSIM_PROJECT", "modify_date") modifyDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(dStr, projectClass.DATETIME_FMT) def getSrcs(srcList, section, prefix, SrcClass): for i in range(0xFFFF): option = "%s_file_%d" % (prefix, i) if not p.has_option(section, option): break path = p.get(section, option) src = SrcClass.fromFile( name=path, filepath=RelPath(projectDir).fromRelative(path), compatReEncode=True) srcList.append(src) for i in range(0xFFFF): srcOption = "%s_%d" % (prefix, i) nameOption = "%s_name_%d" % (prefix, i) if not p.has_option(section, srcOption): break awlBase64 = p.get(section, srcOption) name = None if p.has_option(section, nameOption): with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): name = base64ToStr( p.get(section, nameOption)) if name is None: name = "%s #%d" % (SrcClass.SRCTYPE, i) src = SrcClass.fromBase64(name, awlBase64) srcList.append(src) # CPU section getSrcs(awlSources, "CPU", "awl", AwlSource) if p.has_option("CPU", "mnemonics"): mnemonics = p.getint("CPU", "mnemonics") conf.setConfiguredMnemonics(mnemonics) if p.has_option("CPU", "nr_accus"): nrAccus = p.getint("CPU", "nr_accus") specs.setNrAccus(nrAccus) if p.has_option("CPU", "clock_memory_byte"): clockMemByte = p.getint("CPU", "clock_memory_byte") conf.setClockMemByte(clockMemByte) if p.has_option("CPU", "ob_startinfo_enable"): obTempPresetsEn = p.getboolean("CPU", "ob_startinfo_enable") if p.has_option("CPU", "ext_insns_enable"): extInsnsEn = p.getboolean("CPU", "ext_insns_enable") # FUP section getSrcs(fupSources, "FUP", "fup", FupSource) # KOP section getSrcs(kopSources, "KOP", "kop", KopSource) # SYMBOLS section getSrcs(symTabSources, "SYMBOLS", "sym_tab", SymTabSource) # LIBS section for i in range(0xFFFF): nameOption = "lib_name_%d" % i blockOption = "lib_block_%d" % i effOption = "lib_block_effective_%d" % i if not p.has_option("LIBS", nameOption): break try: libName = base64ToStr(p.get("LIBS", nameOption)) except ValueError as e: continue block = p.get("LIBS", blockOption).upper().strip() effBlock = p.getint("LIBS", effOption) try: if block.startswith("FC"): entryType = AwlLibEntrySelection.TYPE_FC entryIndex = int(block[2:].strip()) elif block.startswith("FB"): entryType = AwlLibEntrySelection.TYPE_FB entryIndex = int(block[2:].strip()) elif block.startswith("UNKNOWN"): entryType = AwlLibEntrySelection.TYPE_UNKNOWN entryIndex = int(block[7:].strip()) else: raise ValueError if entryIndex < -1 or entryIndex > 0xFFFF: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise AwlSimError("Project file: Invalid " "library block: %s" % block) libSelections.append( AwlLibEntrySelection(libName = libName, entryType = entryType, entryIndex = entryIndex, effectiveEntryIndex = effBlock) ) # CORE_LINK section if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "spawn_local"): linkSettings.setSpawnLocalEn( p.getboolean("CORE_LINK", "spawn_local")) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "spawn_local_port_range"): pRange = p.get("CORE_LINK", "spawn_local_port_range") try: pRange = pRange.split(":") begin = int(pRange[0]) end = int(pRange[1]) if end < begin: raise ValueError pRange = range(begin, end + 1) except (IndexError, ValueError) as e: raise AwlSimError("Project file: Invalid port range") linkSettings.setSpawnLocalPortRange(pRange) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "spawn_local_interpreters"): interp = p.get("CORE_LINK", "spawn_local_interpreters") try: interp = base64ToStr(interp) except ValueError as e: raise AwlSimError("Project file: " "Invalid interpreter list") linkSettings.setSpawnLocalInterpreters(interp) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "connect_host"): host = p.get("CORE_LINK", "connect_host") try: host = base64ToStr(host) except ValueError as e: raise AwlSimError("Project file: " "Invalid host name") linkSettings.setConnectHost(host) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "connect_port"): port = p.getint("CORE_LINK", "connect_port") linkSettings.setConnectPort(port) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "connect_timeout_ms"): timeout = p.getint("CORE_LINK", "connect_timeout_ms") linkSettings.setConnectTimeoutMs(timeout) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "tunnel"): tunnel = p.getint("CORE_LINK", "tunnel") linkSettings.setTunnel(tunnel) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "tunnel_local_port"): tunnelLocalPort = p.getint("CORE_LINK", "tunnel_local_port") linkSettings.setTunnelLocalPort(tunnelLocalPort) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "ssh_user"): sshUser = p.get("CORE_LINK", "ssh_user") try: sshUser = base64ToStr(sshUser) except ValueError as e: raise AwlSimError("Project file: " "Invalid ssh_user") linkSettings.setSSHUser(sshUser) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "ssh_port"): sshPort = p.getint("CORE_LINK", "ssh_port") linkSettings.setSSHPort(sshPort) if p.has_option("CORE_LINK", "ssh_executable"): sshExecutable = p.get("CORE_LINK", "ssh_executable") try: sshExecutable = base64ToStr(sshExecutable) except ValueError as e: raise AwlSimError("Project file: " "Invalid ssh_executable") linkSettings.setSSHExecutable(sshExecutable) # HWMODS section for i in range(0xFFFF): nameOption = "loaded_mod_%d" % i if not p.has_option("HWMODS", nameOption): break modName = base64ToStr(p.get("HWMODS", nameOption)) modDesc = HwmodDescriptor(modName) for j in range(0x3FF): paramOption = "loaded_mod_%d_p%d" % (i, j) if not p.has_option("HWMODS", paramOption): break param = p.get("HWMODS", paramOption) try: param = param.split(":") if len(param) != 2: raise ValueError paramName = base64ToStr(param[0]) if param[1].strip(): paramValue = base64ToStr(param[1]) else: paramValue = None except ValueError: raise AwlSimError("Project file: " "Invalid hw mod parameter") modDesc.addParameter(paramName, paramValue) hwmodSettings.addLoadedModule(modDesc) # GUI section if p.has_option("GUI", "editor_autoindent"): guiSettings.setEditorAutoIndentEn( p.getboolean("GUI", "editor_autoindent")) if p.has_option("GUI", "editor_paste_autoindent"): guiSettings.setEditorPasteIndentEn( p.getboolean("GUI", "editor_paste_autoindent")) if p.has_option("GUI", "editor_validation"): guiSettings.setEditorValidationEn( p.getboolean("GUI", "editor_validation")) if p.has_option("GUI", "editor_font"): guiSettings.setEditorFont(p.get("GUI", "editor_font").strip()) except _ConfigParserError as e: raise AwlSimError("Project parser error: " + str(e)) return projectClass(projectFile = projectFile, createDate = createDate, modifyDate = modifyDate, awlSources = awlSources, fupSources = fupSources, kopSources = kopSources, symTabSources = symTabSources, libSelections = libSelections, cpuSpecs = specs, cpuConf = conf, obTempPresetsEn = obTempPresetsEn, extInsnsEn = extInsnsEn, guiSettings = guiSettings, coreLinkSettings = linkSettings, hwmodSettings = hwmodSettings)