# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - GUI edit widget # # Copyright 2012-2014 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.core.compat import * from awlsim.gui.util import * from awlsim.gui.cpuwidget import * def _setFontParams(font): font.setFamily("courier") font.setPointSize(10) font.setKerning(False) font.setFixedPitch(True) font.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter, QFont.PreferBitmap) class EditSubWidget(QWidget): needRepaint = Signal(QPaintEvent) wasScrolled = Signal(QWheelEvent) def __init__(self, editWidget): QWidget.__init__(self, editWidget) self.editWidget = editWidget def paintEvent(self, ev): self.needRepaint.emit(ev) ev.accept() def wheelEvent(self, ev): self.wasScrolled.emit(ev) def getPainter(self): p = QPainter(self) font = p.font() _setFontParams(font) p.setFont(font) return p class HeaderSubWidget(EditSubWidget): def __init__(self, editWidget): EditSubWidget.__init__(self, editWidget) def sizeHint(self): return QSize(0, self.editWidget.headerHeight()) class LineNumSubWidget(EditSubWidget): def __init__(self, editWidget): EditSubWidget.__init__(self, editWidget) def sizeHint(self): return QSize(self.editWidget.lineNumWidgetWidth(), 0) class CpuStatsSubWidget(EditSubWidget): def __init__(self, editWidget): EditSubWidget.__init__(self, editWidget) def sizeHint(self): return QSize(self.editWidget.cpuStatsWidgetWidth(), 0) def getBanner(self): return "STW ACCU 1 ACCU 2 " class CpuStatsEntry(object): def __init__(self, stamp, statusWord, accu1, accu2): self.stamp = stamp self.obsolete = False self.pruned = False self.statusWord = statusWord self.accu1 = accu1 self.accu2 = accu2 def __repr__(self): if self.pruned: return "[ ... ]" stw = [] for i in range(S7StatusWord.NR_BITS - 1, -1, -1): stw.append('1' if (self.statusWord & (1 << i)) else '0') if i % 4 == 0 and i: stw.append('_') return "%s %08X %08X" %\ ("".join(stw), self.accu1, self.accu2) class EditWidget(QPlainTextEdit): codeChanged = Signal() visibleRangeChanged = Signal() __aniChars = ( ' ', '.', 'o', '0', 'O', '0', 'o', '.' ) def __init__(self, mainWidget): QPlainTextEdit.__init__(self, mainWidget) self.mainWidget = mainWidget self.__aniTimer = QTimer(self) self.__aniTimer.setSingleShot(False) self.__aniTimer.timeout.connect(self.__animation) self.__updateFonts() self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) self.setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap) self.setTabStopWidth(self.tabStopWidth() // 2) self.headerWidget = HeaderSubWidget(self) self.lineNumWidget = LineNumSubWidget(self) self.cpuStatsWidget = CpuStatsSubWidget(self) self.__source = AwlSource(identNr = AwlSource.newIdentNr(), name = "Unnamed source") self.__runStateCopy = CpuWidget.STATE_STOP self.__nextHdrUpdate = 0 self.__hdrAniStat = 0 self.enableCpuStats(enabled=False, force=True) self.resetCpuStats(True) self.__textChangeBlocked = 0 self.textChanged.connect(self.__textChanged) self.blockCountChanged.connect(self.__updateMargins) self.updateRequest.connect(self.__updateExtraWidgets) self.headerWidget.needRepaint.connect(self.__repaintHeaderWidget) self.lineNumWidget.needRepaint.connect(self.__repaintLineNumWidget) self.cpuStatsWidget.needRepaint.connect(self.__repaintCpuStatsWidget) self.headerWidget.wasScrolled.connect(self.__forwardWheelEvent) self.lineNumWidget.wasScrolled.connect(self.__forwardWheelEvent) self.cpuStatsWidget.wasScrolled.connect(self.__forwardWheelEvent) def setSource(self, source): self.__textChangeBlocked += 1 try: self.__source = source.dup() self.__source.sourceBytes = b"" sourceBytes = source.sourceBytes try: sourceText = sourceBytes.decode(AwlParser.TEXT_ENCODING, errors="strict") except UnicodeError: MessageBox.error(self, "The AWL/STL code contains " "non-%s-characters. These were ignored and stripped " "from the code." % AwlParser.TEXT_ENCODING) sourceText = sourceBytes.decode(AwlParser.TEXT_ENCODING, errors="ignore") self.setPlainText(sourceText) self.resetCpuStats() finally: self.