""" # TOP2049 Open Source programming suite # # Atmel Mega8 DIP28 support # # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ from chip import * import time class ATMega8DIP28(Chip): # The Atmel Mega8 programming commands CMD_CHIPERASE = 0x80 # Chip Erase CMD_WRITEFUSE = 0x40 # Write Fuse Bits CMD_WRITELOCK = 0x20 # Write Lock Bits CMD_WRITEFLASH = 0x10 # Write Flash CMD_WRITEEEPROM = 0x11 # Write EEPROM CMD_READSIG = 0x08 # Read Signature bytes and Calibration byte CMD_READFUSELOCK = 0x04 # Read Fuse and Lock bits CMD_READFLASH = 0x02 # Read Flash CMD_READEEPROM = 0x03 # Read EEPROM def __init__(self): Chip.__init__(self, "atmega8dip28") self.signature = "\x1E\x93\x07" # The expected signature bytes def initializeChip(self): self.top.cmdSetGNDPin(18) self.top.cmdSetVCCXVoltage(5) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(0) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(12) def readProgmem(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.top.cmdFlush(10) self.top.send("\x0E\x1F\x00\x00") time.sleep(0.1) stat = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg32() if stat != 0xB9C80101: self.throwError("read: Unexpected status value 0x%08X" % stat) self.printInfo("Reading Flash ", newline=False) image = "" self.top.blockCommands() for chunk in range(0, 256, 2): if chunk % 8 == 0: percent = (chunk * 100 / 256) if percent % 25 == 0: self.printInfo("%d%%" % percent, newline=False) else: self.printInfo(".", newline=False) for word in range(0, 32): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READFLASH) self.__loadAddr((chunk << 4) + word) self.__readWordToStatusReg() data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() image += data self.top.unblockCommands() self.printInfo("100%") return image def writeProgmem(self, image): if len(image) != 0x2000: self.throwError("Invalid program memory image size %d (expected %d)" %\ (len(image), 0x2000)) self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() #TODO def readEEPROM(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.printInfo("Reading EEPROM", newline=False) image = "" self.top.blockCommands() for chunk in range(0, 16, 2): if chunk % 4 == 0: self.printInfo(".", newline=False) for word in range(0, 32): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READEEPROM) self.__loadAddr((chunk << 4) + word) self.__readWordToStatusReg() data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() image += data self.top.unblockCommands() self.printInfo("100%") return image def readFuse(self): self.__checkDUTPresence() self.__initPins() self.printInfo("Reading Fuse bits...", newline=False) (fuse, lock) = self.__readFuseAndLockBits() self.printInfo("100%") return fuse def __readSigAndCalib(self): """Reads the signature and calibration bytes and returns them. This function expects a DUT present and pins initialized.""" signature = "" calibration = "" self.top.blockCommands() for addr in range(0, 4): self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READSIG) self.__loadAddr(addr) self.__readWordToStatusReg() data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() if addr <= 2: signature += data[0] calibration += data[1] self.top.unblockCommands() return (signature, calibration) def __readFuseAndLockBits(self): """Reads the Fuse and Lock bits and returns them. This function expects a DUT present and pins initialized.""" self.top.blockCommands() self.__loadCommand(self.CMD_READFUSELOCK) self.__setBS2(0) self.__readWordToStatusReg() self.__setBS2(1) self.__readWordToStatusReg() self.__setBS2(0) data = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg() self.top.unblockCommands() fuses = data[0] + data[3] lock = data[1] return (fuses, lock) def __checkDUTPresence(self): """Check if a Device Under Test (DUT) is inserted into the ZIF.""" self.top.blockCommands() self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x1D, 0x86) self.top.unblockCommands() self.top.cmdSetGNDPin(0) self.top.cmdLoadVPPLayout(0) self.top.cmdLoadVCCXLayout(0) self.top.blockCommands() self.top.cmdFlush(2) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x1B, 0xFF) self.top.unblockCommands() self.top.send("\x0E\x28\x00\x00") self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(0) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(5) self.top.cmdFlush(21) self.top.cmdLoadVPPLayout(14) self.top.blockCommands() self.top.cmdFlush(2) self.top.send("\x0B\x16") self.top.send("\x0B\x17") self.top.send("\x0B\x18") self.top.send("\x0B\x19") self.top.send("\x0B\x1A") self.top.send("\x0B\x1B") stat = self.top.cmdReadStatusReg32() self.top.unblockCommands() if stat != 0xFFFFFFC0: msg = "Did not detect chip. Please check connections. (0x%08X)" % stat if self.top.getForceLevel() >= 2: self.printWarning(msg) else: self.throwError(msg) def __initPins(self): """Initialize the pin voltages and logic.""" self.top.cmdLoadVPPLayout(0) self.top.cmdLoadVCCXLayout(0) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.send("\x0E\x28\x01\x00") self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x1B, 0x00) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(0) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(12) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdSetGNDPin(18) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.cmdSetVCCXVoltage(4.4) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.blockCommands() self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setWR(0) self.top.unblockCommands() self.top.cmdSetGNDPin(18) self.top.cmdLoadVCCXLayout(13) self.top.blockCommands() self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.send("\x19") self.__setReadMode(0) self.top.send("\x34") self.__setReadMode(0) self.__setOE(0) self.__setWR(1) self.__setXTAL1(0) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, 0x08) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setBS2(0) self.__setPAGEL(0) self.__pulseXTAL1(10) self.top.send("\x19") self.top.unblockCommands() self.top.cmdLoadVPPLayout(7) self.top.blockCommands() self.top.send("\x34") self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, 0x88) self.__setOE(1) self.top.cmdFlush() self.top.unblockCommands() (signature, calibration) = self.__readSigAndCalib() if signature != self.signature: msg = "Unexpected device signature. " +\ "Want %02X%02X%02X, but got %02X%02X%02X" % \ (ord(self.signature[0]), ord(self.signature[1]), ord(self.signature[2]), ord(signature[0]), ord(signature[1]), ord(signature[2])) if self.top.getForceLevel() >= 1: self.printWarning(msg) else: self.throwError(msg) def __readWordToStatusReg(self): """Read a data word from the DUT into the status register.""" self.__setReadMode(1) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setOE(0) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setBS1(1) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setOE(1) self.__setReadMode(0) def __readLowByteToStatusReg(self): """Read the low data byte from the DUT into the status register.""" self.__setReadMode(1) self.__setBS1(0) self.__setOE(0) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setOE(1) self.__setReadMode(0) def __readHighByteToStatusReg(self): """Read the high data byte from the DUT into the status register.""" self.__setReadMode(1) self.__setBS1(1) self.__setOE(0) self.top.cmdFPGAReadByte() self.__setOE(1) self.__setReadMode(0) def __loadAddr(self, addr): """Load an address word.""" self.__loadAddrLow(addr) self.__loadAddrHigh(addr >> 8) def __loadAddrLow(self, addrLow): """Load the low address byte.""" self.__setBS1(0) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWriteByte(addrLow & 0xFF) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __loadAddrHigh(self, addrHigh): """Load the high address byte.""" self.__setBS1(1) self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(0) self.top.cmdFPGAWriteByte(addrHigh & 0xFF) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __loadCommand(self, command): """Load a command into the device.""" self.top.send("\x34") self.__setBS1(0) self.top.send("\x34") self.__setXA0(0) self.__setXA1(1) self.top.cmdFPGAWriteByte(command) self.__pulseXTAL1() def __setReadMode(self, high): """Put the FPGA into read mode.""" value = 0x01 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setOE(self, high): """Set the OE pin of the DUT""" value = 0x02 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setWR(self, high): """Set the WR pin of the DUT""" value = 0x03 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setBS1(self, high): """Set the BS1 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x04 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setXA0(self, high): """Set the XA0 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x05 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setXA1(self, high): """Set the XA1 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x06 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setXTAL1(self, high): """Set the XTAL1 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x07 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __pulseXTAL1(self, count=1): """Do a positive pulse on the XTAL1 pin of the DUT""" while count > 0: self.__setXTAL1(1) self.__setXTAL1(0) count -= 1 def __setPAGEL(self, high): """Set the PAGEL pin of the DUT""" value = 0x09 if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) def __setBS2(self, high): """Set the BS2 pin of the DUT""" value = 0x0A if high: value |= 0x80 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, value) supportedChips.append(ATMega8DIP28())