// -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // Copyright (C) 2024 Michael Büsch // // Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0 // or the MIT license, at your option. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT use anyhow::{self as ah, format_err as err}; use hickory_proto::rr::{record_data::RData, record_type::RecordType}; use hickory_resolver::{config::ResolverConfig, TokioAsyncResolver}; use std::net::IpAddr; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ResMode { #[default] Ipv6, Ipv4, } pub fn is_ipv4_addr(host: &str) -> bool { host.parse::().map(|a| a.is_ipv4()).unwrap_or(false) } pub fn is_ipv6_addr(host: &str) -> bool { host.parse::().map(|a| a.is_ipv6()).unwrap_or(false) } pub async fn resolve(host: &str, mode: ResMode) -> ah::Result { // Try to parse host as an IP address. if let Ok(addr) = host.parse::() { match mode { ResMode::Ipv4 if !addr.is_ipv4() => { return Err(err!( "Supplied a raw IPv6 address, but resolution mode is set to IPv4" )); } ResMode::Ipv6 if !addr.is_ipv6() => { return Err(err!( "Supplied a raw IPv4 address, but resolution mode is set to IPv6" )); } _ => (), } // It is an IP address. No need for DNS lookup. return Ok(addr); } // Create a DNS resolver. let resolver; if let Ok(r) = TokioAsyncResolver::tokio_from_system_conf() { resolver = r; } else { eprintln!( "Warning: Could not create DNS resolver from system configuration. \ Is /etc/resolv.conf present? Falling back to Google DNS." ); resolver = TokioAsyncResolver::tokio(ResolverConfig::google(), Default::default()); } // Determine the DNS record type from the address resolution mode. let (record_type, record_type_str) = match mode { ResMode::Ipv6 => (RecordType::AAAA, "AAAA"), ResMode::Ipv4 => (RecordType::A, "A"), }; // Do a DNS lookup of the host. let Ok(lookup) = resolver.lookup(host, record_type).await else { return Err(err!( "DNS lookup of host '{host}' failed. No '{record_type_str}' record found." )); }; // Return the first address that matches the requested address resolution mode. for addr in lookup { match (mode, addr) { (ResMode::Ipv6, RData::AAAA(addr)) => return Ok(addr.0.into()), (ResMode::Ipv4, RData::A(addr)) => return Ok(addr.0.into()), _ => (), } } Err(err!( "No IP address found for host '{host}'. No '{record_type_str}' record found." )) } // vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab