/* * Pneumatic pressure controller. * * Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Buesch * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "main.h" #include "util.h" #include "calibration.h" #include "sensor.h" #include "valves.h" #include "remote.h" #include #include #include #include #include struct eeprom_data { struct pressure_config cfg; }; /* The pressure configuration data. */ struct pressure_config cfg; /* The pressure state data. */ struct pressure_state state; /* EEPROM contents */ static struct eeprom_data EEMEM eeprom = { .cfg = { .desired = 2500, /* Millibar */ .hysteresis = 200, /* Millibar */ .autoadjust_enable = 1, }, }; /* Load the configuration from the EEPROM. */ static void eeprom_load_config(void) { eeprom_busy_wait(); eeprom_read_block(&cfg, &eeprom.cfg, sizeof(cfg)); eeprom_busy_wait(); } /* Store the configuration to the EEPROM. */ static void eeprom_store_config(void) { eeprom_busy_wait(); eeprom_write_block(&cfg, &eeprom.cfg, sizeof(cfg)); eeprom_busy_wait(); } void get_pressure_config(struct pressure_config *ret) { uint8_t sreg; sreg = irq_disable_save(); memcpy(ret, &cfg, sizeof(*ret)); irq_restore(sreg); } void set_pressure_config(struct pressure_config *new_cfg) { uint8_t sreg; sreg = irq_disable_save(); memcpy(&cfg, new_cfg, sizeof(cfg)); eeprom_store_config(); irq_restore(sreg); } void get_pressure_state(struct pressure_state *ret) { uint8_t sreg; sreg = irq_disable_save(); memcpy(ret, &state, sizeof(*ret)); irq_restore(sreg); } /* Sensor measurement completed. * Called in IRQ context. */ void sensor_result(uint16_t mbar) { /* Defer processing of the value to the mainloop, so we can do it with * interrupts enabled. */ state.mbar = mbar; mb(); state.needs_checking = 1; } /* 1kHz system timer. */ ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { if (state.sensor_trigger_cnt > 0) state.sensor_trigger_cnt--; remote_1khz_work(); } void system_timer_init(void) { TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12) | (1 << CS10) | (1 << CS11); /* prescaler 64 */ OCR1A = 250; /* 1kHz timer at 16MHz crystal */ TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE1A); } /* Check the current pressure value against the desired value and * adjust the pressure if needed. */ static void check_pressure(void) { int32_t offset; uint16_t abs_offset; bool is_too_big; bool report_change = 0; uint8_t cur_state; if (cfg.autoadjust_enable) { offset = (int32_t)state.mbar - (int32_t)cfg.desired; abs_offset = abs(offset); is_too_big = (offset >= 0); cur_state = valves_get_global_state(); if (abs_offset > cfg.hysteresis) { /* Adjust the pressure */ report_change = (cur_state == VALVES_IDLE); if (is_too_big) valves_global_switch(VALVES_FLOW_OUT); else valves_global_switch(VALVES_FLOW_IN); } else if (abs_offset > cfg.hysteresis / 4) { /* If we're idle, stay idle. * If we're increasing or decreasing pressure, * keep on doing this to reach the desired center value * more closely. */ } else { /* We're within half the hysteresis. * The pressure is OK. Make sure the valves are * all idle. */ report_change = (cur_state != VALVES_IDLE); valves_global_switch(VALVES_IDLE); } } if (abs((int32_t)state.mbar - (int32_t)state.reported_mbar) >= 100) report_change = 1; if (report_change) { remote_pressure_change_notification(state.mbar); state.reported_mbar = state.mbar; } } static void print_banner(void) { char str[128]; strcpy(str, "Pressure control -- " __DATE__ " -- GCC-"); num16_to_ascii((uint8_t *)str + strlen(str), __GNUC__); strcat(str, "."); num16_to_ascii((uint8_t *)str + strlen(str), __GNUC_MINOR__); strcat(str, "."); num16_to_ascii((uint8_t *)str + strlen(str), __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__); strcat(str, "\n"); print_sram(str); } void prepare_turn_on(void) { state.device_enabled = 1; } void prepare_shutdown(void) { state.device_enabled = 0; } int main(void) { uint8_t mcucsr; cli(); mcucsr = MCUCSR; MCUCSR = 0; wdt_disable(); if (mcucsr & (1 << BORF)) { /* If we have a brownout, try to enter valve emergency state. */ valves_emergency_state(); mdelay(500); /* This wasn't a real brownout, if we're still alife. * Go on with initialization. */ } wdt_enable(WDTO_500MS); /* It's OK to init the remote interface that early, as we * have IRQs disabled throughout the init process. So we can't * receive any remote commands, yet. But early init allows us * to send error messages early. */ remote_init(); print_banner(); if (!(mcucsr & (1 << PORF)) && (mcucsr & (1 << WDRF))) print("WATCHDOG RESET!\n"); valves_init(); sensor_init(); eeprom_load_config(); system_timer_init(); sei(); print("Monitoring...\n"); remote_work(); remote_notify_restart(); while (1) { mb(); if (state.device_enabled) { if (state.sensor_trigger_cnt == 0) { /* It's time for triggering another * sensor measurement. */ state.sensor_trigger_cnt = -1; mb(); sensor_trigger_read(); } if (state.needs_checking) { check_pressure(); /* Trigger another measurement in * a few milliseconds. */ state.sensor_trigger_cnt = 35; state.needs_checking = 0; mb(); } } else { state.needs_checking = 0; } remote_work(); wdt_reset(); } } /* The fuse bits - AT_Mega8 * External clock, 0ms startup * BOD 4.0V * Boot vector disabled * Preserve EEPROM disabled * SPI enabled */ FUSES = { .low = 0x00, .high = 0xD9, };