# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - symbol table parser # # Copyright 2014 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.core.compat import * from awlsim.core.datatypes import * from awlsim.core.cpuspecs import * from awlsim.core.optrans import * from awlsim.core.util import * import csv class AwlsimSymTabCSVDialect(csv.Dialect): delimiter = str(';') quotechar = str('"') doublequote = True skipinitialspace = True lineterminator = str('\r\n') quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL csv.register_dialect("awlsim_symtab", AwlsimSymTabCSVDialect) class Symbol(object): """One symbol.""" def __init__(self, name, operator, type, comment=""): self.name = name # The symbol name string self.operator = operator # The symbol address (AwlOperator) self.type = type # The symbol type (AwlDataType) self.comment = comment # The comment string def nameIsEqual(self, otherName): return self.name.upper() == otherName.upper() def __csvRecord(self, value): value = str(value).encode(SymTabParser_CSV.ENCODING) value = value.replace(b'"', b'""') if b';' in value or\ b'"' in value or\ b'\r' in value or\ b'\n' in value: value = b'"' + value + b'"' return value def toCSV(self): # Returns compact CSV of this symbol. # Return type is bytes. try: name = self.__csvRecord(self.name) operator = self.__csvRecord(self.operator) type = self.__csvRecord(self.type) comment = self.__csvRecord(self.comment) return b''.join((name, b';', operator, b';', type, b';', comment, b'\r\n')) except UnicodeError as e: raise AwlSimError("Unicode error while trying to generate " "symbol CSV dump.") def toReadableCSV(self): # Returns human readable, but also machine processable # CSV of this symbol. # Return type is bytes. try: name = self.__csvRecord(self.name) operator = self.__csvRecord(self.operator) type = self.__csvRecord(self.type) comment = self.__csvRecord(self.comment) namePadding = b" " * (24 - len(name)) + b" " operatorPadding = b" " * (11 - len(operator)) + b" " if comment: typePadding = b" " * (9 - len(type)) + b" " else: typePadding = b"" return b''.join((name, b';', namePadding, operator, b';', operatorPadding, type, b';', typePadding, comment, b'\r\n')) except UnicodeError as e: raise AwlSimError("Unicode error while trying to generate " "symbol CSV dump.") def toASC(self): # Returns ASC format of this symbol. # Return type is bytes. try: name = str(self.name).encode(SymTabParser_ASC.ENCODING) operator = str(self.operator).encode(SymTabParser_ASC.ENCODING) type = str(self.type).encode(SymTabParser_ASC.ENCODING) comment = str(self.comment).encode(SymTabParser_ASC.ENCODING) name += b" " * (24 - len(name)) operator += b" " * (11 - len(operator)) type += b" " * (9 - len(type)) comment += b" " * (80 - len(comment)) return b''.join((b'126,', name, operator, b' ', type, b' ', comment, b'\r\n')) except UnicodeError as e: raise AwlSimError("Unicode error while trying to generate " "symbol ASC dump.") def __repr__(self): return self.toReadableCSV().decode(SymTabParser_CSV.ENCODING) class SymbolTable(object): """Parsed symbol table.""" def __init__(self): self.clear() def clear(self): self.symbols = [] def add(self, symbol): if self.findByName(symbol.name): raise AwlSimError("Multiple definitions of " "symbol '%s'" % symbol.name) self.symbols.append(symbol) def findByName(self, name): for symbol in self.symbols: if symbol.nameIsEqual(name): return symbol return None def merge(self, other): """Merge 'other' into 'self'""" for symbol in other.symbols: self.add(symbol) def toCSV(self): return b"".join(s.toCSV() for s in self.symbols) def toReadableCSV(self): return b"".join(s.toReadableCSV() for s in self.symbols) def toASC(self): return b"".join(s.toASC() for s in self.symbols) def __repr__(self): return self.toReadableCSV() class SymTabParser(object): """Abstract symbol table parser.""" ENCODING = "latin_1" implementations = [] @classmethod def parseFile(cls, filename, autodetectFormat=True, mnemonics=S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_AUTO): dataBytes = awlFileRead(filename, encoding="binary") return cls.parseData(dataBytes, autodetectFormat, mnemonics) @classmethod def parseData(cls, dataBytes, autodetectFormat=True, mnemonics=S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_AUTO): try: if autodetectFormat: for implCls in