""" # TOP2049 Open Source programming suite # # Atmel Mega8 DIP28 support # # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ from chip import * class ATMega8DIP28(Chip): # The Atmel Mega8 programming commands CMD_CHIPERASE = 0x80 # Chip Erase CMD_WRITEFUSE = 0x40 # Write Fuse Bits CMD_WRITELOCK = 0x20 # Write Lock Bits CMD_WRITEFLASH = 0x10 # Write Flash CMD_WRITEEEPROM = 0x11 # Write EEPROM CMD_READSIG = 0x08 # Read Signature bytes and Calibration byte CMD_READFUSELOCK = 0x04 # Read Fuse and Lock bits CMD_READFLASH = 0x02 # Read Flash CMD_READEEPROM = 0x03 # Read EEPROM def __init__(self): Chip.__init__(self, "atmega8dip28") self.signature = "\x1E\x93\x07" # The expected signature bytes def initializeChip(self): self.printDebug("Initializing chip") self.top.gnd.setLayoutPins( (18,) ) self.top.cmdSetVCCXVoltage(5) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(0) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(12) def shutdownChip(self): self.printDebug("Shutdown chip") self.top.cmdSetVCCXVoltage(5) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(5) self.top.vccx.setLayoutMask(0) self.top.vpp.setLayoutMask(0) self.top.gnd.setLayoutPins( [] ) def readSignature(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() (signature, calibration) = self.__readSigAndCalib() return signature def erase(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Erasing chip", 0) self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_CHIPERASE) self.__pulseWR() self.__waitForRDY() self.progressMeterFinish() def readProgmem(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.top.cmdFlush(10) self.top.queueCommand("\x0E\x1F\x00\x00") self.top.delay(0.1) stat = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg32() if stat != 0xB9C80101: self.throwError("read: Unexpected status value 0x%08X" % stat) self.progressMeterInit("Reading Flash", 256) image = "" for chunk in range(0, 256, 2): self.progressMeter(chunk) for word in range(0, 32): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READFLASH) self.__loadAddr((chunk << 4) + word) self.__readWordToStatusReg() data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() image += data self.progressMeterFinish() return image def writeProgmem(self, image): if len(image) != 0x2000: self.throwError("Invalid program memory image size %d (expected %d)" %\ (len(image), 0x2000)) self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Writing Flash", 256) for chunk in range(0, 256, 2): self.progressMeter(chunk) for word in range(0, 32): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_WRITEFLASH) addr = (chunk << 4) + word self.__loadAddr(addr) addr *= 2 data = image[addr : addr + 2] self.__loadData(ord(data[0]) | (ord(data[1]) << 8)) self.__setBS1(1) self.__pulsePAGEL() self.__setBS1(0) self.__pulseWR() self.__waitForRDY() self.progressMeterFinish() def readEEPROM(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Reading EEPROM", 128) image = "" for chunk in range(0, 128): self.progressMeter(chunk) for byte in range(0, 4): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READEEPROM) self.__loadAddr((chunk << 2) + byte) self.__readLowByteToStatusReg() data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() image += data[0:4] self.progressMeterFinish() return image def writeEEPROM(self, image): if len(image) != 512: self.throwError("Invalid EEPROM image size %d (expected %d)" %\ (len(image), 512)) self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Writing EEPROM", 128) for chunk in range(0, 128): self.progressMeter(chunk) for byte in range(0, 4): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_WRITEEEPROM) addr = (chunk << 2) + byte self.__loadAddr(addr) data = image[addr] self.__loadDataLow(ord(data[0])) self.__pulsePAGEL() self.__setBS1(0) self.__pulseWR() self.__waitForRDY() self.progressMeterFinish() def readFuse(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Reading Fuse bits", 0) (fuse, lock) = self.__readFuseAndLockBits() self.progressMeterFinish() return fuse def writeFuse(self, image): if len(image) != 2: self.throwError("Invalid Fuses image size %d (expected %d)" %\ (len(image), 2)) self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Writing Fuse bits", 0) self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_WRITEFUSE) self.__setBS2(0) self.__loadDataLow(ord(image[0])) self.__pulseWR() self.__waitForRDY() self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_WRITEFUSE) self.__loadDataLow(ord(image[1])) self.__setBS1(1) self.__pulseWR() self.__waitForRDY() self.progressMeterFinish() def readLockbits(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Reading lock bits", 0) (fuses, lockbits) = self.__readFuseAndLockBits() self.progressMeterFinish() return lockbits def writeLockbits(self, image): if len(image) != 1: self.throwError("Invalid lock-bits image size %d (expected %d)" %\ (len(image), 1)) self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.progressMeterInit("Writing lock bits", 0) self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_WRITELOCK) self.__loadDataLow(ord(image[0])) self.__pulseWR() self.__waitForRDY() self.progressMeterFinish() def __readSigAndCalib(self): """Reads the signature and calibration bytes and returns them. This function expects a DUT present and pins initialized.""" signature = "" calibration = "" for addr in range(0, 4): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READSIG) self.__loadAddr(addr) self.__readWordToStatusReg() data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() if addr <= 2: signature += data[0] calibration += data[1] return (signature, calibration) def __readFuseAndLockBits(self): """Reads the Fuse and Lock bits and returns them. This function expects a DUT present and pins initialized.""" self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READFUSELOCK) self.__setBS2(0) self.__readWordToStatusReg() self.__setBS2(1) self.__readWordToStatusReg() self.__setBS2(0) data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() fuses = data[0] + data[3] lock = data[1] return (fuses, lock) def __checkDUTPresence(self): """Check if a Device Under Test (DUT) is inserted into the ZIF.""" self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x1D, 0x86) self.top.flushCommands() self.top.gnd.setLayoutPins( [] ) self.top.vpp.setLayoutMask(0) self.top.vccx.setLayoutMask(0) self.top.cmdFlush(2) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x1B, 0xFF) self.top.flushCommands() self.top.queueCommand("\x0E\x28\x00\x00") self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(0) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(5) self.top.cmdFlush(21) self.top.vpp.setLayoutPins( (5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18) ) self.top.cmdFlush(2) self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x16) self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x17) self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x18) self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x19) self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x1A) self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x1B) stat = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg48() if stat != 0x0303FFFFFFC0 and \ (stat & 0x00FFFFFFFFFF) != 0x00031F801000: msg = "Did not detect chip. Please check connections. (0x%012X)" % stat if self.top.getForceLevel() >= 2: self.printWarning(msg) else: self.throwError(msg) def __initPins(self): """Initialize the pin voltages and logic.""" self.top.vpp.setLayoutMask(0) self.top.vccx.setLayoutMask(0) self.top.queueCommand("\x0E\x28\x01\x00") self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x1B, 0x00) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(0) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(12) self.top.gnd.setLayoutPins( (18,) ) self.top.cmdSetVCCXVoltage(4.4) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setWR(0) self.top.flushCommands() self.top.gnd.setLayoutPins( (18,) ) self.top.vccx.setLayoutPins( (17,) ) self.top.queueCommand("\x19") self.__setReadMode(0) self.top.queueCommand("\x34") self.__setReadMode(0) self.__setOE(0) self.__setWR(1) self.__setXTAL1(0) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, 0x08) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setBS2(0) self.__setPAGEL(0) self.__pulseXTAL1(10) self.top.queueCommand("\x19") self.top.flushCommands() self.top.vpp.setLayoutPins( (5, 6, 7, 9, 11) ) self.top.queueCommand("\x34") self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, 0x88) self.__setOE(1) self.top.cmdFlush() (signature, calibration) = self.__readSigAndCalib() if signature != self.signature: msg = "Unexpected device signature. " +\ "Want %02X%02X%02X, but got %02X%02X%02X" % \ (ord(self.signature[0]), ord(self.signature[1]), ord(self.signature[2]), ord(signature[0]), ord(signature[1]), ord(signature[2])) if self.top.getForceLevel() >= 1: self.printWarning(msg) else: self.throwError(msg) def __readWordToStatusReg(self): """Read a data word from the DUT into the status register.""" self.__setReadMode(1) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setOE(0) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setBS1(1) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setOE(1) self.__setReadMode(0) def __readLowByteToStatusReg(self): """Read the low data byte from the DUT into the status register.""" self.__setReadMode(1) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setOE(0) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setOE(1) self.__setReadMode(0) def __readHighByteToStatusReg(self): """Read the high data byte from the DUT into the status register.""" self.__setReadMode(1) self.__setBS1(1) self.__setOE(0) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setOE(1) self.__setReadMode(0) def __loadData(self, data): """Load a data word.""" self.__loadDataLow(data) self.__loadDataHigh(data >> 8) def __loadDataLow(self, dataLow): """Load the low data byte.""" self.__setBS1(0) self.__setXA0(1) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x10, dataLow & 0xFF) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __loadDataHigh(self, dataHigh): """Load the high data byte.""" self.__setBS1(1) self.__setXA0(1) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x10, dataHigh & 0xFF) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __loadAddr(self, addr): """Load an address word.""" self.__loadAddrLow(addr) self.__loadAddrHigh(addr >> 8) def __loadAddrLow(self, addrLow): """Load the low address byte.""" self.__setBS1(0) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x10, addrLow & 0xFF) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __loadAddrHigh(self, addrHigh): """Load the high address byte.""" self.__setBS1(1) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x10, addrHigh & 0xFF) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __loadCommand(self, command): """Load a command into the device.""" self.top.queueCommand("\x34") self.__setBS1(0) self.top.queueCommand("\x34") self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(1) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x10, command) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __setReadMode(self, high): """Put the FPGA into read mode.""" value = 0x01 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __waitForRDY(self): """Wait for the RDY pin to go high.""" self.top.delay(0.01) for i in range(0, 50): if self.__getRDY(): return self.top.delay(0.01) self.throwError("Timeout waiting for READY signal from chip.") def __getRDY(self): """Read the state of the RDY/BSY pin.""" self.top.cmdFPGAReadRaw(0x17) stat = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() stat = ord(stat[0]) return bool(stat & (1 << 4)) def __setOE(self, high): """Set the OE pin of the DUT""" value = 0x02 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setWR(self, high): """Set the WR pin of the DUT""" value = 0x03 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __pulseWR(self, count=1): """Do a negative pulse on the WR pin of the DUT""" while count > 0: self.__setWR(0) self.__setWR(1) count -= 1 def __setBS1(self, high): """Set the BS1 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x04 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setXA0(self, high): """Set the XA0 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x05 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setXA1(self, high): """Set the XA1 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x06 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setXTAL1(self, high): """Set the XTAL1 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x07 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __pulseXTAL1(self, count=1): """Do a positive pulse on the XTAL1 pin of the DUT""" while count > 0: self.__setXTAL1(1) self.__setXTAL1(0) count -= 1 def __setPAGEL(self, high): """Set the PAGEL pin of the DUT""" value = 0x09 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __pulsePAGEL(self, count=1): """Do a positive pulse on the PAGEL pin of the DUT""" while count > 0: self.__setPAGEL(1) self.__setPAGEL(0) count -= 1 def __setBS2(self, high): """Set the BS2 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x0A if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) supportedChips.append(ATMega8DIP28())