# BCM94702AP board with BCM5325E # Copyright 2007, Broadcom Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS OFFERED "AS IS", AND BROADCOM GRANTS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY STATUTE, COMMUNICATION OR OTHERWISE. BROADCOM # SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT CONCERNING THIS SOFTWARE. # $Id: bcm94702ap-5325e.txt,v 2008/07/21 09:20:53 james26_jang Exp $ boardflags=0x0110 boardnum=${serno} # 4702 CPU clock frequency in Mhz # Only valid value is 125, anything else defaults to 100Mhz clkfreq=125 # 4702 SDRAM controller parameters sdram_init=0x0419 sdram_config=0x0000 sdram_refresh=0x8040 sdram_ncdl=0 # 4702 MAC and PHY parameters et0macaddr=00:90:4c:49:${maclo} et0phyaddr=30 et0mdcport=0 et1macaddr=00:90:4c:4a:${maclo} et1phyaddr=5 et1mdcport=1 # PMON variables dl_ram_addr=a0001000 os_ram_addr=80001000 os_flash_addr=bfc40000 lan_ipaddr= lan_netmask= scratch=a0180000 boot_wait=on # watchdog set to 3 sec watchdog=3000 # GPIO mapping gpio6=robo_reset # Robo switch config (vlan0:LAN, vlan1:WAN) vlan0hwname=et0 vlan0ports=1 2 3 4 5* vlan1hwname=et0 vlan1ports=0 5u # Bootloader and OS glue landevs=vlan0 wl0 wl1 wandevs=et0