# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - SSH tunnel helper # # Copyright 2016-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.exceptions import * from awlsim.common.net import * from awlsim.common.env import * from awlsim.common.util import * from awlsim.common.subprocess_wrapper import * from awlsim.common.monotonic import * #+cimport if not osIsWindows: import pty import os import select import signal import time class SSHTunnel(object): """SSH tunnel helper. """ SSH_DEFAULT_USER = "pi" SSH_PORT = 22 SSH_LOCAL_PORT_START = 4151 + 10 SSH_LOCAL_PORT_END = SSH_LOCAL_PORT_START + 4096 SSH_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE = "ssh" def __init__(self, remoteHost, remotePort, sshUser=SSH_DEFAULT_USER, localPort=None, sshExecutable=SSH_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE, sshPort=SSH_PORT): """Create an SSH tunnel. """ if osIsWindows: # win magic: translate "ssh" to "plink". if sshExecutable == "ssh": sshExecutable = "plink.exe" self.remoteHost = remoteHost self.remotePort = remotePort self.sshUser = sshUser self.localPort = localPort self.sshExecutable = sshExecutable self.sshPort = sshPort self.__sshPid = None self.__sshProc = None def connect(self, timeout=10.0): """Establish the SSH tunnel. """ localPort = self.localPort if localPort is None: localPort = self.SSH_LOCAL_PORT_START while not netPortIsUnused("localhost", localPort): localPort += 1 if localPort > self.SSH_LOCAL_PORT_END: raise AwlSimError("Failed to find an " "unused local port for the " "SSH tunnel.") actualLocalPort = localPort self.sshMessage("Establishing SSH tunnel to '%s@%s'...\n" %( self.sshUser, self.remoteHost), isDebug=False) self.__sshPid = None try: # Prepare SSH environment and arguments. env = AwlSimEnv.clearLang(AwlSimEnv.getEnv()) if osIsWindows and "plink" in self.sshExecutable.lower(): # Run plink.exe (PuTTY) pw = self.getPassphrase("%s's Password:" % self.remoteHost) argv = [ self.sshExecutable, "-ssh", "-pw", None, "-P", "%d" % self.sshPort, "-l", self.sshUser, "-L", "localhost:%d:localhost:%d" % ( localPort, self.remotePort), "-N", "-x", "-v", self.remoteHost, ] pwArgIdx = 2 if pw is None: del argv[pwArgIdx : pwArgIdx + 2] pwArgIdx = None else: argv[pwArgIdx + 1] = pw.decode("UTF-8") else: # Run OpenSSH argv = [ self.sshExecutable, "-p", "%d" % self.sshPort, "-l", self.sshUser, "-L", "localhost:%d:localhost:%d" % ( localPort, self.remotePort), "-N", "-x", "-v", self.remoteHost, ] pwArgIdx = None printArgv = argv[:] if pwArgIdx is not None: printArgv[pwArgIdx + 1] = "*" * len(printArgv[pwArgIdx + 1]) self.sshMessage("Running command:\n %s\n" % " ".join(printArgv), isDebug=False) if osIsWindows: # Start SSH tunnel as subprocess. proc = PopenWrapper(argv, env=env, stdio=True) self.__sshProc = proc self.sshMessage("Starting %s..." % argv[0], isDebug=False) self.sleep(1.0) proc.stdin.write(b"n\n") # Do not cache host auth. proc.stdin.flush() for i in range(3): self.sshMessage(".", isDebug=False) self.sleep(1.0) if self.__sshProc.returncode is not None: raise AwlSimError("%s exited with " "error." % argv[0]) else: # Create a PTY and fork. childPid, ptyMasterFd = pty.fork() if childPid == pty.CHILD: # Run SSH execargs = argv + [env] os.execlpe(argv[0], *execargs) assert(0) # unreachable self.__sshPid = childPid self.__handshake(ptyMasterFd, timeout) except (OSError, ValueError, IOError) as e: with suppressAllExc: self.shutdown() raise AwlSimError("Failed to execute SSH to " "establish SSH tunnel:\n%s" %\ str(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: with suppressAllExc: self.shutdown() raise AwlSimError("Interrupted by user.") return "localhost", actualLocalPort def shutdown(self): if self.__sshProc: try: with suppressAllExc: self.__sshProc.terminate() finally: self.__sshProc = None if self.__sshPid is not None: try: with suppressAllExc: os.kill(self.__sshPid, signal.SIGTERM) finally: self.__sshPid = None @staticmethod def __read(fd): data = [] while True: rfds, wfds, xfds = select.select([fd], [], [], 0) if fd not in rfds: break d = os.read(fd, 1024) if not d: break data.append(d) return b''.join(data) @staticmethod def __write(fd, data): while data: count = os.write(fd, data) data = data[count:] PROMPT_PW = "'s Password:" PROMPT_AUTH = "The authenticity of host " PROMPT_YESNO = " (yes/no)?" AUTH_FINISH = "Authenticated to " def __handshake(self, ptyMasterFd, timeout): timeoutEnd = monotonic_time() + (timeout or 0) sentPw, authReq, finished = False, [], False while not finished: self.sleep(0.1) if timeout and monotonic_time() >= timeoutEnd: raise AwlSimError("Timeout establishing SSH tunnel.") fromSsh = self.__read(ptyMasterFd) try: fromSsh = fromSsh.decode("UTF-8", "ignore") except UnicodeError: fromSsh = "" for line in fromSsh.splitlines(): if not line: continue lineLow = line.lower() isDebug = lineLow.strip().startswith("debug") self.sshMessage(line, isDebug) if isDebug: continue if authReq: authReq.append(line) if self.PROMPT_PW.lower() in lineLow: if sentPw: # Second try. raise AwlSimError("SSH tunnel passphrase " "was not accepted.") passphrase = self.getPassphrase(line) if passphrase is None: raise AwlSimError("SSH tunnel connection " "requires a passphrase, but " "no passphrase was given.") self.__write(ptyMasterFd, passphrase) if not passphrase.endswith(b"\n"): self.__write(ptyMasterFd, b"\n") sentPw = True timeoutEnd = monotonic_time() + (timeout or 0) continue if self.PROMPT_AUTH.lower() in lineLow: authReq.append(line) continue if self.PROMPT_YESNO.lower() in lineLow and authReq: ok = self.hostAuth("\n".join(authReq)) if not ok: raise AwlSimError("SSH tunnel host " "authentication failed.") self.__write(ptyMasterFd, b"yes\n") authReq = [] timeoutEnd = monotonic_time() + (timeout or 0) continue if self.AUTH_FINISH.lower() in lineLow: # Successfully authenticated. finished = True continue def sleep(self, seconds): """Sleep for a number of seconds. """ time.sleep(seconds) def sshMessage(self, message, isDebug): """Print a SSH log message. """ if not isDebug: printInfo("[SSH]: %s" % message) def getPassphrase(self, prompt): """Get a password from the user. """ try: return input(prompt).encode("UTF-8", "ignore") except UnicodeError: return b"" def hostAuth(self, prompt): """Get the user answer to the host authentication question. This function returns a boolean. """ return str2bool(input(prompt))