# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP compiler - Grid # # Copyright 2016-2018 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals #from awlsim.common.cython_support cimport * #@cy from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.awloptimizer.awloptimizer import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.base import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.conn import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.wire import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.elem import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.elemcomment import * class FupCompiler_GridFactory(XmlFactory): def parser_open(self, tag=None): assert(tag) uuid = tag.getAttr("uuid", None) self.grid.uuid = uuid XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def parser_beginTag(self, tag): if tag.name == "optimizers": optSettCont = self.grid.optimizerSettingsContainer optSettCont.clear() self.parser_switchTo(optSettCont.factory(settingsContainer=optSettCont)) return if tag.name == "wires": self.parser_switchTo(FupCompiler_Wire.factory(grid=self.grid)) return if tag.name == "elements": self.parser_switchTo(FupCompiler_Elem.factory(grid=self.grid)) return XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): if tag.name == "grid": self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) class FupCompiler_Grid(FupCompiler_BaseObj): factory = FupCompiler_GridFactory noPreprocessing = True def __init__(self, compiler, uuid=None): FupCompiler_BaseObj.__init__(self, uuid=uuid) self.compiler = compiler # FupCompiler self.wires = {} # FupCompiler_Wire self.elems = set() # FupCompiler_Elem self.uuids = {} # Dict of { uuid : uuid-owner-object } self.optimizerSettingsContainer = AwlOptimizerSettingsContainer() def newWire(self, virtual=False): newWireId = 0 if self.wires: newWireId = max(dictKeys(self.wires)) + 1 wire = FupCompiler_Wire(self, newWireId, virtual) self.addWire(wire) return wire def addWire(self, wire): if wire.idNum in self.wires: return False self.wires[wire.idNum] = wire # Check and warn if we have a duplicate UUID. if wire.uuid != wire.NIL_UUID: other = self.uuids.get(wire.uuid, None) if other and other is not wire: printError("FUP-compiler ERROR: " "Duplicate wire UUID: %s" % wire.uuid) self.uuids[wire.uuid] = wire return True def getWire(self, wireId): try: if wireId >= 0: return self.wires[wireId] except KeyError: pass return None def addElem(self, elem): self.elems.add(elem) # Check and warn if we have a duplicate UUID. if elem.uuid != elem.NIL_UUID: other = self.uuids.get(elem.uuid, None) if other and other is not elem: printError("FUP-compiler ERROR: " "Duplicate element UUID: %s" % elem.uuid) self.uuids[elem.uuid] = elem def compile(self): """Compile this FUP grid to AWL. Returns a list of instructions. """ if self.compileState == self.COMPILE_DONE: return [] self.compileState = self.COMPILE_RUNNING insns = [] from awlsim.fupcompiler.elemoper import FupCompiler_ElemOper # Resolve all wire-IDs for wire in dictValues(self.wires): wire.clearConnections() for elem in self.elems: for conn in elem.connections: if conn.wireId == conn.WIREID_NONE and not conn.isOptional: raise FupGridError("Unconnected pin%s found " "in FUP element %s." % ( (" \"%s\"" % conn.text) if conn.text else "", str(elem)), self) if conn.wireId == conn.WIREID_NONE: conn.wire = None else: wire = self.getWire(conn.wireId) if not wire: raise FupGridError("Wire with ID %d " "does not exist, but %s " "references it." % ( conn.wireId, str(elem)), self) wire.addConn(conn) conn.wire = wire for wire in dictValues(self.wires): if len(wire.connections) == 0: raise FupGridError("Found unconnected wire %s" % ( str(wire)), self) if len(wire.connections) == 1: raise FupGridError("Found dangling wire " "%s with only one connection" % ( str(wire)), self) def checkAllElemStates(checkState): # Check if all elements have been processed. for elem in self.elems: if elem.compileState != checkState and\ not isinstance(elem, FupCompiler_ElemComment): raise FupGridError("Found dangling element " "'%s'. Please make sure all connections of " "this element are connected." % ( str(elem)), self) # Preprocess all elements. # Find all assignment operators and walk the logic chain upwards. for elem in FupCompiler_Elem.sorted(self.elems): if elem.isCompileEntryPoint and elem.needPreprocess: elem.preprocess() # Check if all elements have been preprocessed. checkAllElemStates(FupCompiler_Elem.COMPILE_PREPROCESSED) # Check if inverted connections are only used on supported elements. for elem in FupCompiler_Elem.sorted(self.elems): for conn in elem.connections: if conn.inverted and\ conn.connType != conn.TYPE_VKE: raise FupGridError("An inverted connection " "is only allowed for VKE based (boolean) " "connections. The connection '%s' in " "element '%s' is not supported." % ( str(conn), str(elem)), self) # Compile all elements. # Find all assignment operators and walk the logic chain upwards. for elem in FupCompiler_Elem.sorted(self.elems): if elem.isCompileEntryPoint and elem.needCompile: insns.extend(elem.compile()) # Check if all elements have been compiled. checkAllElemStates(FupCompiler_Elem.COMPILE_DONE) self.compileState = self.COMPILE_DONE return insns def __repr__(self): return "FupCompiler_Grid(compiler)" def __str__(self): return "FUP-grid"