# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP compiler - Block declaration # # Copyright 2016-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.namevalidation import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.common.project import * from awlsim.common.version import * from awlsim.common.cpuconfig import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.fupcompiler_base import * class FupCompiler_BlockDeclFactory(XmlFactory): def parser_open(self, tag=None): self.inInstanceDBs = False self.inDB = False if tag: self.decl.setBlockType(tag.getAttr("type", "FC")) self.decl.setBlockName(tag.getAttr("name", "FC 1")) XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def parser_beginTag(self, tag): if self.inInstanceDBs: if tag.name == "db": self.decl.addInstanceDB(tag.getAttr("name", "")) self.inDB = True return else: if tag.name == "instance_dbs": self.inInstanceDBs = True return XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): if self.inInstanceDBs: if self.inDB: if tag.name == "db": self.inDB = False return else: if tag.name == "instance_dbs": self.inInstanceDBs = False return else: if tag.name == "blockdecl": self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) class FupCompiler_BlockDecl(FupCompiler_BaseObj): factory = FupCompiler_BlockDeclFactory def __init__(self, compiler): FupCompiler_BaseObj.__init__(self) self.compiler = compiler # FupCompiler self.setBlockType("FC") self.setBlockName("FC 1") self.instanceDBs = [] def setBlockType(self, blockType): self.blockType = blockType.upper().strip() if self.blockType not in {"FC", "FB", "OB"}: raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: Invalid block " "type: %s" % self.blockType) def setBlockName(self, blockName): blockName = blockName.strip() if not blockName: return self.blockName = blockName def addInstanceDB(self, dbName): dbName = dbName.strip() if not dbName: return if len(dbName) > 3 and\ dbName.upper().startswith("DI") and\ dbName[2].isspace(): dbName = "DB" + dbName[2:] self.instanceDBs.append(dbName) def compile(self, interf): """Compile this FUP block declaration to AWL. interf => FupCompiler_Interf Returns a tuple: (list of AWL header lines, list of AWL footer lines, list of AWL lines for instance DBs). """ self.compileState = self.COMPILE_RUNNING blockHeader = [] blockFooter = [] instDBs = [] mnemonics = self.compiler.mnemonics srcName = AwlName.stripChars(self.compiler.fupSource.name, replaceWith="_", stripAlpha=False, stripNum=False, stripSpace=False) strAwl = "AWL" if mnemonics == S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE else "STL" strFup = "FUP" if mnemonics == S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE else "FBD" strMnemonics = "DE (German)" if mnemonics == S7CPUConfig.MNEMONICS_DE\ else "EN (international)" def mkIntro(lines, blockTypeDecl): lines.append("// ") lines.append("// %s generated by Awlsim %s compiler" % ( blockTypeDecl, strFup)) lines.append("// ") lines.append("// Source : %s" % srcName) lines.append("// Compiler version : %s" % VERSION_STRING) lines.append("// %s mnemonics : %s" % (strAwl, strMnemonics)) lines.append("// ") def mkHdrInfo(lines): lines.append("\tTITLE = %s" % srcName) lines.append("\tFAMILY : %s" % strFup) lines.append("\tVERSION : %s" % VERSION_STRING) if self.blockType == "FC": if not interf.retValField: raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: RET_VAL " "is not defined for %s." %\ self.blockName) retVal = interf.retValField.typeStr if not AwlName.mayBeValidType(retVal): raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: RET_VAL " "data type contains invalid characters.") mkIntro(blockHeader, "FUNCTION") blockHeader.append("FUNCTION %s : %s" %( self.blockName, retVal)) mkHdrInfo(blockHeader) blockFooter.append("END_FUNCTION") elif self.blockType == "FB": mkIntro(blockHeader, "FUNCTION_BLOCK") blockHeader.append("FUNCTION_BLOCK %s" %\ self.blockName) mkHdrInfo(blockHeader) blockFooter.append("END_FUNCTION_BLOCK") elif self.blockType == "OB": mkIntro(blockHeader, "ORGANIZATION_BLOCK") blockHeader.append("ORGANIZATION_BLOCK %s" %\ self.blockName) mkHdrInfo(blockHeader) blockFooter.append("END_ORGANIZATION_BLOCK") else: raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: Unknown block " "type: %s" % self.blockType) for dbName in self.instanceDBs: instDBs.append("") instDBs.append("") mkIntro(instDBs, "Instance DATA_BLOCK") instDBs.append("DATA_BLOCK %s" % dbName) mkHdrInfo(instDBs) instDBs.append("\t%s" % self.blockName) instDBs.append("BEGIN") for field in interf.allFields: fieldName = field.name initValueStr = field.initValueStr.strip() comment = field.comment if not initValueStr: continue if not AwlName.isValidVarName(fieldName): raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: Variable name " "'%s' contains invalid characters." %\ fieldName) if not AwlName.mayBeValidValue(initValueStr): raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: Variable value " "'%s' contains invalid characters." %\ initValueStr) if not AwlName.isValidComment(comment): raise AwlSimError("FupCompiler_BlockDecl: Comment " "'%s' contains invalid characters." %\ comment) instDBs.append("\t%s := %s;%s" %( fieldName, initValueStr, (" // " + comment) if comment else "")) instDBs.append("END_DATA_BLOCK") self.compileState = self.COMPILE_DONE return blockHeader, blockFooter, instDBs