// -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // disktest - Hard drive tester // // Copyright 2020-2022 Michael Buesch // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // use anyhow as ah; use clap::ErrorKind::{DisplayHelp, DisplayVersion}; use clap::{App, Arg}; use crate::disktest::{DtStreamType, Disktest}; use crate::seed::gen_seed_string; use crate::util::parsebytes; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fmt::Display; /// Length of the generated seed. const DEFAULT_GEN_SEED_LEN: usize = 70; const ABOUT: &str = "\ Hard Disk (HDD), Solid State Disk (SSD), USB Stick, Memory Card (e.g. SD-Card) tester.\n\n\ This program can write a cryptographically secure pseudo random stream to a disk, \ read it back and verify it by comparing it to the expected stream.\n\n\ Example usage:\n"; #[cfg(not(target_os="windows"))] const EXAMPLE: &str = "\ disktest --write --verify -j0 /dev/sdc"; #[cfg(target_os="windows")] const EXAMPLE: &str = "\ disktest --write --verify -j0 D:\\testfile.img"; const HELP_DEVICE: &str = "\ Device node of the disk or file path to access.\n\ On Linux compatible systems this may be the /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX or similar device node of the disk. It may also be an arbitrary path to a location in a filesystem.\n\ On Windows this may be a path to the location on the disk to be tested (e.g. D:\\testfile)."; const HELP_WRITE: &str = "\ Write pseudo random data to the device. \ If this option is not given, then disktest will operate in \ verify-only mode instead, as if only --verify was given. If both --write and --verify are specified, then the device \ will first be written and then be verified with the same seed."; const HELP_VERIFY: &str = "\ In verify-mode the disk will be read and compared to the expected pseudo random sequence. \ If both --write and --verify are specified, then the device \ will first be written and then be verified with the same seed."; const HELP_SEEK: &str = "\ Seek to the specified byte position on disk \ before starting the write/verify operation. This skips the specified \ amount of bytes on the disk and also fast forwards the random number generator."; const HELP_BYTES: &str = "\ Number of bytes to write/verify. \ If not given, then the whole disk will be overwritten/verified."; const HELP_ALGORITHM: &str = "\ Select the random number generator algorithm. \ The selection can be: CHACHA20, CHACHA12, CHACHA8 or CRC.\n\ Default: CHACHA20.\n\ ChaCha12 and ChaCha8 are less cryptographically secure than ChaCha20, but faster.\n\ CRC is even faster, but not cryptographically secure at all."; const HELP_SEED: &str = "\ The seed to use for random number stream generation. \ The seed may be any random string (e.g. a long passphrase). \ If no seed is given, then a secure random seed will be generated \ and also printed to the console."; const HELP_INVERT_PATTERN: &str = "\ Invert the bit pattern generated by the random number generator. \ This can be useful, if a second write/verify run with a strictly \ inverted test bit pattern is desired."; const HELP_THREADS: &str = "\ The number of CPUs to use. \ The special value 0 will select the maximum number of online CPUs in the system. \ If the number of threads is equal to number of CPUs it is optimal for performance. \ This parameter must be equal during corresponding verify and write mode runs. \ Otherwise the verification will fail. Default: 1"; const HELP_QUIET: &str = "\ Quiet level: 0: Normal verboseness (default). \ 1: Reduced verboseness. \ 2: No informational output."; /// All command line arguments. pub struct Args { pub device: String, pub write: bool, pub verify: bool, pub seek: u64, pub max_bytes: u64, pub algorithm: DtStreamType, pub seed: String, pub user_seed: bool, pub invert_pattern: bool, pub threads: usize, pub quiet: u8, } /// Parse all command line arguments and put them into a structure. pub fn parse_args(args: I) -> ah::Result where I: IntoIterator, T: Into + Clone { fn param_err(param: impl Display, error: impl Display) -> ah::Error { ah::format_err!("Invalid {} value: {}", param, error) } let args = App::new("disktest") .about(&*(ABOUT.to_string() + EXAMPLE)) .arg(Arg::new("device") .index(1) .required(true) .help(HELP_DEVICE)) .arg(Arg::new("write") .long("write") .short('w') .help(HELP_WRITE)) .arg(Arg::new("verify") .long("verify") .short('v') .help(HELP_VERIFY)) .arg(Arg::new("seek") .long("seek") .short('s') .takes_value(true) .help(HELP_SEEK)) .arg(Arg::new("bytes") .long("bytes") .short('b') .takes_value(true) .help(HELP_BYTES)) .arg(Arg::new("algorithm") .long("algorithm") .short('A') .takes_value(true) .help(HELP_ALGORITHM)) .arg(Arg::new("seed") .long("seed") .short('S') .takes_value(true) .help(HELP_SEED)) .arg(Arg::new("invert-pattern") .long("invert-pattern") .short('i') .help(HELP_INVERT_PATTERN)) .arg(Arg::new("threads") .long("threads") .short('j') .takes_value(true) .help(HELP_THREADS)) .arg(Arg::new("quiet") .long("quiet") .short('q') .takes_value(true) .help(HELP_QUIET)) .try_get_matches_from(args); let args = match args { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { match e.kind { DisplayHelp | DisplayVersion => { print!("{}", e); std::process::exit(0); }, _ => (), }; return Err(ah::format_err!("{}", e)); }, }; let quiet: u8 = match args.value_of("quiet").unwrap_or("0").parse() { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => return Err(param_err("--quiet", e)), }; let device = args.value_of("device").unwrap().to_string(); let write = args.is_present("write"); let mut verify = args.is_present("verify"); if !write && !verify { verify = true; } let seek = match parsebytes(args.value_of("seek").unwrap_or("0")) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => return Err(param_err("--seek", e)), }; let max_bytes = match parsebytes(args.value_of("bytes").unwrap_or(&Disktest::UNLIMITED.to_string())) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => return Err(param_err("--bytes", e)), }; let algorithm = match args.value_of("algorithm").unwrap_or("CHACHA20").to_uppercase().as_str() { "CHACHA8" => DtStreamType::ChaCha8, "CHACHA12" => DtStreamType::ChaCha12, "CHACHA20" => DtStreamType::ChaCha20, "CRC" => DtStreamType::Crc, x => return Err(param_err("--algorithm", x)), }; let (seed, user_seed) = match args.value_of("seed") { Some(x) => (x.to_string(), true), None => (gen_seed_string(DEFAULT_GEN_SEED_LEN), false), }; if !user_seed && verify && !write { return Err(ah::format_err!("Verify-only mode requires --seed. \ Please either provide a --seed, \ or enable --verify and --write mode.")); } let invert_pattern = args.is_present("invert-pattern"); let threads: usize = match args.value_of("threads").unwrap_or("1").parse() { Ok(x) => { if x > std::u16::MAX as usize + 1 { return Err(param_err("--threads", x)) } x }, Err(e) => return Err(param_err("--threads", e)), }; Ok(Args { device, write, verify, seek, max_bytes, algorithm, seed, user_seed, invert_pattern, threads, quiet, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_parse_args() { assert!(parse_args(vec!["disktest", "--does-not-exist"]).is_err()); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-Sx", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, false); assert_eq!(a.verify, true); assert_eq!(a.seek, 0); assert_eq!(a.max_bytes, Disktest::UNLIMITED); assert_eq!(a.algorithm, DtStreamType::ChaCha20); assert_eq!(a.seed, "x"); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, true); assert_eq!(a.invert_pattern, false); assert_eq!(a.threads, 1); assert_eq!(a.quiet, 0); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "--write", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, true); assert_eq!(a.verify, false); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, false); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, true); assert_eq!(a.verify, false); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, false); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "--write", "--verify", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, true); assert_eq!(a.verify, true); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, false); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-v", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, true); assert_eq!(a.verify, true); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, false); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-Sx", "--verify", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, false); assert_eq!(a.verify, true); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-Sx", "-v", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.device, "/dev/foobar"); assert_eq!(a.write, false); assert_eq!(a.verify, true); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--seek", "123", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.seek, 123); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-s", "123 MiB", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.seek, 123 * 1024 * 1024); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--bytes", "456", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.max_bytes, 456); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-b", "456 MiB", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.max_bytes, 456 * 1024 * 1024); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--algorithm", "CHACHA8", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.algorithm, DtStreamType::ChaCha8); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-A", "chacha8", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.algorithm, DtStreamType::ChaCha8); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-A", "chacha12", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.algorithm, DtStreamType::ChaCha12); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-A", "crc", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.algorithm, DtStreamType::Crc); assert!(parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-A", "invalid", "/dev/foobar"]).is_err()); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--seed", "mysecret", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.seed, "mysecret"); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, true); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-S", "mysecret", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.seed, "mysecret"); assert_eq!(a.user_seed, true); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--threads", "24", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.threads, 24); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-j24", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.threads, 24); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-j0", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.threads, 0); assert!(parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-j65537", "/dev/foobar"]).is_err()); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--quiet", "2", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.quiet, 2); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-q2", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.quiet, 2); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "--invert-pattern", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.invert_pattern, true); let a = parse_args(vec!["disktest", "-w", "-i", "/dev/foobar"]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a.invert_pattern, true); } } // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab