# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - data structs # # Copyright 2013-2015 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.datatypehelpers import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.util import * from awlsim.core.datatypes import * from awlsim.core.memory import * #+cimport from awlsim.core.identifier import * from awlsim.core.offset import * #+cimport class AwlStructField(object): "Data structure field" __slots__ = ( "name", "offset", "dataType", "initBytes", "override", "bitSize", "byteSize", "compound", ) # name => Field name string # offset => Field offset as AwlOffset # dataType => AwlDataType (or data type declaration string) # initBytes => bytes or bytearray of initialization data # override => Optional: Another AwlStructField that overrides this one. # May be None, if unused. def __init__(self, name, offset, dataType, initBytes=None, override=None): if isString(dataType): dataType = AwlDataType.makeByName(dataType) self.name = name self.offset = offset self.dataType = dataType self.initBytes = initBytes self.override = override self.bitSize = self.dataType.width self.byteSize = intDivRoundUp(self.bitSize, 8) self.compound = dataType.compound if self.initBytes is not None: assert(len(self.initBytes) == self.byteSize) def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other) or (\ isinstance(other, AwlStructField) and\ self.name == other.name and\ self.offset == other.offset and\ self.dataType == other.dataType and\ self.initBytes == other.initBytes and\ self.override == other.override\ ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) # Return the final AwlStructField override in the chain. @property def finalOverride(self): if self.override: return self.override.finalOverride return self def __repr__(self): s = "AwlStructField(\"%s\", P#%s, %s (%d bit), init=%s)" %\ (str(self.name), str(self.offset), str(self.dataType), self.bitSize, str(self.initBytes)) if self.override: s += " as " s += str(self.override) return s class AwlStruct(object): "Data structure" def __init__(self): self.fields = [] self.name2field = {} def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other) or (\ isinstance(other, AwlStruct) and\ self.fields == other.fields\ ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) # Return aligned size, in bytes. def getSize(self): size = self.getUnalignedSize() if size % 2: size += 1 return size # Return unaligned size, in bytes. def getUnalignedSize(self): if not self.fields: return 0 # Get the offset of the last field and # add its size. lastField = self.fields[-1].finalOverride return lastField.offset.byteOffset + lastField.byteSize def __registerField(self, field): self.fields.append(field) if field.name: self.name2field[field.name] = field # Add zero-length field. def addDummyField(self, name=None): offset = AwlOffset(self.getUnalignedSize()) field = AwlStructField(name, offset, "VOID") self.__registerField(field) # Merge another struct 'otherStruct' into this struct 'self'. # 'otherStructName' is the name string of the other struct. # 'otherStructDataType' is the AwlDataType of the other struct. def merge(self, otherStruct, otherStructName=None, otherStructDataType=None): if not otherStructDataType: otherStructDataType = "VOID" # First add a field with the sub-structure's name. # This field is used for retrieval of a pointer to the sub-struct, # for alignment and for informational purposes only. baseOffset = AwlOffset(self.getUnalignedSize()) baseField = AwlStructField(otherStructName, baseOffset, otherStructDataType, override = AwlStructField(otherStructName, baseOffset, "VOID")) self.__registerField(baseField) # Add all fields from the other struct. baseOffset = AwlOffset(self.getUnalignedSize()) for otherField in otherStruct.fields: if otherStructName and otherField.name: if otherField.name.startswith('[') and\ otherField.name.endswith(']'): newName = otherStructName + otherField.name else: newName = otherStructName + "." + otherField.name else: newName = None field = AwlStructField(name = newName, offset = baseOffset + otherField.offset, dataType = otherField.dataType, initBytes = otherField.initBytes, override = otherField.override) self.