# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP - Element classes # # Copyright 2016-2018 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals #from awlsim.common.cython_support cimport * #@cy from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.gui.util import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_base import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_conn import * class FupElem_factory(XmlFactory): CONTAINER_TAG = "elements" def parser_open(self, tag=None): XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def parser_beginTag(self, tag): if tag.name == "element": from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elembool import FupElem_BOOLEAN from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemoperand import FupElem_OPERAND from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemmove import FupElem_MOVE from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemconv import FupElem_CONV from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemcount import FupElem_CUD from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemtime import FupElem_T from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemarith import FupElem_ARITH from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemshift import FupElem_SHIFT from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemcmp import FupElem_CMP from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemcomment import FupElem_COMMENT from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemawl import FupElem_AWL elemType = tag.getAttr("type") type2class = { "boolean" : FupElem_BOOLEAN, "operand" : FupElem_OPERAND, "move" : FupElem_MOVE, "convert" : FupElem_CONV, "counter" : FupElem_CUD, "timer" : FupElem_T, "arithmetic" : FupElem_ARITH, "shift" : FupElem_SHIFT, "compare" : FupElem_CMP, "comment" : FupElem_COMMENT, "awl" : FupElem_AWL, } elemClass = None with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): elemClass = type2class[elemType] if elemClass: self.parser_switchTo(elemClass.factory(grid=self.grid)) return XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): if tag.name == self.CONTAINER_TAG: self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) class FupElem(FupBaseClass): """FUP/FBD element base class""" # Element symbol OP_SYM = "" OP_SYM_NAME = "" # XML ABI name factory = FupElem_factory # Element areas EnumGen.start AREA_NONE = EnumGen.item AREA_BODY = EnumGen.item AREA_BODYOPER = EnumGen.item AREA_INPUT = EnumGen.item AREA_OUTPUT = EnumGen.item EnumGen.end # Corner radius of the body box BODY_CORNER_RADIUS = 5 # Tuple of custom action handlers. # Override this in the subclass, if required. CUSTOM_ACTIONS = () def __init__(self, x, y, **kwargs): FupBaseClass.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.x = x # X position as grid coordinates self.y = y # Y position as grid coordinates self.grid = None self.inputs = [] # The input FupConn-ections self.outputs = [] # The output FupConn-ections self.expanded = False # Content view expansion active lineWidth = 2 self._noPen = QPen(Qt.NoPen) self._noPen.setWidth(0) self._outlinePen = QPen(QColor("#000000")) self._outlinePen.setWidth(lineWidth) self._outlineSelPen = QPen(QColor("#0000FF")) self._outlineSelPen.setWidth(lineWidth) self._connPen = QPen(QColor("#000000")) self._connPen.setWidth(lineWidth) self._connOpenPen = QPen(QColor("#DF6060")) self._connOpenPen.setWidth(lineWidth) self._connInvPen = QPen(QColor("#000000")) self._connInvPen.setWidth(lineWidth) self._connInvSelPen = QPen(QColor("#0000FF")) self._connInvSelPen.setWidth(lineWidth) self._bgBrush = QBrush(QColor("#FFFFFF")) self._bgSelBrush = QBrush(QColor("#F2F25A")) self._textPen = QPen(QColor("#000000")) self._textPen.setWidth(0) self._disablePen = QPen(QColor("#FF0000")) self._disablePen.setWidth(3) def getFont(self, size=8, bold=False): return self.grid.getFont(size=size, bold=bold) def checkWireCollisions(self): """Mark all wires connected to all connections as must-check-collisions. The collision check will be done at the next wire re-draw. """ for conn in self.connections: conn.checkWireCollisions() def matchCloseConns(self, otherElem): """Get a set of (selfConn, otherConn) pairs of connections that are close and could possibly be connected easily. """ selfConns, otherConns = (), () # Check if self and otherElem overlap in Y direction. if self is not otherElem and\ otherElem.y <= self.y + self.height - 1 and\ otherElem.y + otherElem.height - 1 >= self.y: # otherElem is an operand within the y-range of this elem. if otherElem.x + otherElem.width - 1 == self.x - 1: # otherElem is located to the left # hand side (= input side) of