# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # XML factory - parser and composer # # Copyright 2016-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.util import * import xml.etree.ElementTree import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils __all__ = [ "XmlFactory", ] class _XmlFactoryBuilder(object): def __init__(self, xmlFactory): self.__factoryList = [] self.__tags = [] self.pushFactory(xmlFactory) def start(self, tagName, attrs): try: xmlFactory = self.__factoryList[-1] except IndexError: raise XmlFactory.Error("Starting tag, but " "no factory object is available.") tag = xmlFactory.Tag(name=tagName, attrs=attrs) self.__tags.append(tag) xmlFactory.parser_beginTag(tag) def end(self, tagName): try: xmlFactory = self.__factoryList[-1] except IndexError: raise XmlFactory.Error("Closing tag, but " "no factory object is available.") tag = None while tag is None or tag.name != tagName: try: tag = self.__tags.pop() except IndexError: raise XmlFactory.Error("Closing tag <%s>, " "which is not open." % tagName) xmlFactory.parser_endTag(tag) def data(self, data): try: xmlFactory = self.__factoryList[-1] except IndexError: raise XmlFactory.Error("Receiving tag data, but " "no factory object is available.") xmlFactory.parser_data(data) def close(self): while self.__factoryList: self.popFactory(self.__factoryList[-1]) self.__tags = [] return None def pushFactory(self, xmlFactory): self.__factoryList.append(xmlFactory) xmlFactory.builder = self xmlFactory.parser_open(self.__tags[-1] if self.__tags else None) def popFactory(self, xmlFactory): try: oldFactory = self.__factoryList.pop() oldFactory.parser_close() assert(oldFactory is xmlFactory) except IndexError: pass class _XmlFactoryError(Exception): pass class XmlFactory(object): """XML parser and factory.""" XML_VERSION = "1.0" XML_ENCODING = "UTF-8" Error = _XmlFactoryError class Tag(object): """An XML tag as it is being used for the XmlFactory parser and composer interfaces. """ __slots__ = ( "name", "attrs", "tags", "data", "comment", "flags", ) class NoDefault: pass EnumGen.start FLAG_ATTR_LINE_BREAK = EnumGen.bitmask FLAG_EMIT_EMPTY_ATTRS = EnumGen.bitmask FLAG_EMIT_EMPTY_TAG = EnumGen.bitmask FLAG_USE_CDATA = EnumGen.bitmask EnumGen.end def __init__(self, name, # Tag name attrs=None, # Tag attributes tags=None, # Child tags data=None, # Tag data comment=None, # Comment data attrLineBreak=False, # Use line breaks between attrs? emitEmptyAttrs=False, # Emit attributes with empty data? emitEmptyTag=False, # Emit tag, if it is completely empty? useCDATA=False): # Use CDATA for tag data? self.name = name or "" self.attrs = attrs or {} self.tags = tags or [] self.data = data or "" self.comment = comment or "" self.flags = self.FLAG_ATTR_LINE_BREAK if attrLineBreak else 0 self.flags |= self.FLAG_EMIT_EMPTY_ATTRS if emitEmptyAttrs else 0 self.flags |= self.FLAG_EMIT_EMPTY_TAG if emitEmptyTag else 0 self.flags |= self.FLAG_USE_CDATA if useCDATA else 0 @property def attrLineBreak(self): return bool(self.flags & self.FLAG_ATTR_LINE_BREAK) @property def emitEmptyAttrs(self): return bool(self.flags & self.FLAG_EMIT_EMPTY_ATTRS) @property def emitEmptyTag(self): return bool(self.flags & self.FLAG_EMIT_EMPTY_TAG) @property def useCDATA(self): return bool(self.flags & self.FLAG_USE_CDATA) def hasAttr(self, name): return name in self.attrs def getAttr(self, name, default=NoDefault): try: return self.attrs[name] except KeyError: if default is self.NoDefault: raise XmlFactory.Error("Tag <%s> attribute " "'%s' does not exist." % ( self.name, name)) return default def getAttrInt(self, name, default=NoDefault): try: return int(self.attrs[name]) except KeyError: if default is self.NoDefault: raise XmlFactory.Error("Tag <%s> attribute " "'%s' does not exist." % ( self.name, name)) except ValueError: if default is self.NoDefault: raise XmlFactory.Error("Tag <%s> attribute " "'%s' is not an integer." % ( self.name, name)) return default def getAttrBool(self, name, default=NoDefault): return bool(self.getAttrInt(name, default if default is self.NoDefault else int(bool(default)))) class Comment(Tag): """An XML comment. """ def __init__(self, text): super(XmlFactory.Comment, self).