# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - GUI source tabs # # Copyright 2014 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.core.compat import * from awlsim.gui.editwidget import * from awlsim.gui.symtabwidget import * from awlsim.gui.util import * class SourceTabCorner(QWidget): # Signal: Add new source add = Signal() # Signal: Delete current source delete = Signal() # Signal: Rename current source rename = Signal() # Signal: Integrate source integrate = Signal() # Signal: Import source import_ = Signal() # Signal: Export source export = Signal() def __init__(self, itemName, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setLayout(QGridLayout()) self.layout().setContentsMargins(QMargins(3, 0, 0, 0)) self.itemName = itemName self.menu = QMenu(self) self.menu.addAction("&Add %s" % itemName, self.__add) self.menu.addAction("&Delete %s..." % itemName, self.__delete) self.menu.addAction("&Rename %s..." % itemName, self.__rename) self.menu.addSeparator() self.menu.addAction("&Import %s..." % itemName, self.__import) self.menu.addAction("&Export %s..." % itemName, self.__export) self.__integrateAction = self.menu.addAction("&Integrate %s into project..." % itemName, self.__integrate) self.showIntegrateButton(False) self.menuButton = QPushButton("&" + itemName[0].upper() + itemName[1:], self) self.menuButton.setMenu(self.menu) self.layout().addWidget(self.menuButton, 0, 0) def __add(self): self.add.emit() def __delete(self): self.delete.emit() def __rename(self): self.rename.emit() def __integrate(self): res = QMessageBox.question(self, "Integrate current %s" % self.itemName, "The current %s is stored in an external file.\n" "Do you want to integrate this file info " "the awlsim project file (.awlpro)?" %\ self.itemName, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if res == QMessageBox.Yes: self.integrate.emit() def showIntegrateButton(self, show=True): self.__integrateAction.setVisible(show) def __import(self): self.import_.emit() def __export(self): self.export.emit() class SourceTabWidget(QTabWidget): "Abstract source tab-widget" # Signal: Emitted, if the source code changed. sourceChanged = Signal() def __init__(self, itemName, parent=None): QTabWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.itemName = itemName self.setMovable(True) self.actionButton = SourceTabCorner(itemName, self) self.setCornerWidget(self.actionButton, Qt.TopRightCorner) self.actionButton.integrate.connect(self.integrateSource) self.currentChanged.connect(self.__currentChanged) self.tabBar().tabMoved.connect(self.__tabMoved) def __currentChanged(self, index): self.updateActionMenu() def __tabMoved(self, fromIdx, toIdx): self.sourceChanged.emit() def updateActionMenu(self): curWidget = self.currentWidget() showIntegrate = False if curWidget: showIntegrate = curWidget.getSourceRef().isFileBacked() self.actionButton.showIntegrateButton(showIntegrate) def updateTabTexts(self): for i in range(self.count()): self.setTabText(i, self.widget(i).getSourceRef().name) self.sourceChanged.emit() def allTabWidgets(self): for i in range(self.count()): yield self.widget(i) def clear(self): for widget in self.allTabWidgets(): widget.deleteLater() QTabWidget.clear(self) def updateRunState(self, newRunState): pass def getSources(self): "Returns a list of sources" return [ w.getFullSource() for w in self.allTabWidgets() ] def setSources(self, sources): raise NotImplementedError def integrateSource(self): curWidget = self.currentWidget() if curWidget: curWidget.getSourceRef().forceNonFileBacked(self.actionButton.itemName) self.updateActionMenu() self.updateTabTexts() class AwlSourceTabWidget(SourceTabWidget): "AWL source tab-widget" # Signal: The visible AWL line range changed # Parameters are: source, visibleFromLine, visibleToLine visibleLinesChanged = Signal(AwlSource, int, int) def __init__(self, parent=None): SourceTabWidget.__init__(self, "source", parent) self.onlineDiagEnabled = False self.addEditWidget() self.actionButton.add.connect(self.addEditWidget) self.actionButton.delete.connect(self.deleteCurrent) self.actionButton.rename.connect(self.renameCurrent) self.actionButton.export.connect(self.exportCurrent) self.currentChanged.connect(self.__currentChanged) self.actionButton.import_.connect(self.importSource) def __emitVisibleLinesSignal(self): editWidget = self.currentWidget() if editWidget: fromLine, toLine = editWidget.getVisibleLineRange() source = editWidget.getSourceRef() self.visibleLinesChanged.emit(source, fromLine, toLine) else: self.visibleLinesChanged.emit(None, -1, -1) def __currentChanged(self, index): if self.onlineDiagEnabled: for editWidget in self.allTabWidgets(): editWidget.enableCpuStats(False) editWidget.resetCpuStats() if index >= 0: editWidget = self.widget(index) editWidget.enableCpuStats(True) self.__emitVisibleLinesSignal() def updateRunState(self, newRunState): for editWidget in self.allTabWidgets(): editWidget.runStateChanged(newRunState) def handleOnlineDiagChange(self, enabled): self.onlineDiagEnabled = enabled editWidget = self.currentWidget() if editWidget: editWidget.enableCpuStats(enabled) self.