cls.implementations: if implCls._probe(dataBytes): parserClass = implCls break else: raise AwlSimError("Failed to find a suitable "\ "symbol table parser") else: parserClass = cls if mnemonics == S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_AUTO: instance = parserClass(S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_EN) try: symTab = instance._parse(dataBytes) except AwlSimError as e: instance = parserClass(S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_DE) symTab = instance._parse(dataBytes) else: instance = parserClass(mnemonics) symTab = instance._parse(dataBytes) return symTab except UnicodeError as e: raise AwlSimError("Encoding error while trying to decode " "symbol table.") @classmethod def _probe(cls, dataBytes): try: if not dataBytes.decode(cls.ENCODING).strip(): return False p = cls(None) p._parse(dataBytes, probeOnly=True) except AwlSimError as e: return False except UnicodeError as e: return False return True def __init__(self, mnemonics): self.mnemonics = mnemonics def _parse(self, data, probeOnly=False): raise NotImplementedError def _parseSym(self, symName, symAddr, symType, symComment, lineNr): symName = symName.strip() symAddr = symAddr.strip().upper() symType = symType.strip().upper() symComment = symComment.strip() if not symName: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Unnamed symbol " "in line %d" % lineNr) if not symAddr: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Symbol '%s' lacks " "an address (line %d)" % (symName, lineNr)) if len(symName) > 24: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Symbol name '%s' is " "too long. Maximum is 24 characters." % symName) if len(symAddr) > 11: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Symbol address string of symbol '%s' is " "too long. Maximum is 11 characters." % symName) if len(symType) > 9: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Symbol type string of symbol '%s' is " "too long. Maximum is 9 characters." % symName) if len(symComment) > 80: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Symbol comment string of symbol '%s' is " "too long. Maximum is 80 characters." % symName) if symAddr.startswith("VAT") and not symType: symType = symAddr if not symType: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Symbol '%s' lacks " "a type (line %d)" % (symName, lineNr)) try: awlType = AwlDataType.makeByName(symType.split()) except AwlSimError as e: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Can't parse symbol " "type '%s' in line %d" % (symType, lineNr)) try: opTrans = AwlOpTranslator(insn = None, mnemonics = self.mnemonics) opDesc = opTrans.translateOp(rawInsn = None, rawOps = symAddr.split()) except AwlSimError as e: raise AwlSimError("Symbol table parser: Can't parse symbol " "address '%s' in line %d" % (symAddr, lineNr)) return Symbol(name = symName, operator = opDesc.operator, type = awlType, comment = symComment) class SymTabParser_ASC(SymTabParser): def _parse(self, dataBytes, probeOnly=False): data = dataBytes.decode(self.ENCODING) table = SymbolTable() lines = data.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): lineNr = i + 1 if not line.strip(): continue if len(line) != 130: raise AwlSimError("ASC symbol table parser: "\ "Invalid line length (!= 130 chars) in "\ "line %d" % lineNr) if not line.startswith("126,"): raise AwlSimError("ASC symbol table parser: "\ "Invalid line start (!= '126,') in "\ "line %d" % lineNr) symName = line[4:28] symAddr = line[28:40] symType = line[40:50] symComment = line[50:] if not probeOnly: table.add(self._parseSym(symName = symName, symAddr = symAddr, symType = symType, symComment = symComment, lineNr = lineNr)) return table SymTabParser.implementations.append(SymTabParser_ASC) class SymTabParser_CSV(SymTabParser): def _parse(self, dataBytes, probeOnly=False): data = dataBytes.decode(self.ENCODING) table = SymbolTable() csvReader = csv.reader(data.splitlines(), dialect="awlsim_symtab") for i, row in enumerate(csvReader): lineNr = i + 1 if len(row) != 4: raise AwlSimError("Wrong record count in " "line %d. Expected 4, but got %d records." %\ (lineNr, len(row))) if not probeOnly: table.add(self._parseSym(symName = row[0], symAddr = row[1], symType = row[2], symComment = row[3], lineNr = lineNr)) return table SymTabParser.implementations.append(SymTabParser_CSV)