this elem. selfConns = self.inputs otherConns = otherElem.outputs elif otherElem.x == self.x + self.width: # otherElem is located to the right # hand side (= output side) of this elem selfConns = self.outputs otherConns = otherElem.inputs connPairs = set() for selfConn in selfConns: for otherConn in otherConns: if selfConn.isConnected or\ otherConn.isConnected: # Already connected. continue selfX, selfY = selfConn.coords otherX, otherY = otherConn.coords if selfY == otherY: # These connections are at the same Y position. # Got a pair. connPairs.add( (selfConn, otherConn) ) return connPairs def establishAutoConns(self): """Automatically establish connections to close elements. """ connected = False for elem in self.grid.elems: for match in self.matchCloseConns(elem) or (): selfConn, otherConn = match try: selfConn.connectTo(otherConn) except ValueError: pass else: connected = True return connected def isConnectedTo(self, otherElem): """Returns 1, if any output it connected to the other elements input. Returns -1, if any input it connected to the other elements output. Returns 0 otherwise. """ if any(conn.wire is not None and\ conn.wire in (c.wire for c in otherElem.outputs) for conn in self.inputs): return -1 if any(conn.wire is not None and\ conn.wire in (c.wire for c in otherElem.inputs) for conn in self.outputs): return 1 return 0 def getRelatedElems(self): """Get all elements that are "related" to the specified elements. Related elements are closely bound elements. """ if not self.grid: return [] return { elem for elem in self.grid.elems if self.isRelatedElem(elem) } def isRelatedElem(self, otherElem): """Returns True, if the other element is related to self. May be overridden in a subclass. The default implementation always returns True, if the other element is a close operand. """ from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemoperand import FupElem_OPERAND if isinstance(self, FupElem_OPERAND): return False if isinstance(otherElem, FupElem_OPERAND): if otherElem.y >= self.y and\ otherElem.y < self.y + self.height: isConnected = self.isConnectedTo(otherElem) if isConnected > 0: if otherElem.x == self.x + 1: return True elif isConnected < 0: if otherElem.x == self.x - 1: return True return False def breakConnections(self, breakInputs=True, breakOutputs=True): """Disconnect all connections. """ if breakInputs: for conn in self.inputs: conn.disconnect() if breakOutputs: for conn in self.outputs: conn.disconnect() def getInput(self, index): try: return self.inputs[index] except IndexError: return None def getOutput(self, index): try: return self.outputs[index] except IndexError: return None @property def connections(self): """Get an iterable over all connections. """ return itertools.chain(self.inputs, self.outputs) def getConnByName(self, connText, caseSensitive=True): """Get a connection by its name. """ for conn in self.connections: if strEqual(connText, conn.text, caseSensitive): return conn return None def insertConn(self, beforeIndex, conn): """Add a connection to the connection list. Insert it before the specified 'beforeIndex'. """ if beforeIndex is not None and beforeIndex < 0: return False if conn: if conn.IN: conn.elem = self if beforeIndex is None: beforeIndex = len(self.inputs) self.inputs.insert(beforeIndex, conn) return True elif conn.OUT: conn.elem = self if beforeIndex is None: beforeIndex = len(self.outputs) self.outputs.insert(beforeIndex, conn) return True return False def addConn(self, conn): """Add a connection to the end of the connection list. """ return self.insertConn(None, conn) def removeConn(self, conn): """Remove a connection from the connection list. """ if conn: if conn.IN: if len(self.inputs) > 1: conn.elem = None self.inputs.remove(conn) return True elif conn.OUT: if len(self.outputs) > 1: conn.elem = None self.outputs.remove(conn) return True return False def getAreaViaPixCoord(self, pixelX, pixelY): """Get (AREA_xxx, area_index) via pixel coordinates relative to the element. """ return self.AREA_BODY, 0 def getConnViaPixCoord(self, pixelX, pixelY): """Get a connection via pixel coordinates relative to the element. """ area, idx = self.getAreaViaPixCoord(pixelX, pixelY) if area == self.AREA_INPUT: return self.inputs[idx] elif area == self.AREA_OUTPUT: return self.outputs[idx] return None @property def pixCoords(self): """Get the (x, y) positions of this element as absolute pixel coordinates. """ grid = self.grid if grid: return self.x * grid.cellPixWidth,\ self.y * grid.cellPixHeight return 0 def getConnRelCoords(self, conn): """Get the (x, y) grid coordinates of a connection relative to the element's root. Raises IndexError, if there is no such connection. """ raise IndexError def getConnRelPixCoords(self, conn): """Get the (x, y) pixel coordinates of a connection relative to the element's root. Raises IndexError, if there is no such connection. """ if self.grid: # Get the grid coordinated. (This might raise IndexError) x, y = self.getConnRelCoords(conn) # Convert to pixels cellPixHeight = self.grid.cellPixHeight cellPixWidth = self.grid.cellPixWidth if conn.IN: xPix = (x * cellPixWidth) + conn.drawOffset yPix = (y * cellPixHeight) + (cellPixHeight // 2) return xPix, yPix elif conn.OUT: xPix = (x * cellPixWidth) + cellPixWidth - conn.drawOffset yPix = (y * cellPixHeight) + (cellPixHeight // 2) return xPix, yPix raise IndexError def isInGridRect(self, gridX0, gridY0, gridX1, gridY1): """Returns true, if this element is placed under the specified grid rectangle. """ x0, y0 = min(gridX0, gridX1), min(gridY0, gridY1) x1, y1 = max(gridX0, gridX1), max(gridY0, gridY1) return self.x >= x0 and self.y >= y0 and\ self.x + self.width - 1 <= x1 and self.y + self.height - 1 <= y1 @property def height(self): """The element height, in grid coordinates. """ return 1 @property def width(self): """The element width, in grid coordinates. """ return 1 @property def _xpadding(self): """The horizontal pixel padding for the element body. """ if self.grid: return self.grid.cellPixWidth // 8 return 0 @property def _ypadding(self): """The vertical pixel padding for the element body. """ if self.grid: return self.grid.cellPixHeight // 8 return 0 @property def _connDrawOffset(self): """The connection offset in X direction. """ return int(round(self._xpadding * 0.5)) def _calcBodyBox(self): """Calculate the body bounding box coordinates. May be overridden in a subclass. """ grid = self.grid cellWidth = grid.cellPixWidth cellHeight = grid.cellPixHeight xpad, ypad = self._xpadding, self._ypadding elemHeight = cellHeight * self.height elemWidth = cellWidth * self.width tlX, tlY = xpad, ypad # top left corner trX, trY = elemWidth - xpad, ypad # top right corner blX, blY = xpad, elemHeight - ypad # bottom left corner brX, brY = trX, blY # bottom right corner return (tlX, tlY), (trX, trY),\ (blX, blY), (brX, brY) def getCollisionLines(self, painter): """Calculate the collision box and return a FupGrid.CollLines() instance. """ trans = painter.transform() (tlX, tlY), (trX, trY), (blX, blY), (brX, brY) = self._calcBodyBox() tl, tr = trans.map(tlX, tlY), trans.map(trX, trY) bl, br = trans.map(blX, blY), trans.map(brX, brY) return self.grid.CollLines( lineSegments=( LineSeg2D.fromCoords(tl[0], tl[1], tr[0], tr[1]), LineSeg2D.fromCoords(tr[0], tr[1], br[0], br[1]), LineSeg2D.fromCoords(br[0], br[1], bl[0], bl[1]), LineSeg2D.fromCoords(bl[0], bl[1], tl[0], tl[1]), ), elem=self ) @property def selected(self): """Returns True, if this element is selected. """ return self in self.grid.selectedElems def remove(self): """Remove this element from the grid. """ if self.grid: self.grid.removeElem(self) def draw(self, painter): """Draw this element. """ pass def _drawDisableMarker(self, painter): """If the element is disabled, draw the marker. """ if not self.enabled: cellWidth = self.grid.cellPixWidth cellHeight = self.grid.cellPixHeight elemHeight = cellHeight * self.height elemWidth = cellWidth * self.width painter.setPen(self._disablePen) painter.drawLine(0, 0, elemWidth, elemHeight) painter.drawLine(0, elemHeight, elemWidth, 0) def handleCustomAction(self, index): """Handle an element custom action. These actions are typically triggered from the element context menu. Returns True, if the element content changed. """ try: handler = self.CUSTOM_ACTIONS[index] except IndexError as e: return False return handler(self, index) def prepareContextMenu(self, menu, area=None, conn=None): """Add element specific context menu entries. """ pass def expand(self, expand=True, area=None): """Expand this element to fully show it, if expand=True. Returns True, if the expansion state changed. """ return False def edit(self, parentWidget): """Edit the element's contents. Returns True, if a repaint is required. """ return False def setConnInverted(self, conn, inverted=True): """Set a connection to inverted or not-inverted. Returns True, if the connection has successfully been inverted. """ return False def regenAllUUIDs(self): """Re-generate all UUIDs that belong to this element, all its connections and all connected wires. This does not regenerate UUIDs of elements connected to this element. """ self.uuid = None # regenerate for conn in self.connections: conn.uuid = None # regenerate if conn.wire: conn.wire.uuid = None # regenerate def __repr__(self): return "FupElem(%d, %d)" % (self.x, self.y)