# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - CPU # # Copyright 2012-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * import time import datetime import random from awlsim.common.cpuspecs import * from awlsim.common.cpuconfig import * from awlsim.common.blockinfo import * from awlsim.library.libentry import * from awlsim.core.symbolparser import * from awlsim.core.datatypes import * from awlsim.core.memory import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.instructions.all_insns import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.systemblocks.system_sfb import * from awlsim.core.systemblocks.system_sfc import * from awlsim.core.operators import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.blocks import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.datablocks import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.userdefinedtypes import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.statusword import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.labels import * from awlsim.core.timers import * from awlsim.core.counters import * from awlsim.core.callstack import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.offset import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.obtemp import * from awlsim.core.util import * from awlsim.awlcompiler.translator import * class ParenStackElem(object): #+cdef "Parenthesis stack element" def __init__(self, cpu, insnType, statusWord): #@nocy #@cy def __cinit__(self, S7CPU cpu, uint32_t insnType, S7StatusWord statusWord): self.cpu = cpu self.insnType = insnType self.NER = statusWord.NER self.VKE = statusWord.VKE self.OR = statusWord.OR def __repr__(self): mnemonics = self.cpu.getMnemonics() type2name = { S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_EN : AwlInsn.type2name_english, S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE : AwlInsn.type2name_german, }[mnemonics] return '(insn="%s" VKE=%s OR=%d)' %\ (type2name[self.insnType], self.VKE, self.OR) class McrStackElem(object): "MCR stack element" def __init__(self, statusWord): self.VKE = statusWord.VKE def __bool__(self): return bool(self.VKE) __nonzero__ = __bool__ class S7Prog(object): "S7 CPU program management" def __init__(self, cpu): self.cpu = cpu self.pendingRawDBs = [] self.pendingRawFBs = [] self.pendingRawFCs = [] self.pendingRawOBs = [] self.pendingRawUDTs = [] self.pendingLibSelections = [] self.symbolTable = SymbolTable() self.reset() def reset(self): for rawBlock in itertools.chain(self.pendingRawDBs, self.pendingRawFBs, self.pendingRawFCs, self.pendingRawOBs, self.pendingRawUDTs): rawBlock.destroySourceRef() self.pendingRawDBs = [] self.pendingRawFBs = [] self.pendingRawFCs = [] self.pendingRawOBs = [] self.pendingRawUDTs = [] self.pendingLibSelections = [] self.symbolTable.clear() def addRawDB(self, rawDB): assert(isinstance(rawDB, RawAwlDB)) self.pendingRawDBs.append(rawDB) def addRawFB(self, rawFB): assert(isinstance(rawFB, RawAwlFB)) self.pendingRawFBs.append(rawFB) def addRawFC(self, rawFC): assert(isinstance(rawFC, RawAwlFC)) self.pendingRawFCs.append(rawFC) def addRawOB(self, rawOB): assert(isinstance(rawOB, RawAwlOB)) self.pendingRawOBs.append(rawOB) def addRawUDT(self, rawUDT): assert(isinstance(rawUDT, RawAwlUDT)) self.pendingRawUDTs.append(rawUDT) def addLibrarySelection(self, libSelection): assert(isinstance(libSelection, AwlLibEntrySelection)) self.pendingLibSelections.append(libSelection) def loadSymbolTable(self, symbolTable): self.symbolTable.merge(symbolTable) def __detectMnemonics(self): conf = self.cpu.getConf() if conf.getConfiguredMnemonics() != S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_AUTO: return detected = None errorCounts = {} rawBlocks = list(itertools.chain(self.pendingRawOBs, self.pendingRawFBs, self.pendingRawFCs)) if not rawBlocks: if conf.getMnemonics() != S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_AUTO: # It was already set. We are Ok. return # There are no blocks and we didn't detect anything, yet. # Just set it to EN. detected = S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_EN if detected is None: for mnemonics in (S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_EN, S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE): errorCount = 0 for rawBlock in rawBlocks: for rawInsn in rawBlock.insns: ret = AwlInsnTranslator.name2type(rawInsn.getName(), mnemonics) if ret is None: errorCount += 1 try: optrans = AwlOpTranslator(mnemonics=mnemonics) optrans.translateFromRawInsn(rawInsn) except AwlSimError: errorCount += 1 if errorCount == 0: # No error. Use these mnemonics. detected = mnemonics break errorCounts[mnemonics] = errorCount if detected is None: # Select the mnemonics with the lower error count. if errorCounts[S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_EN] <= errorCounts[S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE]: detected = S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_EN else: detected = S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE if conf.getMnemonics() not in {S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_AUTO, detected}: # Autodetected mnemonics were already set before # to something different. raise AwlSimError("Cannot mix multiple AWL files with "\ "distinct mnemonics. This error may be caused by "\ "incorrect autodetection. "\ "Force mnemonics to EN or DE to avoid this error.") conf.setDetectedMnemonics(detected) def __loadLibraries(self): for libSelection in self.pendingLibSelections: # Get the block class from the library. libEntryCls = AwlLib.getEntryBySelection(libSelection) assert(not libEntryCls._isSystemBlock) # Get the effective block index. effIndex = libSelection.getEffectiveEntryIndex() if effIndex < 0: effIndex = libSelection.getEntryIndex() # Create and translate the block translator = AwlTranslator(self.cpu) if libEntryCls._isFC: block = libEntryCls(index = effIndex) if block.index in self.cpu.fcs and\ not self.cpu.fcs[block.index].isLibraryBlock: raise AwlSimError("Error while loading library " "block FC %d: Block FC %d is already " "loaded as user defined block." %\ (block.index, block.index)) block = translator.translateLibraryCodeBlock(block) self.cpu.fcs[block.index] = block elif libEntryCls._isFB: block = libEntryCls(index = effIndex) if block.index in self.cpu.fbs and\ not self.cpu.fbs[block.index].isLibraryBlock: raise AwlSimError("Error while loading library " "block FB %d: Block FB %d is already " "loaded as user defined block." %\ (block.index, block.index)) block = translator.translateLibraryCodeBlock(block) self.cpu.fbs[block.index] = block else: assert(0) self.pendingLibSelections = [] def __checkCallParamTypeCompat(self, block): for insn, calledCodeBlock, calledDataBlock in self.cpu.allCallInsns(block): try: for param in insn.params: # Get the interface field for this variable field = calledCodeBlock.interface.getFieldByName(param.lvalueName) # Check type compatibility param.rvalueOp.checkDataTypeCompat(self.cpu, field.dataType) except AwlSimError as e: e.setInsn(insn) raise e # Assign call parameter interface reference. def __assignParamInterface(self, block): for insn, calledCodeBlock, calledDataBlock in self.cpu.allCallInsns(block): try: for param in insn.params: # Add interface references to the parameter assignment. param.setInterface(calledCodeBlock.interface) except AwlSimError as e: e.setInsn(insn) raise e # Resolve all symbols (global and local) on all blocks, as far as possible. def __resolveSymbols(self): resolver = AwlSymResolver(self.cpu) for block in self.cpu.allCodeBlocks(): # Add interface references to the parameter assignment. self.__assignParamInterface(block) # Check type compatibility between formal and # actual parameter of calls. self.__checkCallParamTypeCompat(block) # Resolve all symbols resolver.resolveSymbols_block(block) # Check type compatibility between formal and # actual parameter of calls again, with resolved symbols. self.