// -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // Copyright (C) 2024 Michael Büsch // Copyright (C) 2020 Marco Lochen // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later use crate::{formfields::FormFields, query::Query, wakeup::wakeup_feedsd}; use anyhow::{self as ah, Context as _}; use feedsdb::{Db, DbConn}; use std::{fmt::Write as _, write as wr, writeln as ln}; const MIME: &str = "text/html"; const BODY_PREALLOC: usize = 1024 * 1024; fn floor_char_boundary(s: &str, mut i: usize) -> usize { if i >= s.len() { s.len() } else { while i > 0 { if s.is_char_boundary(i) { break; } i -= 1; } i } } fn escape(s: &str, maxlen: usize) -> String { let boundary = floor_char_boundary(s, maxlen); let mut snipped = s[0..boundary].to_string(); if snipped.len() != s.len() { snipped.push_str("..."); } html_escape::encode_safe(&snipped).into_owned() } #[rustfmt::skip] async fn gen_feed_list( b: &mut String, conn: &mut DbConn, active_feed_id: Option, ) -> ah::Result<()> { let feeds = conn.get_feeds(active_feed_id).await .context("Database: Get feeds")?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; for feed in feeds { let tr_class = if feed.feed_id == active_feed_id { r#" class="active_row""# } else { "" }; let mut classes = String::with_capacity(32); wr!(&mut classes, "feed_title")?; if feed.disabled { wr!(&mut classes, " disabled")?; } if feed.updated_items > 0 { wr!(&mut classes, " new_items")?; } let feed_id = feed.feed_id.expect("get_feeds() feed_id was None"); let mut title = escape(&feed.title, 32); if feed.disabled { title.push_str(" (DISABLED)"); } let updated_items = if feed.updated_items > 0 { format!(" ({})", feed.updated_items) } else { "".to_string() }; let href = &feed.href; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; } ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" {title}{updated_items}"#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; Ok(()) } #[rustfmt::skip] async fn gen_item_list( b: &mut String, conn: &mut DbConn, feed_id: i64, ) -> ah::Result<()> { let items = conn.get_feed_items(feed_id).await .context("Database: Get feed items")?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; for (item, count) in items { let item_id = item.item_id.as_ref().expect("get_feed_items() item_id was None"); let link = escape(&item.link, 1024); let title = escape(&item.title, 256); let summary = escape(&item.summary, 4096); let classes = if item.seen { "item" } else { "item unseen" }; let author = if item.author.is_empty() { "".to_string() } else { format!("{} - ", escape(&item.author, 32)) }; let new_marker = if item.seen { "" } else { "(NEW) " }; let timestring = item.published.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); let mut history = String::new(); if count > 1 { wr!(&mut history, r#"(history)"#)?; } ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#" {author}{title}"#)?; ln!(b, r#" {history}"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; } ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; Ok(()) } #[rustfmt::skip] async fn gen_item_history_list( b: &mut String, conn: &mut DbConn, feed_id: i64, item_id: &str, ) -> ah::Result<()> { let items = conn.get_feed_items_by_item_id(feed_id, item_id).await .context("Database: Get items by item_id")?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; for item in items { let link = escape(&item.link, 1024); let title = escape(&item.title, 256); let summary = escape(&item.summary, 4096); let classes = if item.seen { "item" } else { "item unseen" }; let author = if item.author.is_empty() { "".to_string() } else { format!("{} - ", escape(&item.author, 32)) }; let timestring = item.published.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#" {author}{title}"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; } ln!(b, r#"
"#)?; Ok(()) } #[rustfmt::skip] async fn gen_page( b: &mut String, conn: &mut DbConn, query: &Query, formfields: Option<&FormFields>, ) -> ah::Result<()> { let mut wake_feedsd = false; ln!(b, r#""#)?; ln!(b, r#""#)?; ln!(b, r#""#)?; ln!(b, r#" My Feeds"#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#" "#)?; ln!(b, r#""#)?; ln!(b, r#""#)?; if let Some(formfields) = formfields { if let Some(add_href) = formfields.get_one("add") { conn.add_feed(add_href).await .context("Database: Add feed")?; wake_feedsd = true; } if let Some(del_ids) = formfields.get_list_i64("del") { conn.delete_feeds(&del_ids).await .context("Database: Delete feeds")?; } } let feed_id = query.get_i64("id"); let item_id = query.get("itemid"); gen_feed_list(b, conn, feed_id).await?; if let Some(feed_id) = feed_id { if let Some(item_id) = &item_id { gen_item_history_list(b, conn, feed_id, item_id).await?; } else { gen_item_list(b, conn, feed_id).await?; } } ln!(b, r#""#)?; ln!(b, r#""#)?; if wake_feedsd { wakeup_feedsd().await; } Ok(()) } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)] pub enum GetBody { No, Yes, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] pub struct PageGenResult { pub body: String, pub mime: String, } pub struct PageGen<'a> { db: &'a Db, } impl<'a> PageGen<'a> { pub async fn new(db: &'a Db) -> ah::Result { Ok(Self { db }) } pub async fn get(&mut self, query: &Query, get_body: GetBody) -> ah::Result { let body = match get_body { GetBody::Yes => { let mut body = String::with_capacity(BODY_PREALLOC); let mut conn = self.db.open().await.context("Open database")?; gen_page(&mut body, &mut conn, query, None) .await .context("Generate page (GET)")?; body } GetBody::No => "".to_string(), }; Ok(PageGenResult { body, mime: MIME.to_string(), }) } pub async fn post( &mut self, query: &Query, formfields: &FormFields, ) -> ah::Result { let mut body = String::with_capacity(BODY_PREALLOC); let mut conn = self.db.open().await.context("Open database")?; gen_page(&mut body, &mut conn, query, Some(formfields)) .await .context("Generate page (POST)")?; Ok(PageGenResult { body, mime: MIME.to_string(), }) } } // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab