/* * TOP2049 Open Source programming suite * * M2764A EPROM * FPGA bottomhalf implementation * * Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Buesch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ module m2764a(data, ale, write, read, osc_in, zif); inout [7:0] data; input ale; input write; input read; input osc_in; /* 12MHz oscillator */ inout [48:1] zif; /* Interface to the microcontroller */ wire read_oe; /* Read output-enable */ reg [7:0] address; /* Cached address value */ reg [7:0] read_data; /* Cached read data */ wire low, high; /* Constant lo/hi */ reg [7:0] test; /* Debugging */ /* Programmer context */ reg [1:0] prog_busy; reg [3:0] prog_command; reg [3:0] prog_state; reg [7:0] prog_pulselen; reg [7:0] prog_count; `define PROG_PPULSE 1 /* DUT signals */ reg [12:0] dut_addr; reg [7:0] dut_data; reg dut_E; reg dut_P; reg dut_G; assign low = 0; assign high = 1; initial begin prog_busy <= 0; prog_command <= 0; prog_state <= 0; prog_pulselen <= 0; prog_count <= 0; dut_addr <= 0; dut_data <= 0; dut_E <= 1; dut_P <= 1; dut_G <= 1; test <= 0; end /* The delay counter. Based on the 12MHz input clock. */ reg [15:0] delay_count; wire osc; IBUF osc_ibuf(.I(osc_in), .O(osc)); always @(posedge osc) begin if (delay_count == 0) begin if (prog_busy[0] != prog_busy[1]) begin /* busy0 != busy1 indicates that a command is running. * Continue executing it... */ case (prog_command) `PROG_PPULSE: begin case (prog_state) 0: begin /* Init */ dut_P <= 0; prog_count <= prog_pulselen - 1; prog_state <= 1; delay_count <= 24000 - 2; end 1: begin /* Delay loop */ if (prog_count == 0) begin /* Done */ dut_P <= 1; prog_state <= 0; prog_busy[1] <= prog_busy[0]; end else begin prog_state <= 2; delay_count <= 24000 - 2; end end 2: begin prog_count <= prog_count - 1; prog_state <= 1; end endcase end endcase end end else begin delay_count <= delay_count - 1; end end always @(posedge write) begin case (address) 8'h10: begin /* Data write */ dut_data <= data; end 8'h12: begin /* Run a command. */ prog_command <= data; prog_busy[0] <= ~prog_busy[1]; end 8'h13: begin /* Set addr low */ dut_addr[7:0] <= data; end 8'h14: begin /* Set addr high */ dut_addr[12:8] <= data[4:0]; end 8'h15: begin /* Set P pulse len */ prog_pulselen <= data; end 8'h16: begin /* Set E/G */ dut_E <= data[0]; dut_G <= data[1]; end endcase end always @(negedge read) begin case (address) 8'h10: begin /* Data read */ read_data[2:0] <= zif[23:21]; read_data[7:3] <= zif[29:25]; end 8'h12: begin /* Read status */ read_data[0] <= (prog_busy[0] != prog_busy[1]); end 8'h16: begin /* Raw ZIF pin read access */ read_data <= zif[8:1]; end 8'h17: begin /* Raw ZIF pin read access */ read_data <= zif[16:9]; end 8'h18: begin /* Raw ZIF pin read access */ read_data <= zif[24:17]; end 8'h19: begin /* Raw ZIF pin read access */ read_data <= zif[32:25]; end 8'h1A: begin /* Raw ZIF pin read access */ read_data <= zif[40:33]; end 8'h1B: begin /* Raw ZIF pin read access */ read_data <= zif[48:41]; end endcase end always @(negedge ale) begin address <= data; end assign read_oe = !read && address[4]; bufif0(zif[1], low, low); bufif0(zif[2], low, low); bufif0(zif[3], low, low); bufif0(zif[4], low, low); bufif0(zif[5], low, low); bufif0(zif[6], low, low); bufif0(zif[7], low, low); bufif0(zif[8], low, low); bufif0(zif[9], low, low); bufif0(zif[10], low, low); bufif0(zif[11], low, high); /* VPP */ bufif0(zif[12], dut_addr[12], low); /* A12 */ bufif0(zif[13], dut_addr[7], low); /* A7 */ bufif0(zif[14], dut_addr[6], low); /* A6 */ bufif0(zif[15], dut_addr[5], low); /* A5 */ bufif0(zif[16], dut_addr[4], low); /* A4 */ bufif0(zif[17], dut_addr[3], low); /* A3 */ bufif0(zif[18], dut_addr[2], low); /* A2 */ bufif0(zif[19], dut_addr[1], low); /* A1 */ bufif0(zif[20], dut_addr[0], low); /* A0 */ bufif0(zif[21], dut_data[0], !dut_G); /* Q0 */ bufif0(zif[22], dut_data[1], !dut_G); /* Q1 */ bufif0(zif[23], dut_data[2], !dut_G); /* Q2 */ bufif0(zif[24], low, low); /* Vss */ bufif0(zif[25], dut_data[3], !dut_G); /* Q3 */ bufif0(zif[26], dut_data[4], !dut_G); /* Q4 */ bufif0(zif[27], dut_data[5], !dut_G); /* Q5 */ bufif0(zif[28], dut_data[6], !dut_G); /* Q6 */ bufif0(zif[29], dut_data[7], !dut_G); /* Q7 */ bufif0(zif[30], dut_E, low); /* E */ bufif0(zif[31], dut_addr[10], low); /* A10 */ bufif0(zif[32], dut_G, low); /* G */ bufif0(zif[33], dut_addr[11], low); /* A11 */ bufif0(zif[34], dut_addr[9], low); /* A9 */ bufif0(zif[35], dut_addr[8], low); /* A8 */ bufif0(zif[36], low, low); /* NC */ bufif0(zif[37], dut_P, low); /* P */ bufif0(zif[38], high, low); /* Vcc */ bufif0(zif[39], low, low); bufif0(zif[40], low, low); bufif0(zif[41], test[0], low); bufif0(zif[42], test[1], low); bufif0(zif[43], test[2], low); bufif0(zif[44], test[3], low); bufif0(zif[45], test[4], low); bufif0(zif[46], test[5], low); bufif0(zif[47], test[6], low); bufif0(zif[48], test[7], low); bufif1(data[0], read_data[0], read_oe); bufif1(data[1], read_data[1], read_oe); bufif1(data[2], read_data[2], read_oe); bufif1(data[3], read_data[3], read_oe); bufif1(data[4], read_data[4], read_oe); bufif1(data[5], read_data[5], read_oe); bufif1(data[6], read_data[6], read_oe); bufif1(data[7], read_data[7], read_oe); endmodule