__emitVisibleLinesSignal() def handleInsnDump(self, insnDumpMsg): editWidget = self.currentWidget() if editWidget: editWidget.updateCpuStats_afterInsn(insnDumpMsg) def setSources(self, awlSources): self.clear() if not awlSources: self.addEditWidget() return for awlSource in awlSources: index, editWidget = self.addEditWidget() self.setTabText(index, awlSource.name) editWidget.setSource(awlSource) self.updateActionMenu() self.setCurrentIndex(0) def addEditWidget(self): editWidget = EditWidget(self) editWidget.codeChanged.connect(self.sourceChanged) editWidget.visibleRangeChanged.connect(self.__emitVisibleLinesSignal) index = self.addTab(editWidget, editWidget.getSourceRef().name) self.setCurrentIndex(index) self.updateActionMenu() self.sourceChanged.emit() return index, editWidget def deleteCurrent(self): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0 and self.count() > 1: text = self.tabText(index) res = QMessageBox.question(self, "Delete %s" % text, "Delete source '%s'?" % text, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if res == QMessageBox.Yes: self.removeTab(index) self.sourceChanged.emit() def renameCurrent(self): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0: text = self.tabText(index) newText, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Rename %s" % text, "New name for current source:", QLineEdit.Normal, text) if ok and newText != text: editWidget = self.widget(index) source = editWidget.getSourceRef() source.name = newText self.updateTabTexts() def exportCurrent(self): editWidget = self.currentWidget() if not editWidget: return source = editWidget.getFullSource() if not source: return fn, fil = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "AWL/STL source export", "", "AWL/STL source file (*.awl)", "*.awl") if not fn: return if not fn.endswith(".awl"): fn += ".awl" try: awlFileWrite(fn, source.sourceBytes, encoding="binary") except AwlSimError as e: MessageBox.handleAwlSimError(self, "Failed to export source", e) def importSource(self): fn, fil = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Import AWL/STL source", "", "AWL source (*.awl);;" "All files (*)") if not fn: return source = AwlSource.fromFile(AwlSource.newIdentNr(), "Imported source", fn) index, editWidget = self.addEditWidget() editWidget.setSource(source) self.updateTabTexts() self.setCurrentIndex(index) def pasteText(self, text): editWidget = self.currentWidget() if editWidget: editWidget.insertPlainText(text) class SymSourceTabWidget(SourceTabWidget): "Symbol table source tab-widget" def __init__(self, parent=None): SourceTabWidget.__init__(self, "symbol table", parent) self.addSymTable() self.actionButton.add.connect(self.addSymTable) self.actionButton.delete.connect(self.deleteCurrent) self.actionButton.rename.connect(self.renameCurrent) self.actionButton.export.connect(self.exportCurrent) self.actionButton.import_.connect(self.importSource) def setSources(self, symTabSources): self.clear() if not symTabSources: self.addSymTable() return for symTabSource in symTabSources: index, symTabView = self.addSymTable() self.setTabText(index, symTabSource.name) symTabView.model().setSource(symTabSource) self.updateActionMenu() self.setCurrentIndex(0) def addSymTable(self): symTabView = SymTabView(self) symTabView.setSymTab(SymbolTable()) symTabView.model().sourceChanged.connect(self.sourceChanged) index = self.addTab(symTabView, symTabView.model().getSourceRef().name) self.setCurrentIndex(index) self.updateActionMenu() self.sourceChanged.emit() return index, symTabView def deleteCurrent(self): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0 and self.count() > 1: text = self.tabText(index) res = QMessageBox.question(self, "Delete %s" % text, "Delete symbol table '%s'?" % text, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if res == QMessageBox.Yes: self.removeTab(index) self.sourceChanged.emit() def renameCurrent(self): index = self.currentIndex() if index >= 0: text = self.tabText(index) newText, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Rename %s" % text, "New name for current symbol table:", QLineEdit.Normal, text) if ok and newText != text: symTabView = self.widget(index) source = symTabView.getSourceRef() source.name = newText self.updateTabTexts() def exportCurrent(self): symTabView = self.currentWidget() if not symTabView: return source = symTabView.getFullSource() if not source: return fn, fil = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Symbol table export", "", "Symbol table file (*.asc)", "*.asc") if not fn: return if not fn.endswith(".asc"): fn += ".asc" try: awlFileWrite(fn, source.sourceBytes, encoding="binary") except AwlSimError as e: MessageBox.handleAwlSimError(self, "Failed to export symbol table", e) def importSource(self): fn, fil = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Import symbol table", "", "Symbol table file (*.asc);;" "All files (*)") if not fn: return source = SymTabSource.fromFile(SymTabSource.newIdentNr(), "Imported symbol table", fn) index, symTabView = self.addSymTable() symTabView.setSource(source) self.updateTabTexts() self.setCurrentIndex(index)