__registerField(field) # Add a zero-length sub-struct-end guard field, # to enforce alignment of following fields. self.addDummyField() return baseField def addField(self, cpu, name, dataType, initBytes=None): initMem = AwlMemory() initMem.dataBytes = initBytes if dataType.type == dataType.TYPE_UDT_X: # Add an UDT. try: udt = cpu.udts[dataType.index] except KeyError: assert(0) # Should never happen assert(not initBytes) # Assign the struct to the UDT data type, if # not already done so. assert(dataType.struct is None or dataType.struct is udt._struct) dataType.setStruct(udt._struct) # Merge the UDT struct with this struct. return self.merge(udt._struct, name, dataType) if dataType.width < 0: raise AwlSimError("Width of data structure field '%s : %s' " "is undefined. This probably means that its data " "type is unsupported." %\ (name, str(dataType))) if dataType.type == dataType.TYPE_STRUCT or\ dataType.type == dataType.TYPE_STRING: # Add a STRUCT (or STRING, which is represented as struct). # The struct is represented by the data types struct. # Merge the data type struct into this struct. assert(dataType.struct) baseField = self.merge(dataType.struct, name, dataType) baseField.override = AwlStructField(baseField.name, baseField.offset, "VOID") baseField.initBytes = initBytes if dataType.type == dataType.TYPE_ARRAY: # Add an ARRAY. # First add a field with the array's name. # It has the data type 'ARRAY' and is informational only. offset = AwlOffset(self.getUnalignedSize()) baseField = AwlStructField(name, offset, dataType, override = AwlStructField(name, offset, "VOID")) self.__registerField(baseField) # Add fields for each ARRAY entry. initOffset = AwlOffset() childIdent = AwlDataIdent(name, [ d[0] for d in dataType.arrayDimensions ], doValidateName = False) childType = dataType.arrayElementType if not childType.allowedInArray: raise AwlSimError("Data type '%s' not allowed in ARRAY" %\ str(childType)) for i in range(dataType.arrayGetNrElements()): try: if not initBytes: raise ValueError fieldInitMem = AwlMemory(intDivRoundUp(childType.width, 8)) fieldInitData = fieldInitMem.dataBytes fieldInitMem.store(AwlOffset(), childType.width, initMem.fetch(initOffset, childType.width)) except (AwlSimError, ValueError) as e: fieldInitData = None self.addField(cpu, str(childIdent), childType, fieldInitData) initOffset += AwlOffset.fromLongBitOffset(childType.width) childIdent.advanceToNextArrayElement(dataType.arrayDimensions) if childType.width > 8 and\ intDivRoundUp(childType.width, 8) % 2 != 0: # Align each element to 2-byte-boundary, if word or bigger. self.addField(cpu, None, AwlDataType.makeByName("BYTE")) # Add a zero-length array-end guard field, # to enforce alignment of following fields. self.addDummyField() if dataType.type not in {dataType.TYPE_ARRAY, dataType.TYPE_STRUCT, dataType.TYPE_STRING}: # Add a single data type. if dataType.width == 1 and self.fields and\ self.fields[-1].bitSize == 1 and\ self.fields[-1].offset.bitOffset < 7: # Consecutive bitfields are merged into one byte offset = AwlOffset(self.fields[-1].offset.byteOffset, self.fields[-1].offset.bitOffset + 1) else: offset = AwlOffset(self.getUnalignedSize()) baseField = AwlStructField(name, offset, dataType, initBytes) self.__registerField(baseField) return baseField def addFieldAligned(self, cpu, name, dataType, byteAlignment, initBytes=None): padding = byteAlignment - self.getUnalignedSize() % byteAlignment if padding == byteAlignment: padding = 0 while padding: self.addField(cpu, None, AwlDataType.makeByName("BYTE"), None) padding -= 1 return self.addField(cpu, name, dataType, initBytes) def addFieldNaturallyAligned(self, cpu, name, dataType, initBytes=None): if dataType.naturalAlignment == dataType.ALIGN_WORD: alignment = 2 else: alignment = 1 return self.addFieldAligned(cpu, name, dataType, alignment, initBytes) def getField(self, name): try: return self.name2field[name] except KeyError: raise AwlSimError("Data structure field '%s' not found" % name) def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(str(field) for field in self.fields) class AwlStructInstance(object): "Data structure instance" def __init__(self, struct): # Store a reference to the data structure self.struct = struct # Allocate self.memory self.memory = AwlMemory(self.struct.getSize()) # Initialize the data structure for field in self.struct.fields: if not field.initBytes: continue try: self.memory.store(field.offset, field.bitSize, field.initBytes) except AwlSimError as e: raise AwlSimError("Data structure field '%s' " "initialization is out of range." %\ str(field)) def getFieldData(self, field, baseOffset=None): if baseOffset is None: return self.memory.fetch(field.offset, field.bitSize) return self.memory.fetch(baseOffset + field.offset, field.bitSize) def setFieldData(self, field, value, baseOffset=None): if baseOffset is None: self.memory.store(field.offset, field.bitSize, value) else: self.memory.store(baseOffset + field.offset, field.bitSize, value) def getFieldDataByName(self, name): return self.getFieldData(self.struct.getField(name)) def setFieldDataByName(self, name, value): self.setFieldData(self.struct.getField(name), value)