__checkCallParamTypeCompat(block) def __finalizeCodeBlock(self, block): translator = AwlTranslator(self.cpu) # Finalize call instructions for insn, calledCodeBlock, calledDataBlock in self.cpu.allCallInsns(block): try: for param in insn.params: # Final translation of parameter assignment operand. translator.translateParamAssignOper(param) except AwlSimError as e: e.setInsn(insn) raise e # Run the final setup of all instructions. for insn in block.insns: insn.finalSetup() # Check and account for direct L stack allocations and # interface L stack allocations. block.accountTempAllocations() def __finalizeCodeBlocks(self): for block in self.cpu.allUserCodeBlocks(): self.__finalizeCodeBlock(block) # Run static error checks for code block def __staticSanityChecks_block(self, block): for insn in block.insns: insn.staticSanityChecks() # Run static error checks def staticSanityChecks(self): # The main cycle expects OB 1 to be present. if 1 not in self.cpu.obs: raise AwlSimError("OB 1 is not present in the CPU.") # Run the user code checks. for block in self.cpu.allUserCodeBlocks(): self.__staticSanityChecks_block(block) def build(self): """Translate the loaded sources into their executable forms. """ translator = AwlTranslator(self.cpu) resolver = AwlSymResolver(self.cpu) self.__loadLibraries() # Mnemonics autodetection self.__detectMnemonics() # Translate UDTs udts = {} for rawUDT in self.pendingRawUDTs: udtNumber, sym = resolver.resolveBlockName({AwlDataType.TYPE_UDT_X}, rawUDT.index) if udtNumber in udts: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of "\ "UDT %d." % udtNumber) rawUDT.index = udtNumber udt = UDT.makeFromRaw(rawUDT) if udtNumber in self.cpu.udts: self.cpu.udts[udtNumber].destroySourceRef() udts[udtNumber] = udt self.cpu.udts[udtNumber] = udt self.pendingRawUDTs = [] # Build all UDTs (Resolve sizes of all fields) for udt in dictValues(udts): udt.buildDataStructure(self.cpu) # Translate OBs obs = {} for rawOB in self.pendingRawOBs: obNumber, sym = resolver.resolveBlockName({AwlDataType.TYPE_OB_X}, rawOB.index) if obNumber in obs: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of "\ "OB %d." % obNumber) rawOB.index = obNumber ob = translator.translateCodeBlock(rawOB, OB) if obNumber in self.cpu.obs: self.cpu.obs[obNumber].destroySourceRef() obs[obNumber] = ob self.cpu.obs[obNumber] = ob # Create the TEMP-preset handler table try: presetHandlerClass = OBTempPresets_table[obNumber] except KeyError: presetHandlerClass = OBTempPresets_dummy self.cpu.obTempPresetHandlers[obNumber] = presetHandlerClass(self.cpu) self.pendingRawOBs = [] # Translate FBs fbs = {} for rawFB in self.pendingRawFBs: fbNumber, sym = resolver.resolveBlockName({AwlDataType.TYPE_FB_X}, rawFB.index) if fbNumber in fbs: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of "\ "FB %d." % fbNumber) if fbNumber in self.cpu.fbs and\ self.cpu.fbs[fbNumber].isLibraryBlock: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of FB %d.\n" "FB %d is already defined by an " "imported library block (%s)." % ( fbNumber, fbNumber, self.cpu.fbs[fbNumber].libraryName)) rawFB.index = fbNumber fb = translator.translateCodeBlock(rawFB, FB) if fbNumber in self.cpu.fbs: self.cpu.fbs[fbNumber].destroySourceRef() fbs[fbNumber] = fb self.cpu.fbs[fbNumber] = fb self.pendingRawFBs = [] # Translate FCs fcs = {} for rawFC in self.pendingRawFCs: fcNumber, sym = resolver.resolveBlockName({AwlDataType.TYPE_FC_X}, rawFC.index) if fcNumber in fcs: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of "\ "FC %d." % fcNumber) if fcNumber in self.cpu.fcs and\ self.cpu.fcs[fcNumber].isLibraryBlock: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of FC %d.\n" "FC %d is already defined by an " "imported library block (%s)." % ( fcNumber, fcNumber, self.cpu.fcs[fcNumber].libraryName)) rawFC.index = fcNumber fc = translator.translateCodeBlock(rawFC, FC) if fcNumber in self.cpu.fcs: self.cpu.fcs[fcNumber].destroySourceRef() fcs[fcNumber] = fc self.cpu.fcs[fcNumber] = fc self.pendingRawFCs = [] if not self.cpu.sfbs: # Create the SFB tables for sfbNumber in dictKeys(SFB_table): if sfbNumber < 0 and not self.cpu.extendedInsnsEnabled(): continue sfb = SFB_table[sfbNumber](self.cpu) self.cpu.sfbs[sfbNumber] = sfb if not self.cpu.sfcs: # Create the SFC tables for sfcNumber in dictKeys(SFC_table): if sfcNumber < 0 and not self.cpu.extendedInsnsEnabled(): continue sfc = SFC_table[sfcNumber](self.cpu) self.cpu.sfcs[sfcNumber] = sfc # Build the data structures of code blocks. for block in self.cpu.allCodeBlocks(): block.interface.buildDataStructure(self.cpu) # Translate DBs dbs = {} for rawDB in self.pendingRawDBs: dbNumber, sym = resolver.resolveBlockName({AwlDataType.TYPE_DB_X, AwlDataType.TYPE_FB_X, AwlDataType.TYPE_SFB_X}, rawDB.index) if dbNumber in dbs: raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of "\ "DB %d." % dbNumber) rawDB.index = dbNumber db = translator.translateDB(rawDB) if dbNumber in self.cpu.dbs: self.cpu.dbs[dbNumber].destroySourceRef() dbs[dbNumber] = db self.cpu.dbs[dbNumber] = db self.pendingRawDBs = [] # Resolve symbolic instructions and operators self.__resolveSymbols() # Do some finalizations self.__finalizeCodeBlocks() # Run some static sanity checks on the code self.staticSanityChecks() def getBlockInfos(self, getOBInfo = False, getFCInfo = False, getFBInfo = False, getDBInfo = False): """Returns a list of BlockInfo().""" blkInfos = [] for block in itertools.chain( sorted(dictValues(self.cpu.obs) if getOBInfo else [], key = lambda blk: blk.index), sorted(dictValues(self.cpu.fcs) if getFCInfo else [], key = lambda blk: blk.index), sorted(dictValues(self.cpu.fbs) if getFBInfo else [], key = lambda blk: blk.index), sorted(dictValues(self.cpu.dbs) if getDBInfo else [], key = lambda blk: blk.index)): blkInfo = block.getBlockInfo() assert(blkInfo) blkInfos.append(blkInfo) return blkInfos def removeBlock(self, blockInfo, sanityChecks = True): """Remove a block from the CPU. """ try: if blockInfo.blockType == BlockInfo.TYPE_OB: block = self.cpu.obs.pop(blockInfo.blockIndex) self.cpu.obTempPresetHandlers.pop(blockInfo.blockIndex) elif blockInfo.blockType == BlockInfo.TYPE_FC: block = self.cpu.fcs.pop(blockInfo.blockIndex) elif blockInfo.blockType == BlockInfo.TYPE_FB: block = self.cpu.fbs.pop(blockInfo.blockIndex) elif blockInfo.blockType == BlockInfo.TYPE_DB: block = self.cpu.dbs[blockInfo.blockIndex] if (block.permissions & DB.PERM_WRITE) == 0: raise AwlSimError("Remove block: Cannot delete " "write protected %s." % \ blockInfo.blockName) block = self.cpu.dbs.pop(blockInfo.blockIndex) else: raise AwlSimError("Remove block: Unknown bock type %d." % \ blockInfo.blockType) block.destroySourceRef() except KeyError as e: raise AwlSimError("Remove block: Block %s not found." % \ blockInfo.blockName) if sanityChecks: # Re-run sanity checks to detect missing blocks. self.staticSanityChecks() class S7CPU(object): #+cdef "STEP 7 CPU" def __init__(self): #@cy self._OPER_BLKREF_FC = AwlOperator.BLKREF_FC #@cy self._OPER_BLKREF_FB = AwlOperator.BLKREF_FB #@cy self._OPER_BLKREF_SFC = AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFC #@cy self._OPER_BLKREF_SFB = AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFB #@cy self._OPER_MULTI_FB = AwlOperator.MULTI_FB #@cy self._OPER_MULTI_SFB = AwlOperator.MULTI_SFB #@cy self._OPER_INDIRECT = AwlOperator.INDIRECT self.__fetchTypeMethods = self.__fetchTypeMethodsDict self.__storeTypeMethods = self.__storeTypeMethodsDict self.__callHelpers = self.__callHelpersDict #@nocy self.__rawCallHelpers = self.__rawCallHelpersDict #@nocy self.__clockMemByteOffset = None self.specs = S7CPUSpecs(self) self.conf = S7CPUConfig(self) self.prog = S7Prog(self) self.setCycleTimeLimit(5.0) self.setCycleExitCallback(None) self.setBlockExitCallback(None) self.setPostInsnCallback(None) self.setPeripheralReadCallback(None) self.setPeripheralWriteCallback(None) self.setScreenUpdateCallback(None) self.udts = {} self.dbs = {} self.obs = {} self.fcs = {} self.fbs = {} self.reset() self.enableExtendedInsns(False) self.enableObTempPresets(False) def getMnemonics(self): return self.conf.getMnemonics() def enableObTempPresets(self, en=True): self.__obTempPresetsEnabled = bool(en) def obTempPresetsEnabled(self): return self.__obTempPresetsEnabled def enableExtendedInsns(self, en=True): self.