__init__(name=None, comment=text) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__kwargs = kwargs self.builder = None self.__genXmlHeader = True self.__baseIndent = 0 self.__lineBreakStr = "\n" self.__globalAttrLineBreak = False def __getattr__(self, name): with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): return self.__kwargs[name] raise AttributeError def parser_open(self, tag=None): pass def parser_close(self): pass def parser_beginTag(self, tag): printWarning("[XML-parser - %s] Unhandled tag: <%s>" % ( type(self).__name__, tag.name)) def parser_endTag(self, tag): printWarning("[XML-parser - %s] Unhandled tag: " % ( type(self).__name__, tag.name)) def parser_data(self, data): data = data.strip() if data: printWarning("[XML-parser - %s] Unhandled data: %s" % ( type(self).__name__, data)) def composer_getTags(self): raise NotImplementedError def __tags2text(self, tags, indent=0): ret = [] for tagIndex, tag in enumerate(tags): ind = "\t" * indent # Force convert attrs to str and remove empty attrs attrs = { str(aName) : str(aVal) for aName, aVal in dictItems(tag.attrs) if tag.emitEmptyAttrs or str(aVal) } # Convert attrs to XML if self.__globalAttrLineBreak or tag.attrLineBreak: attrSpacer = self.__lineBreakStr + ind +\ (" " * (1 + len(tag.name) + 1)) else: attrSpacer = " " attrText = (" " + attrSpacer.join( "%s=%s" % (aName, saxutils.quoteattr(aVal)) for aName, aVal in sorted(dictItems(attrs), key=lambda a: a[0]) )).rstrip() # Convert the child tags to XML if tag.tags: childTags = self.__tags2text(tag.tags, indent + 1) else: childTags = [] # Add comment, if any. def addComment(comment): if comment.startswith("\n"): prefix = "" if (tagIndex == 0) else self.__lineBreakStr comment = comment[1:] else: prefix = "" ret.append("%s%s" % ( prefix, ind, comment.replace("-->", " ->"))) # Convert tags to XML data = tag.data if data or childTags: if tag.comment: addComment(tag.comment) if tag.name: if data: if tag.useCDATA: # Escape CDATA-end data = data.replace("]]>", "]]]]>") # Create CDATA section data = "" % data else: data = saxutils.escape(tag.data) startStr = "%s<%s%s>%s" % ( ind, tag.name, attrText, data) if childTags: ret.append(startStr) ret.extend(childTags) ret.append("%s" % ( ind, tag.name)) else: ret.append("%s" % ( startStr, tag.name)) elif attrs or tag.emitEmptyTag: if tag.comment: addComment(tag.comment) if tag.name: ret.append( "%s<%s%s />" % ( ind, tag.name, attrText) ) return ret def compose(self, genXmlHeader=True, baseIndent=0, lineBreakStr="\n", attrLineBreak=False): self.builder = None self.__genXmlHeader = genXmlHeader self.__baseIndent = baseIndent self.__lineBreakStr = lineBreakStr self.__globalAttrLineBreak = attrLineBreak lines = [] if self.__genXmlHeader: lines.append('' % ( self.XML_VERSION, self.XML_ENCODING)) lines.extend(self.__tags2text(self.composer_getTags(), self.__baseIndent)) return (lineBreakStr.join(lines) + lineBreakStr).encode(self.XML_ENCODING) def parser_switchTo(self, otherFactory): self.builder.pushFactory(otherFactory) def parser_finish(self): self.builder.popFactory(self) def parse(self, xmlText): if not xmlText.decode(self.XML_ENCODING).strip(): return False try: builder = _XmlFactoryBuilder(self) parser = xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser(target=builder) self.parser_open(None) parser.feed(xmlText) parser.close() except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as e: raise XmlFactory.Error("Failed to parse " "XML data: %s" % str(e)) return True