__textChangeBlocked -= 1 def getFullSource(self): source = self.__source.dup() sourceText = self.toPlainText() # Convert to DOS-style line endings sourceText = "\r\n".join(sourceText.splitlines()) + "\r\n" # Convert to binary try: sourceBytes = sourceText.encode(AwlParser.TEXT_ENCODING, errors="strict") source.sourceBytes = sourceBytes except UnicodeError: MessageBox.error(self, "The AWL/STL code contains " "non-%s-characters. These were ignored and stripped " "from the code." % AwlParser.TEXT_ENCODING) sourceBytes = sourceText.encode(AwlParser.TEXT_ENCODING, errors="ignore") source.sourceBytes = sourceBytes self.setSource(source) return source def getSourceRef(self): return self.__source def runStateChanged(self, newState): self.__runStateCopy = newState if newState == CpuWidget.STATE_INIT: self.resetCpuStats() if newState == CpuWidget.STATE_RUN: self.__aniTimer.start(200) else: self.__aniTimer.stop() if self.__cpuStatsEnabled: self.cpuStatsWidget.update() self.headerWidget.update() def __eachVisibleLine(self): block = self.firstVisibleBlock() top = self.blockBoundingGeometry(block).translated(self.contentOffset()).top() bottom = top + self.blockBoundingRect(block).height() while block.isValid() and\ block.isVisible() and\ top <= self.viewport().rect().bottom(): yield (block.blockNumber() + 1, top) block = block.next() top = bottom bottom = top + self.blockBoundingRect(block).height() def getVisibleLineRange(self): firstVisibleLine = lastVisibleLine = 0 for lineNr, yOffset in self.__eachVisibleLine(): if firstVisibleLine == 0 or\ lineNr < firstVisibleLine: firstVisibleLine = lineNr if lineNr > lastVisibleLine: lastVisibleLine = lineNr return firstVisibleLine, lastVisibleLine def __updateFonts(self): fmt = self.currentCharFormat() font = fmt.font() _setFontParams(font) fmt.setFont(font) self.setCurrentCharFormat(fmt) font = self.font() _setFontParams(font) self.setFont(font) self.__charHeight = self.fontMetrics().height() self.setTabStopWidth(self.fontMetrics().width("X") * 8) def enableCpuStats(self, enabled=True, force=False): if force or enabled != self.__cpuStatsEnabled: self.__cpuStatsEnabled = enabled self.__updateMargins() self.__updateGeo() def resetCpuStats(self, force=False): if not force and not self.__lineCpuStats: return self.__lineCpuStats = { } self.__cpuStatsCount = 0 self.__cpuStatsUpdate = 1 self.__cpuStatsStamp = 0 self.__updateMargins() self.headerWidget.update() self.cpuStatsWidget.update() def updateCpuStats_afterInsn(self, insnDumpMsg): # insnDumpMsg => AwlSimMessage_INSNDUMP instance if not self.__cpuStatsEnabled: return if insnDumpMsg.sourceId != self.__source.identNr: # Discard old messages that were still in the queue. return # Save the instruction dump self.__lineCpuStats[insnDumpMsg.lineNr] =\ CpuStatsEntry(self.__cpuStatsStamp, insnDumpMsg.stw, insnDumpMsg.accu1, insnDumpMsg.accu2) # Update the stats widget self.__cpuStatsCount += 1 if self.__cpuStatsCount >= self.__cpuStatsUpdate: self.__cpuStatsCount = 0 self.__cpuStatsUpdate = 128 self.cpuStatsWidget.update() # First instruction in cycle? if insnDumpMsg.serial == 0: # Update the 'obsolete'-flag based on the timestamp for ent in self.__lineCpuStats.values(): ent.obsolete = (ent.stamp != self.__cpuStatsStamp) # Advance the timestamp self.__cpuStatsStamp += 1 def __pruneInvisibleCpuStats(self): firstLine, lastLine = self.getVisibleLineRange() for line, stats in self.__lineCpuStats.items(): if line < firstLine or line > lastLine: stats.pruned = True stats.obsolete = True def __animation(self): self.__hdrAniStat = (self.__hdrAniStat + 1) %\ len(self.__aniChars) self.headerWidget.update() def __forwardWheelEvent(self, ev): self.wheelEvent(ev) def lineNumWidgetWidth(self): digi, bcnt = 1, self.blockCount() while bcnt > 9: digi, bcnt = digi + 1, bcnt // 10 digi += 1 # colon metr = self.lineNumWidget.fontMetrics() return 5 + 5 + metr.width("_" * digi) def cpuStatsWidgetWidth(self): if not self.__cpuStatsEnabled: return 0 metr = self.cpuStatsWidget.fontMetrics() return 5 + 5 + metr.width(self.cpuStatsWidget.getBanner().replace(" ", "_")) def headerHeight(self): return 5 + 5 + self.__charHeight def __updateMargins(self): self.setViewportMargins(self.lineNumWidgetWidth(), self.headerHeight(), self.cpuStatsWidgetWidth(), 0) def sizeHint(self): sh = QPlainTextEdit.sizeHint(self) sh.setWidth(650 +\ self.lineNumWidgetWidth() +\ self.cpuStatsWidgetWidth()) return sh def __updateHeaderWidgetGeo(self): cont = self.contentsRect() rect = QRect(cont.left(), cont.top(), cont.width(), self.headerHeight()) self.headerWidget.setGeometry(rect) def __updateLineNumWidgetGeo(self): cont = self.contentsRect() rect = QRect(cont.left(), cont.top() + self.headerHeight(), self.lineNumWidgetWidth(), cont.height()) self.lineNumWidget.setGeometry(rect) def __updateCpuStatsWidgetGeo(self): if self.__cpuStatsEnabled: vp, cont = self.viewport(), self.contentsRect() rect = QRect(vp.width() + self.lineNumWidgetWidth(), cont.top() + self.headerHeight(), self.cpuStatsWidgetWidth(), cont.height()) self.cpuStatsWidget.setGeometry(rect) self.cpuStatsWidget.show() else: self.cpuStatsWidget.hide() def __updateGeo(self): self.__updateHeaderWidgetGeo() self.__updateLineNumWidgetGeo() self.__updateCpuStatsWidgetGeo() def __updateExtraWidgets(self, rect, dy): if dy: self.headerWidget.scroll(0, dy) self.lineNumWidget.scroll(0, dy) self.cpuStatsWidget.scroll(0, dy) self.__pruneInvisibleCpuStats() self.visibleRangeChanged.emit() return self.headerWidget.update(0, rect.y(), self.headerWidget.width(), rect.height()) self.lineNumWidget.update(0, rect.y(), self.lineNumWidget.width(), rect.height()) self.cpuStatsWidget.update(0, rect.y(), self.cpuStatsWidget.width(), rect.height()) if rect.contains(self.viewport().rect()): self.__updateMargins() def resizeEvent(self, ev): QPlainTextEdit.resizeEvent(self, ev) self.__updateGeo() __runStateToText = { CpuWidget.STATE_STOP : "-- CPU STOPPED --", CpuWidget.STATE_INIT : "Initializing simulator...", CpuWidget.STATE_LOAD : "Loading code...", } def __repaintHeaderWidget(self, ev): p = self.headerWidget.getPainter() p.fillRect(ev.rect(), Qt.lightGray) if self.__runStateCopy == CpuWidget.STATE_RUN: runText = self.__aniChars[self.__hdrAniStat] else: runText = self.__runStateToText[self.__runStateCopy] metr = self.headerWidget.fontMetrics() p.drawText(5, 5, metr.width(runText.replace(" ", "_")), self.headerWidget.height(), Qt.AlignLeft, runText) if self.__cpuStatsEnabled: # Map the starting point pt = self.cpuStatsWidget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) pt = self.headerWidget.mapFromGlobal(pt) p.drawText(pt.x() + 5, 5, self.headerWidget.width() - pt.x() - 5, self.headerWidget.height(), Qt.AlignLeft, self.cpuStatsWidget.getBanner()) def __repaintLineNumWidget(self, ev): p = self.lineNumWidget.getPainter() rect = ev.rect() p.fillRect(rect, Qt.lightGray) rect.setLeft(rect.left() + rect.width() - 3) rect.setWidth(3) p.fillRect(rect, Qt.white) p.setPen(Qt.black) for lineNr, yOffset in self.__eachVisibleLine(): p.drawText(-5, yOffset, self.lineNumWidget.width(), self.__charHeight, Qt.AlignRight, "%d:" % lineNr) def __repaintCpuStatsWidget(self, ev): p = self.cpuStatsWidget.getPainter() rect = ev.rect() p.fillRect(rect, Qt.lightGray) rect.setWidth(3) p.fillRect(rect, Qt.white) for lineNr, yOffset in self.__eachVisibleLine(): statsEnt = self.__lineCpuStats.get(lineNr) if statsEnt: if statsEnt.obsolete: p.setPen(Qt.darkGray) else: p.setPen(Qt.black) p.drawText(5, yOffset, self.cpuStatsWidget.width(), self.__charHeight, Qt.AlignLeft, str(statsEnt)) def __textChanged(self): self.__updateFonts() if self.__textChangeBlocked: return self.codeChanged.emit() self.resetCpuStats()