__extendedInsnsEnabled = bool(en) def extendedInsnsEnabled(self): return self.__extendedInsnsEnabled def setCycleTimeLimit(self, newLimit): self.cycleTimeLimit = float(newLimit) def setRunTimeLimit(self, timeoutSeconds=-1.0): self.__runtimeLimit = timeoutSeconds if timeoutSeconds >= 0.0 else -1.0 # Returns all user defined code blocks (OBs, FBs, FCs) def allUserCodeBlocks(self): for block in itertools.chain(dictValues(self.obs), dictValues(self.fbs), dictValues(self.fcs)): yield block # Returns all system code blocks (SFBs, SFCs) def allSystemCodeBlocks(self): for block in itertools.chain(dictValues(self.sfbs), dictValues(self.sfcs)): yield block # Returns all user defined code blocks (OBs, FBs, FCs, SFBs, SFCs) def allCodeBlocks(self): for block in itertools.chain(self.allUserCodeBlocks(), self.allSystemCodeBlocks()): yield block def allCallInsns(self, block): resolver = AwlSymResolver(self) for insn in block.insns: if insn.insnType != AwlInsn.TYPE_CALL: continue # Get the DB block, if any. if len(insn.ops) == 1: dataBlock = None elif len(insn.ops) == 2: dataBlockOp = insn.ops[1] if dataBlockOp.type == AwlOperator.SYMBOLIC: blockIndex, symbol = resolver.resolveBlockName( {AwlDataType.TYPE_FB_X, AwlDataType.TYPE_SFB_X}, dataBlockOp.value.identChain.getString()) dataBlockOp = symbol.operator.dup() dataBlockIndex = dataBlockOp.value.byteOffset try: if dataBlockOp.type == AwlOperator.BLKREF_DB: dataBlock = self.dbs[dataBlockIndex] else: raise AwlSimError("Data block operand " "in CALL is not a DB.", insn=insn) except KeyError as e: raise AwlSimError("Data block '%s' referenced " "in CALL does not exist." %\ str(dataBlockOp), insn=insn) # Get the code block, if any. codeBlockOp = insn.ops[0] if codeBlockOp.type == AwlOperator.SYMBOLIC: blockIndex, symbol = resolver.resolveBlockName( {AwlDataType.TYPE_FC_X, AwlDataType.TYPE_FB_X, AwlDataType.TYPE_SFC_X, AwlDataType.TYPE_SFB_X}, codeBlockOp.value.identChain.getString()) codeBlockOp = symbol.operator.dup() elif codeBlockOp.type == AwlOperator.NAMED_LOCAL: codeBlockOp = resolver.resolveNamedLocal(block, insn, codeBlockOp) if codeBlockOp.type in {AwlOperator.MULTI_FB, AwlOperator.MULTI_SFB}: codeBlockIndex = codeBlockOp.value.fbNumber else: codeBlockIndex = codeBlockOp.value.byteOffset try: if codeBlockOp.type == AwlOperator.BLKREF_FC: codeBlock = self.fcs[codeBlockIndex] elif codeBlockOp.type in {AwlOperator.BLKREF_FB, AwlOperator.MULTI_FB}: codeBlock = self.fbs[codeBlockIndex] elif codeBlockOp.type == AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFC: codeBlock = self.sfcs[codeBlockIndex] elif codeBlockOp.type in {AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFB, AwlOperator.MULTI_SFB}: codeBlock = self.sfbs[codeBlockIndex] else: raise AwlSimError("Code block operand " "in CALL is not a valid code block " "(FB, FC, SFB or SFC).", insn=insn) except KeyError as e: raise AwlSimError("Code block '%s' referenced in " "CALL does not exist." %\ str(codeBlockOp), insn=insn) yield insn, codeBlock, dataBlock def build(self): """Translate the loaded sources into their executable forms. """ self.prog.build() def load(self, parseTree, rebuild = False, sourceManager = None): for rawDB in dictValues(parseTree.dbs): rawDB.setSourceRef(sourceManager) self.prog.addRawDB(rawDB) for rawFB in dictValues(parseTree.fbs): rawFB.setSourceRef(sourceManager) self.prog.addRawFB(rawFB) for rawFC in dictValues(parseTree.fcs): rawFC.setSourceRef(sourceManager) self.prog.addRawFC(rawFC) for rawOB in dictValues(parseTree.obs): rawOB.setSourceRef(sourceManager) self.prog.addRawOB(rawOB) for rawUDT in dictValues(parseTree.udts): rawUDT.setSourceRef(sourceManager) self.prog.addRawUDT(rawUDT) if rebuild: self.build() def loadLibraryBlock(self, libSelection, rebuild = False): self.prog.addLibrarySelection(libSelection) if rebuild: self.build() @property def symbolTable(self): return self.prog.symbolTable def loadSymbolTable(self, symbolTable, rebuild = False): self.prog.loadSymbolTable(symbolTable) if rebuild: self.build() def getBlockInfos(self, getOBInfo = False, getFCInfo = False, getFBInfo = False, getDBInfo = False): """Returns a list of BlockInfo().""" return self.prog.getBlockInfos(getOBInfo = getOBInfo, getFCInfo = getFCInfo, getFBInfo = getFBInfo, getDBInfo = getDBInfo) def staticSanityChecks(self): """Run static error checks.""" self.prog.staticSanityChecks() def removeBlock(self, blockInfo, sanityChecks = True): """Remove a block from the CPU.""" self.prog.removeBlock(blockInfo, sanityChecks) def reallocate(self, force=False): if force or (self.specs.nrAccus == 4) != self.is4accu: self.accu1, self.accu2, self.accu3, self.accu4 =\ Accu(), Accu(), Accu(), Accu() self.is4accu = (self.specs.nrAccus == 4) if force or self.specs.nrTimers != len(self.timers): self.timers = [ Timer(self, i) for i in range(self.specs.nrTimers) ] if force or self.specs.nrCounters != len(self.counters): self.counters = [ Counter(self, i) for i in range(self.specs.nrCounters) ] if force or self.specs.nrFlags != len(self.flags): self.flags = AwlMemory(self.specs.nrFlags) if force or self.specs.nrInputs != len(self.inputs): self.inputs = AwlMemory(self.specs.nrInputs) if force or self.specs.nrOutputs != len(self.outputs): self.outputs = AwlMemory(self.specs.nrOutputs) CallStackElem.resetCache() def reset(self): self.prog.reset() for block in itertools.chain(dictValues(self.udts), dictValues(self.dbs), dictValues(self.obs), dictValues(self.fcs), dictValues(self.fbs)): block.destroySourceRef() self.udts = {} # UDTs self.dbs = { # DBs 0 : DB(0, permissions = 0), # read/write-protected system-DB } self.obs = { # OBs 1 : OB([], 1), # Empty OB1 } self.obTempPresetHandlers = { # OB TEMP-preset handlers 1 : OBTempPresets_table[1](self), # Default OB1 handler # This table is extended as OBs are loaded. } self.fcs = {} # User FCs self.fbs = {} # User FBs self.sfcs = {} # System SFCs self.sfbs = {} # System SFBs self.is4accu = False self.reallocate(force=True) self.ar1 = Addressregister() self.ar2 = Addressregister() self.dbRegister = self.dbs[0] self.diRegister = self.dbs[0] self.callStack = [ ] self.callStackTop = None self.setMcrActive(False) self.mcrStack = [ ] self.statusWord = S7StatusWord() self.__clockMemByteOffset = None self.setRunTimeLimit() self.relativeJump = 1 # Stats self.__insnCount = 0 self.__cycleCount = 0 self.insnPerSecond = 0.0 self.avgInsnPerCycle = 0.0 self.cycleStartTime = 0.0 self.minCycleTime = 86400.0 self.maxCycleTime = 0.0 self.avgCycleTime = 0.0 self.startupTime = perf_monotonic_time() self.__speedMeasureStartTime = 0 self.__speedMeasureStartInsnCount = 0 self.__speedMeasureStartCycleCount = 0 self.initializeTimestamp() def setCycleExitCallback(self, cb, data=None): self.cbCycleExit = cb self.cbCycleExitData = data def setBlockExitCallback(self, cb, data=None): self.cbBlockExit = cb self.cbBlockExitData = data def setPostInsnCallback(self, cb, data=None): self.cbPostInsn = cb self.cbPostInsnData = data def setPeripheralReadCallback(self, cb, data=None): if cb: self.cbPeripheralRead = cb self.cbPeripheralReadData = data else: self.cbPeripheralRead =\ lambda data, bitWidth, byteOffset: bytearray() self.cbPeripheralReadData = None def setPeripheralWriteCallback(self, cb, data=None): if cb: self.cbPeripheralWrite = cb self.cbPeripheralWriteData = data else: self.cbPeripheralWrite =\ lambda data, bitWidth, byteOffset, value: False self.cbPeripheralWriteData = None def setScreenUpdateCallback(self, cb, data=None): self.cbScreenUpdate = cb self.cbScreenUpdateData = data def requestScreenUpdate(self): if self.cbScreenUpdate is not None: self.cbScreenUpdate(self.cbScreenUpdateData) def __runOB(self, block): #@nocy #@cy cdef __runOB(self, CodeBlock block): #@cy cdef AwlInsn insn #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse #@cy cdef CallStackElem prevCse # Update timekeeping self.updateTimestamp() self.cycleStartTime = self.now # Initialize CPU state self.dbRegister = self.diRegister = self.dbs[0] self.accu1.reset() self.accu2.reset() self.accu3.reset() self.accu4.reset() self.ar1.reset() self.ar2.reset() self.statusWord.reset() cse = self.callStackTop = CallStackElem(self, block, None, None, (), True) self.callStack = [ cse, ] if self.__obTempPresetsEnabled: # Populate the TEMP region self.obTempPresetHandlers[block.index].generate(cse.localdata.dataBytes) # Run the user program cycle while self.callStack: while cse.ip < len(cse.insns): insn, self.relativeJump = cse.insns[cse.ip], 1 insn.run() if self.cbPostInsn is not None: self.cbPostInsn(cse, self.cbPostInsnData) cse.ip += self.relativeJump cse, self.__insnCount = self.callStackTop,\ (self.__insnCount + 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF if not self.__insnCount % 64: self.updateTimestamp() self.__runTimeCheck() if self.cbBlockExit is not None: self.cbBlockExit(self.cbBlockExitData) prevCse = self.callStack.pop() if self.callStack: cse = self.callStackTop = self.callStack[-1] prevCse.handleBlockExit() def initClockMemState(self, force=False): """Reset/initialize the clock memory byte state. """ if self.conf.clockMemByte >= 0: clockMemByteOffset = AwlOffset(self.conf.clockMemByte) else: clockMemByteOffset = None if force: resetCount = True else: resetCount = clockMemByteOffset != self.__clockMemByteOffset self.__clockMemByteOffset = None self.updateTimestamp() self.__clockMemByteOffset = clockMemByteOffset if resetCount: self.__nextClockMemTime = self.now + 0.05 self.__clockMemCount = 0 self.__clockMemCountLCM = math_lcm(2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20) if self.__clockMemByteOffset is not None: self.flags.store(self.__clockMemByteOffset, 8, 0) # Run startup code def startup(self): # Build (translate) the blocks, if not already done so. self.build() self.initializeTimestamp() self.__speedMeasureStartTime = self.now self.__speedMeasureStartInsnCount = 0 self.__speedMeasureStartCycleCount = 0 self.startupTime = self.now self.initClockMemState(force=True) # Run startup OB if 102 in self.obs and self.is4accu: # Cold start. # This is only done on 4xx-series CPUs. self.__runOB(self.obs[102]) elif 100 in self.obs: # Warm start. # This really is a cold start, because remanent # resources were reset. However we could not execute # OB 102, so this is a fallback. # This is not 100% compliant with real CPUs, but it probably # is sane behavior. self.__runOB(self.obs[100]) # Run one cycle of the user program def runCycle(self): #+cdef #@cy cdef double elapsedTime #@cy cdef double cycleTime #@cy cdef uint32_t cycleCount #@cy cdef uint32_t insnCount # Run the actual OB1 code self.__runOB(self.obs[1]) # Update timekeeping and statistics self.updateTimestamp() self.__cycleCount = (self.__cycleCount + 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF # Evaluate speed measurement elapsedTime = self.now - self.__speedMeasureStartTime if elapsedTime >= 1.0: # Calculate instruction and cycle counts. cycleCount = (self.__cycleCount - self.__speedMeasureStartCycleCount) &\ 0x3FFFFFFF insnCount = (self.__insnCount - self.__speedMeasureStartInsnCount) &\ 0x3FFFFFFF # Calculate instruction statistics. self.insnPerSecond = insnCount / elapsedTime self.avgInsnPerCycle = insnCount / cycleCount # Get the average cycle time over the measurement period. cycleTime = elapsedTime / cycleCount # Store overall-average cycle time and maximum cycle time. self.maxCycleTime = max(self.maxCycleTime, cycleTime) self.minCycleTime = min(self.minCycleTime, cycleTime) self.avgCycleTime = (self.avgCycleTime + cycleTime) / 2.0 # Reset the counters self.__speedMeasureStartTime = self.now self.__speedMeasureStartInsnCount = self.__insnCount self.__speedMeasureStartCycleCount = self.__cycleCount # Call the cycle exit callback, if any. if self.cbCycleExit is not None: self.cbCycleExit(self.cbCycleExitData) # Returns 'self.now' as 31 bit millisecond representation. # That is data type 'TIME'. # The returned value will always be positive and wrap # from 0x7FFFFFFF to 0. @property def now_TIME(self): return int(self.now * 1000.0) & 0x7FFFFFFF # Initialize time stamp. def initializeTimestamp(self): # Initialize the time stamp so that it will # overflow 31 bit millisecond count within # 100 milliseconds after startup. # An 31 bit overflow happens after 0x7FFFFFFF ms, # which is 2147483647 ms, which is 2147483.647 s. # Create an offset to 'self.now' that is added every # time 'self.now' is updated. now = perf_monotonic_time() self.__nowOffset = -(now) + (2147483.647 - 0.1) self.updateTimestamp() # updateTimestamp() updates self.now, which is a # floating point count of seconds. def updateTimestamp(self, _getTime=perf_monotonic_time): #@nocy #@cy cpdef updateTimestamp(self, object _getTime=perf_monotonic_time): #@cy cdef uint32_t value #@cy cdef uint32_t count # Update the system time self.now = _getTime() + self.__nowOffset # Update the clock memory byte if self.__clockMemByteOffset: try: if self.now >= self.__nextClockMemTime: self.__nextClockMemTime += 0.05 value = self.flags.fetch(self.__clockMemByteOffset, 8) value ^= 0x01 # 0.1s period count = self.__clockMemCount + 1 self.__clockMemCount = count if not count % 2: value ^= 0x02 # 0.2s period if not count % 4: value ^= 0x04 # 0.4s period if not count % 5: value ^= 0x08 # 0.5s period if not count % 8: value ^= 0x10 # 0.8s period if not count % 10: value ^= 0x20 # 1.0s period if not count % 16: value ^= 0x40 # 1.6s period if not count % 20: value ^= 0x80 # 2.0s period if count >= self.__clockMemCountLCM: self.__clockMemCount = 0 self.flags.store(self.__clockMemByteOffset, 8, value) except AwlSimError as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to generate clock " "memory signal:\n" + str(e) +\ "\n\nThe configured clock memory byte " "address might be invalid." ) # Check whether the runtime timeout exceeded if self.__runtimeLimit >= 0.0: if self.now - self.startupTime >= self.__runtimeLimit: raise MaintenanceRequest(MaintenanceRequest.TYPE_RTTIMEOUT, "CPU runtime timeout") # Make a DATE_AND_TIME for the current wall-time and # store it in byteArray, which is a bytearray or compatible. # If byteArray is smaller than 8 bytes, an IndexError is raised. def makeCurrentDateAndTime(self, byteArray, offset): dt = datetime.datetime.now() year, month, day, hour, minute, second, msec =\ dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, \ dt.minute, dt.second, dt.microsecond // 1000 byteArray[offset] = (year % 10) | (((year // 10) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 1] = (month % 10) | (((month // 10) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 2] = (day % 10) | (((day // 10) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 3] = (hour % 10) | (((hour // 10) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 4] = (minute % 10) | (((minute // 10) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 5] = (second % 10) | (((second // 10) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 6] = ((msec // 10) % 10) | (((msec // 100) % 10) << 4) byteArray[offset + 7] = ((msec % 10) << 4) |\ AwlDataType.dateAndTimeWeekdayMap[dt.weekday()] def __runTimeCheck(self): #@nocy #@cy cdef __runTimeCheck(self): if self.now - self.cycleStartTime > self.cycleTimeLimit: raise AwlSimError("Cycle time exceed %.3f seconds" %\ self.cycleTimeLimit) def getCurrentIP(self): try: return self.callStackTop.ip except IndexError as e: return None def getCurrentInsn(self): try: cse = self.callStackTop if not cse: return None return cse.insns[cse.ip] except IndexError as e: return None def labelIdxToRelJump(self, labelIndex): #@nocy #@cy cdef int32_t labelIdxToRelJump(self, uint32_t labelIndex): #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse # Translate a label index into a relative IP offset. cse = self.callStackTop label = cse.block.labels[labelIndex] return label.getInsn().getIP() - cse.ip def jumpToLabel(self, labelIndex): #@nocy #@cy cdef jumpToLabel(self, uint32_t labelIndex): self.relativeJump = self.labelIdxToRelJump(labelIndex) def jumpRelative(self, insnOffset): #@nocy #@cy cdef jumpRelative(self, int32_t insnOffset): self.relativeJump = insnOffset def __call_FC(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_FC(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): fc = self.fcs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] return CallStackElem(self, fc, None, None, parameters, False) def __call_RAW_FC(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_RAW_FC(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): fc = self.fcs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] return CallStackElem(self, fc, None, None, (), True) def __call_FB(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_FB(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse #@cy cdef DB db fb = self.fbs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] db = self.dbs[dbOper.value.byteOffset] cse = CallStackElem(self, fb, db, AwlOffset(), parameters, False) self.dbRegister, self.diRegister = self.diRegister, db return cse def __call_RAW_FB(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_RAW_FB(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): fb = self.fbs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] return CallStackElem(self, fb, self.diRegister, None, (), True) def __call_SFC(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_SFC(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): sfc = self.sfcs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] return CallStackElem(self, sfc, None, None, parameters, False) def __call_RAW_SFC(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_RAW_SFC(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): sfc = self.sfcs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] return CallStackElem(self, sfc, None, None, (), True) def __call_SFB(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_SFB(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse #@cy cdef DB db sfb = self.sfbs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] db = self.dbs[dbOper.value.byteOffset] cse = CallStackElem(self, sfb, db, AwlOffset(), parameters, False) self.dbRegister, self.diRegister = self.diRegister, db return cse def __call_RAW_SFB(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_RAW_SFB(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): sfb = self.sfbs[blockOper.value.byteOffset] return CallStackElem(self, sfb, self.diRegister, None, (), True) def __call_INDIRECT(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_INDIRECT(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): blockOper = blockOper.resolve() #@cy if blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_FC: #@cy return self.__call_RAW_FC(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_FB: #@cy return self.__call_RAW_FB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_SFC: #@cy return self.__call_RAW_SFC(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_SFB: #@cy return self.__call_RAW_SFB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy else: #@cy raise AwlSimError("Invalid CALL operand") callHelper = self.__rawCallHelpers[blockOper.type] #@nocy try: #@nocy return callHelper(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@nocy except KeyError as e: #@nocy raise AwlSimError("Code block %d not found in indirect call" %( #@nocy blockOper.value.byteOffset)) #@nocy def __call_MULTI_FB(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_MULTI_FB(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): fb = self.fbs[blockOper.value.fbNumber] base = AwlOffset.fromPointerValue(self.ar2.get()) + blockOper.value cse = CallStackElem(self, fb, self.diRegister, base, parameters, False) self.dbRegister = self.diRegister return cse def __call_MULTI_SFB(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters): #@nocy #@cy cdef CallStackElem __call_MULTI_SFB(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper, tuple parameters): #@cy cdef AwlOffset base #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse sfb = self.sfbs[blockOper.value.fbNumber] base = AwlOffset.fromPointerValue(self.ar2.get()) + blockOper.value cse = CallStackElem(self, sfb, self.diRegister, base, parameters, False) self.dbRegister = self.diRegister return cse __callHelpersDict = { #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_FC : __call_FC, #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_FB : __call_FB, #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFC : __call_SFC, #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFB : __call_SFB, #@nocy AwlOperator.MULTI_FB : __call_MULTI_FB, #@nocy AwlOperator.MULTI_SFB : __call_MULTI_SFB, #@nocy } #@nocy __rawCallHelpersDict = { #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_FC : __call_RAW_FC, #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_FB : __call_RAW_FB, #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFC : __call_RAW_SFC, #@nocy AwlOperator.BLKREF_SFB : __call_RAW_SFB, #@nocy AwlOperator.INDIRECT : __call_INDIRECT, #@nocy } #@nocy def run_CALL(self, blockOper, dbOper=None, parameters=(), raw=False): #@nocy #@cy cdef run_CALL(self, AwlOperator blockOper, AwlOperator dbOper=None, #@cy tuple parameters=(), _Bool raw=False): #@cy cdef CallStackElem newCse #@cy if raw: #@cy if blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_FC: #@cy newCse = self.__call_RAW_FC(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_FB: #@cy newCse = self.__call_RAW_FB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_SFC: #@cy newCse = self.__call_RAW_SFC(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_SFB: #@cy newCse = self.__call_RAW_SFB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_INDIRECT: #@cy newCse = self.__call_INDIRECT(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy else: #@cy raise AwlSimError("Invalid CALL operand") #@cy else: #@cy if blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_FC: #@cy newCse = self.__call_FC(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_FB: #@cy newCse = self.__call_FB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_SFC: #@cy newCse = self.__call_SFC(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_BLKREF_SFB: #@cy newCse = self.__call_SFB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_MULTI_FB: #@cy newCse = self.__call_MULTI_FB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy elif blockOper.type == self._OPER_MULTI_SFB: #@cy newCse = self.__call_MULTI_SFB(blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@cy else: #@cy raise AwlSimError("Invalid CALL operand") try: #@nocy if raw: #@nocy callHelper = self.__rawCallHelpers[blockOper.type] #@nocy else: #@nocy callHelper = self.__callHelpers[blockOper.type] #@nocy except KeyError: #@nocy raise AwlSimError("Invalid CALL operand") #@nocy newCse = callHelper(self, blockOper, dbOper, parameters) #@nocy self.callStack.append(newCse) self.callStackTop = newCse def run_BE(self): #+cdef #@cy cdef S7StatusWord s #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse s = self.statusWord s.OS, s.OR, s.STA, s.NER = 0, 0, 1, 0 # Jump beyond end of block cse = self.callStackTop self.relativeJump = len(cse.insns) - cse.ip def run_AUF(self, dbOper): #@nocy #@cy cdef run_AUF(self, AwlOperator dbOper): #@cy cdef DB db dbOper = dbOper.resolve() try: db = self.dbs[dbOper.value.byteOffset] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("Datablock %i does not exist" %\ dbOper.value.byteOffset) if dbOper.type == AwlOperator.BLKREF_DB: self.dbRegister = db elif dbOper.type == AwlOperator.BLKREF_DI: self.diRegister = db else: raise AwlSimError("Invalid DB reference in AUF") def run_TDB(self): #+cdef # Swap global and instance DB self.diRegister, self.dbRegister = self.dbRegister, self.diRegister def getStatusWord(self): return self.statusWord def getAccu(self, index): if index < 1 or index > self.specs.nrAccus: raise AwlSimError("Invalid ACCU offset") return (self.accu1, self.accu2, self.accu3, self.accu4)[index - 1] def getAR(self, index): if index < 1 or index > 2: raise AwlSimError("Invalid AR offset") return (self.ar1, self.ar2)[index - 1] def getTimer(self, index): try: return self.timers[index] except IndexError as e: raise AwlSimError("Fetched invalid timer %d" % index) def getCounter(self, index): try: return self.counters[index] except IndexError as e: raise AwlSimError("Fetched invalid counter %d" % index) def getSpecs(self): return self.specs def getConf(self): return self.conf def setMcrActive(self, active): self.mcrActive = active def mcrIsOn(self): return (not self.mcrActive or all(self.mcrStack)) def mcrStackAppend(self, statusWord): self.mcrStack.append(McrStackElem(statusWord)) if len(self.mcrStack) > 8: raise AwlSimError("MCR stack overflow") def mcrStackPop(self): try: return self.mcrStack.pop() except IndexError: raise AwlSimError("MCR stack underflow") def parenStackAppend(self, insnType, statusWord): #@nocy #@cy cdef parenStackAppend(self, uint32_t insnType, S7StatusWord statusWord): #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse cse = self.callStackTop cse.parenStack.append(ParenStackElem(self, insnType, statusWord)) if len(cse.parenStack) > 7: raise AwlSimError("Parenthesis stack overflow") def __translateFCNamedLocalOper(self, operator, store): #@nocy #@cy cdef AwlOperator __translateFCNamedLocalOper(self, AwlOperator operator, _Bool store): #@cy cdef uint32_t pointer #@cy cdef uint32_t opType #@cy cdef uint32_t dbNr #@cy cdef AwlOperator interfOp #@cy cdef AwlOperator dbPtrOp #@cy cdef AwlOperator finalOp # Translate an 'operator' to a named local FC parameter. # The returned operator is an operator to the actual data. interfOp = self.callStackTop.getInterfIdxOper(operator.interfaceIndex).resolve(store) if operator.compound: # This is a named local variable with compound data type. # The operator (interfOp) points to a DB-pointer in VL. # First fetch the DB pointer values from VL. dbPtrOp = interfOp.dup() dbPtrOp.width = 16 dbNr = self.fetch(dbPtrOp) dbPtrOp.value += AwlOffset(2) dbPtrOp.width = 32 pointer = self.fetch(dbPtrOp) # Open the DB pointed to by the DB-ptr. # (This is ok, if dbNr is 0, too) self.run_AUF(AwlOperator(AwlOperator.BLKREF_DB, 16, AwlOffset(dbNr), operator.insn)) # Make an operator from the DB-ptr. try: opType = AwlIndirectOp.area2optype_fetch[ pointer & AwlIndirectOp.AREA_MASK] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("Corrupt DB pointer in compound " "data type FC variable detected " "(invalid area).", insn = operator.insn) finalOp = AwlOperator(opType, operator.width, AwlOffset.fromPointerValue(pointer), operator.insn) else: # Not a compound data type. # The translated operand already points to the variable. finalOp = interfOp.dup() finalOp.width = operator.width # Add possible sub-offsets (ARRAY, STRUCT) to the offset. finalOp.value += operator.value.subOffset # Reparent the operator to the originating instruction. # This is especially important for T and Z fetches due # to their semantic dependency on the instruction being used. finalOp.insn = operator.insn return finalOp # Fetch a range in the 'output' memory area. # 'byteOffset' is the byte offset into the output area. # 'byteCount' is the number if bytes to fetch. # Returns a bytearray. # This raises an AwlSimError, if the access if out of range. def fetchOutputRange(self, byteOffset, byteCount): #@nocy #@cy cpdef bytearray fetchOutputRange(self, uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t byteCount): if byteOffset + byteCount > len(self.outputs): #@nocy #@cy if byteOffset + byteCount > len(self.outputs): raise AwlSimError("Fetch from output process image region " "is out of range " "(imageSize=%d, fetchOffset=%d, fetchSize=%d)." % ( len(self.outputs), byteOffset, byteCount)) return self.outputs.dataBytes[byteOffset : byteOffset + byteCount] # Fetch a range in the 'input' memory area. # 'byteOffset' is the byte offset into the input area. # 'byteCount' is the number if bytes to fetch. # Returns a bytearray. # This raises an AwlSimError, if the access if out of range. def fetchInputRange(self, byteOffset, byteCount): #@nocy #@cy cpdef bytearray fetchInputRange(self, uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t byteCount): if byteOffset + byteCount > len(self.inputs): #@nocy #@cy if byteOffset + byteCount > len(self.inputs): raise AwlSimError("Fetch from input process image region " "is out of range " "(imageSize=%d, fetchOffset=%d, fetchSize=%d)." % ( len(self.inputs), byteOffset, byteCount)) return self.inputs.dataBytes[byteOffset : byteOffset + byteCount] # Store a range in the 'input' memory area. # 'byteOffset' is the byte offset into the input area. # 'data' is a bytearray. # This raises an AwlSimError, if the access if out of range. def storeInputRange(self, byteOffset, data): #@nocy #@cy cpdef storeInputRange(self, uint32_t byteOffset, bytearray data): #@cy cdef uint32_t dataLen dataLen = len(data) if byteOffset + dataLen > len(self.inputs): #@nocy #@cy if byteOffset + dataLen > len(self.inputs): raise AwlSimError("Store to input process image region " "is out of range " "(imageSize=%d, storeOffset=%d, storeSize=%d)." % ( len(self.inputs), byteOffset, dataLen)) self.inputs.dataBytes[byteOffset : byteOffset + dataLen] = data def fetch(self, operator, enforceWidth=frozenset()): #@nocy #@cy cpdef object fetch(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth=frozenset()): try: fetchMethod = self.__fetchTypeMethods[operator.type] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("Invalid fetch request: %s" %\ str(operator)) return fetchMethod(self, operator, enforceWidth) def __fetchWidthError(self, operator, enforceWidth): raise AwlSimError("Data fetch of %d bits, " "but only %s bits are allowed." %\ (operator.width, listToHumanStr(enforceWidth))) def __fetchIMM(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchIMM(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return operator.value def __fetchIMM_PTR(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchIMM_PTR(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return operator.value.toNativePointerValue() def __fetchIMM_STR(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchIMM_STR(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef uint32_t insnType #@cy cdef uint32_t value if operator.width <= 48 and operator.insn: insnType = operator.insn.insnType if insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_L or\ insnType >= AwlInsn.TYPE_EXTENDED: # This is a special 0-4 character fetch (L) that # is transparently translated into an integer. value, data = 0, operator.value for i in range(2, operator.width // 8): value = (value << 8) | data[i] return value if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return operator.value def __fetchDBLG(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchDBLG(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.dbRegister.struct.getSize() def __fetchDBNO(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchDBNO(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.dbRegister.index def __fetchDILG(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchDILG(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.diRegister.struct.getSize() def __fetchDINO(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchDINO(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.diRegister.index def __fetchAR2(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchAR2(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.getAR(2).get() def __fetchSTW(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if operator.width == 1: return self.statusWord.getByBitNumber(operator.value.bitOffset) elif operator.width == 16: return self.statusWord.getWord() else: assert(0) def __fetchSTW_Z(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_Z(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return (self.statusWord.A0 ^ 1) & (self.statusWord.A1 ^ 1) def __fetchSTW_NZ(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_NZ(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.statusWord.A0 | self.statusWord.A1 def __fetchSTW_POS(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_POS(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return (self.statusWord.A0 ^ 1) & self.statusWord.A1 def __fetchSTW_NEG(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_NEG(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.statusWord.A0 & (self.statusWord.A1 ^ 1) def __fetchSTW_POSZ(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_POSZ(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.statusWord.A0 ^ 1 def __fetchSTW_NEGZ(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_NEGZ(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.statusWord.A1 ^ 1 def __fetchSTW_UO(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchSTW_UO(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.statusWord.A0 & self.statusWord.A1 def __fetchE(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchE(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.inputs.fetch(operator.value, operator.width) def __fetchA(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchA(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.outputs.fetch(operator.value, operator.width) def __fetchM(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchM(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.flags.fetch(operator.value, operator.width) def __fetchL(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchL(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.callStackTop.localdata.fetch(operator.value, operator.width) def __fetchVL(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchVL(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) try: cse = self.callStack[-2] except IndexError: raise AwlSimError("Fetch of parent localstack, " "but no parent present.") return cse.localdata.fetch(operator.value, operator.width) def __fetchDB(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchDB(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if operator.value.dbNumber is not None: # This is a fully qualified access (DBx.DBx X) # Open the data block first. self.run_AUF(AwlOperator(AwlOperator.BLKREF_DB, 16, AwlOffset(operator.value.dbNumber), operator.insn)) return self.dbRegister.fetch(operator) def __fetchDI(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchDI(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if self.callStackTop.block.isFB: # Fetch the data using the multi-instance base offset from AR2. return self.diRegister.fetch(operator, AwlOffset.fromPointerValue(self.ar2.get())) # Fetch without base offset. return self.diRegister.fetch(operator) def __fetchPE(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchPE(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef bytearray readBytes #@cy cdef uint32_t readValue #@cy cdef uint32_t bitWidth bitWidth = operator.width if bitWidth not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) operatorValue = operator.value # Fetch the data from the peripheral device. readBytes = self.cbPeripheralRead(self.cbPeripheralReadData, bitWidth, operatorValue.byteOffset) if not readBytes: raise AwlSimError("There is no hardware to handle " "the direct peripheral fetch. " "(width=%d, offset=%d)" %\ (bitWidth, operatorValue.byteOffset)) readValue = WordPacker.fromBytes(readBytes, bitWidth) # Store the data to the process image, if it is within the inputs range. if operatorValue.toLongBitOffset() + bitWidth < self.specs.nrInputs * 8: self.inputs.store(operatorValue, bitWidth, readValue) return readValue def __fetchT(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchT(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef uint32_t insnType #@cy cdef uint32_t width insnType = operator.insn.insnType if insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_L or insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_LC: width = 32 else: width = 1 if width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) timer = self.getTimer(operator.value.byteOffset) if insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_L: return timer.getTimevalBin() elif insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_LC: return timer.getTimevalS5T() return timer.get() def __fetchZ(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchZ(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef uint32_t insnType #@cy cdef uint32_t width insnType = operator.insn.insnType if insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_L or insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_LC: width = 32 else: width = 1 if width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) counter = self.getCounter(operator.value.byteOffset) if insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_L: return counter.getValueBin() elif insnType == AwlInsn.TYPE_LC: return counter.getValueBCD() return counter.get() def __fetchNAMED_LOCAL(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchNAMED_LOCAL(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): # load from an FC interface field. return self.fetch(self.__translateFCNamedLocalOper(operator, False), enforceWidth) def __fetchNAMED_LOCAL_PTR(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchNAMED_LOCAL_PTR(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): assert(operator.value.subOffset.byteOffset == 0) #@nocy return self.callStackTop.getInterfIdxOper(operator.interfaceIndex).resolve(False).makePointerValue() def __fetchNAMED_DBVAR(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchNAMED_DBVAR(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): # All legit accesses will have been translated to absolute addressing already raise AwlSimError("Fully qualified load from DB variable " "is not supported in this place.") def __fetchINDIRECT(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchINDIRECT(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): return self.fetch(operator.resolve(False), enforceWidth) def __fetchVirtACCU(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchVirtACCU(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.getAccu(operator.value.byteOffset).get() def __fetchVirtAR(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchVirtAR(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) return self.getAR(operator.value.byteOffset).get() def __fetchVirtDBR(self, operator, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __fetchVirtDBR(self, AwlOperator operator, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__fetchWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if operator.value.byteOffset == 1: if self.dbRegister: return self.dbRegister.index elif operator.value.byteOffset == 2: if self.diRegister: return self.diRegister.index else: raise AwlSimError("Invalid __DBR %d. " "Must be 1 for DB-register or " "2 for DI-register." %\ operator.value.byteOffset) return 0 __fetchTypeMethodsDict = { AwlOperator.IMM : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_REAL : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_S5T : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_TIME : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_DATE : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_DT : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_TOD : __fetchIMM, AwlOperator.IMM_PTR : __fetchIMM_PTR, AwlOperator.IMM_STR : __fetchIMM_STR, AwlOperator.MEM_E : __fetchE, AwlOperator.MEM_A : __fetchA, AwlOperator.MEM_M : __fetchM, AwlOperator.MEM_L : __fetchL, AwlOperator.MEM_VL : __fetchVL, AwlOperator.MEM_DB : __fetchDB, AwlOperator.MEM_DI : __fetchDI, AwlOperator.MEM_T : __fetchT, AwlOperator.MEM_Z : __fetchZ, AwlOperator.MEM_PE : __fetchPE, AwlOperator.MEM_DBLG : __fetchDBLG, AwlOperator.MEM_DBNO : __fetchDBNO, AwlOperator.MEM_DILG : __fetchDILG, AwlOperator.MEM_DINO : __fetchDINO, AwlOperator.MEM_AR2 : __fetchAR2, AwlOperator.MEM_STW : __fetchSTW, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_Z : __fetchSTW_Z, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_NZ : __fetchSTW_NZ, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_POS : __fetchSTW_POS, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_NEG : __fetchSTW_NEG, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_POSZ : __fetchSTW_POSZ, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_NEGZ : __fetchSTW_NEGZ, AwlOperator.MEM_STW_UO : __fetchSTW_UO, AwlOperator.NAMED_LOCAL : __fetchNAMED_LOCAL, AwlOperator.NAMED_LOCAL_PTR : __fetchNAMED_LOCAL_PTR, AwlOperator.NAMED_DBVAR : __fetchNAMED_DBVAR, AwlOperator.INDIRECT : __fetchINDIRECT, AwlOperator.VIRT_ACCU : __fetchVirtACCU, AwlOperator.VIRT_AR : __fetchVirtAR, AwlOperator.VIRT_DBR : __fetchVirtDBR, } def store(self, operator, value, enforceWidth=frozenset()): #@nocy #@cy cpdef store(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth=frozenset()): try: storeMethod = self.__storeTypeMethods[operator.type] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("Invalid store request: %s" %\ str(operator)) storeMethod(self, operator, value, enforceWidth) def __storeWidthError(self, operator, enforceWidth): raise AwlSimError("Data store of %d bits, " "but only %s bits are allowed." %\ (operator.width, listToHumanStr(enforceWidth))) def __storeE(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeE(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) self.inputs.store(operator.value, operator.width, value) def __storeA(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeA(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) self.outputs.store(operator.value, operator.width, value) def __storeM(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeM(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) self.flags.store(operator.value, operator.width, value) def __storeL(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeL(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) self.callStackTop.localdata.store(operator.value, operator.width, value) def __storeVL(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeVL(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef CallStackElem cse if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) try: cse = self.callStack[-2] except IndexError: raise AwlSimError("Store to parent localstack, " "but no parent present.") cse.localdata.store(operator.value, operator.width, value) def __storeDB(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeDB(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef DB db if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if operator.value.dbNumber is None: db = self.dbRegister else: try: db = self.dbs[operator.value.dbNumber] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("Store to DB %d, but DB " "does not exist" % operator.value.dbNumber) db.store(operator, value) def __storeDI(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeDI(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if self.callStackTop.block.isFB: # Store the data using the multi-instance base offset from AR2. self.diRegister.store(operator, value, AwlOffset.fromPointerValue(self.ar2.get())) else: # Store without base offset. self.diRegister.store(operator, value) def __storePA(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storePA(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): #@cy cdef _Bool ok #@cy cdef uint32_t bitWidth #@cy cdef bytearray valueBytes bitWidth = operator.width if bitWidth not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) operatorValue = operator.value # Store the data to the process image, if it is within the outputs range. if operatorValue.toLongBitOffset() + bitWidth < self.specs.nrOutputs * 8: self.outputs.store(operatorValue, bitWidth, value) # Store the data to the peripheral device. valueBytes = bytearray(bitWidth // 8) WordPacker.toBytes(valueBytes, bitWidth, 0, value) ok = self.cbPeripheralWrite(self.cbPeripheralWriteData, bitWidth, operatorValue.byteOffset, valueBytes) if not ok: raise AwlSimError("There is no hardware to handle " "the direct peripheral store. " "(width=%d, offset=%d, value=0x%X)" %\ (bitWidth, operatorValue.byteOffset, value)) def __storeAR2(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeAR2(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) self.getAR(2).set(value) def __storeSTW(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeSTW(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): if operator.width not in enforceWidth and enforceWidth: self.__storeWidthError(operator, enforceWidth) if operator.width == 1: raise AwlSimError("Cannot store to individual STW bits") elif operator.width == 16: self.statusWord.setWord(value) else: assert(0) def __storeNAMED_LOCAL(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeNAMED_LOCAL(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): # store to an FC interface field. self.store(self.__translateFCNamedLocalOper(operator, True), value, enforceWidth) def __storeNAMED_DBVAR(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeNAMED_DBVAR(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): # All legit accesses will have been translated to absolute addressing already raise AwlSimError("Fully qualified store to DB variable " "is not supported in this place.") def __storeINDIRECT(self, operator, value, enforceWidth): #@nocy #@cy def __storeINDIRECT(self, AwlOperator operator, object value, frozenset enforceWidth): self.store(operator.resolve(True), value, enforceWidth) __storeTypeMethodsDict = { AwlOperator.MEM_E : __storeE, AwlOperator.MEM_A : __storeA, AwlOperator.MEM_M : __storeM, AwlOperator.MEM_L : __storeL, AwlOperator.MEM_VL : __storeVL, AwlOperator.MEM_DB : __storeDB, AwlOperator.MEM_DI : __storeDI, AwlOperator.MEM_PA : __storePA, AwlOperator.MEM_AR2 : __storeAR2, AwlOperator.MEM_STW : __storeSTW, AwlOperator.NAMED_LOCAL : __storeNAMED_LOCAL, AwlOperator.NAMED_DBVAR : __storeNAMED_DBVAR, AwlOperator.INDIRECT : __storeINDIRECT, } def __dumpMem(self, prefix, memory, maxLen): if not memory or not memory.dataBytes: return prefix + "--" memArray = memory.dataBytes ret, line, first, count, i = [], [], True, 0, 0 def append(line): ret.append((prefix if first else (' ' * len(prefix))) +\ ' '.join(line)) while i < maxLen: line.append("%02X" % memArray[i]) count += 1 if count >= 16: append(line) line, count, first = [], 0, False i += 1 if count: append(line) return '\n'.join(ret) def dump(self, withTime=True): callStack, callStackTop = self.callStack, self.callStackTop if not callStack: return "" mnemonics = self.getMnemonics() isEnglish = (mnemonics == S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_EN) specs = self.specs self.updateTimestamp() ret = [] ret.append("[S7-CPU] t: %.01fs py: %d / %s / %s" %\ ((self.now - self.startupTime) if withTime else 0.0, 3 if isPy3Compat else 2, pythonInterpreter, "Win" if osIsWindows else ("Posix" if osIsPosix else "unknown"))) ret.append(" STW: " + self.statusWord.getString(mnemonics)) if self.is4accu: accus = ( accu.toHex() for accu in (self.accu1, self.accu2, self.accu3, self.accu4) ) else: accus = ( accu.toHex() for accu in (self.accu1, self.accu2) ) ret.append(" Accu: " + " ".join(accus)) ars = ( "%s (%s)" % (ar.toHex(), ar.toPointerString()) for ar in (self.ar1, self.ar2) ) ret.append(" AR: " + " ".join(ars)) ret.append(self.__dumpMem(" M: ", self.flags, min(64, specs.nrFlags))) prefix = " I: " if isEnglish else " E: " ret.append(self.__dumpMem(prefix, self.inputs, min(64, specs.nrInputs))) prefix = " Q: " if isEnglish else " A: " ret.append(self.__dumpMem(prefix, self.outputs, min(64, specs.nrOutputs))) pstack = str(callStackTop.parenStack) if callStackTop.parenStack else "Empty" ret.append(" PStack: " + pstack) ret.append(" DB: %s" % str(self.dbRegister)) ret.append(" DI: %s" % str(self.diRegister)) if callStack: elemsMax = 8 elems = " => ".join(str(cse) for cse in callStack[:elemsMax]) elemsEnd = " ..." if (len(callStack) > elemsMax) else "" ret.append(" Calls: %d: %s%s" %\ (len(callStack), elems, elemsEnd)) localdata = callStack[-1].localdata ret.append(self.__dumpMem(" L: ", localdata, min(16, specs.nrLocalbytes))) try: localdata = callStack[-2].localdata except IndexError: localdata = None ret.append(self.__dumpMem(" VL: ", localdata, min(16, specs.nrLocalbytes))) else: ret.append(" Calls: None") curInsn = self.getCurrentInsn() ret.append(" Stmt: IP:%s %s" %\ (str(self.getCurrentIP()), str(curInsn) if curInsn else "")) if self.insnPerSecond: usPerInsn = "%.03f" % ((1.0 / self.insnPerSecond) * 1000000) else: usPerInsn = "-/-" ret.append(" Speed: %d stmt/s (= %s us/stmt) %.01f stmt/cycle" %\ (int(round(self.insnPerSecond)), usPerInsn, self.avgInsnPerCycle)) ret.append(" CycleT: avg: %.06f s min: %.06f s max: %.06f s" %\ (self.avgCycleTime, self.minCycleTime, self.maxCycleTime)) return '\n'.join(ret) def __repr__(self): return self.dump()