""" # TOP2049 Open Source programming suite # # Microchip8_18_common - basic file for 8bit PIC18 MCU # # Copyright (c) 2013 Pavel Stemberk # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ from libtoprammer.chip import * class Chip_Microchip8_18_common(Chip): STAT_BUSY = 0x01 STAT_SDIO = 0x02 PCMDBIT_4BITINSTR = 0 PCMDBIT_SENDDATA = 1 PCMDBIT_READDATA = 2 PCMDBIT_KEEPCLKHIGH = 7 CMD_CORE_INSTRUCTION = 0x0 CMD_SHIFT_OUT_TABLAT = 0x2 CMD_TR = 0x8 CMD_TRI = 0x9 CMD_TRD = 0xA CMD_ITR = 0xB CMD_TW = 0xC CMD_TWII = 0xD CMD_TWDD = 0xE CMD_TW_START_PROG = 0xF # EEPROM access: default on, if does not exist override it hasEEPROM = True # default delays - can be overridden delayP2A = 400e-9 # Serial clock low time delayP5 = 2.2e-6 # Delay between 4-bit command and command operand delayP5A = 2.2e-6 # Delay between 4-bit command operand and next 4-bit command delayP6 = 2.2e-6 # Delay between last SCK fall of command byte to first SCK rise of read data word delayP9 = 1e-3 # SCK High time (minimum programming time) delayP10 = 30e-6 # SCK Low time after programming (high-voltage discharge time) delayP11 = 0.01 # Delay to allow self-timed data write or bulk erase to occur delayP12 = 0.000002 # Input data hold time from nMCLR/Vpp rise delayP13 = 0.0000001 # Vdd rise setup time to nMCLR/Vpp rise delayP14 = 0.00000001 # Data out Valid from SCK rise delayP15 = 0.000002 # PGM rise setup time to nMCLR/Vpp rise userIDLocationSize = 8 userIDLocationAddr = 0x200000 deviceIDAddr = 0x3FFFFE configWordAddr = 0x300000 deviceIDLength = 2 voltageVDD = 5 voltageVPP = 12 def __init__(self, chipPackage, chipPinVCC, chipPinsVPP, chipPinGND, signature, flashPageSize, flashPages, eepromPageSize, eepromPages, fuseBytes ): Chip.__init__(self, chipPackage=chipPackage, chipPinVCC=chipPinVCC, chipPinsVPP=chipPinsVPP, chipPinGND=chipPinGND) self.signature = signature self.flashPageSize = flashPageSize # Flash page size, in words self.flashPages = flashPages # Nr of flash pages self.eepromPageSize = eepromPageSize # EEPROM page size, in bytes self.eepromPages = eepromPages # Nr of EEPROM pages self.fuseBytes = fuseBytes # Nr of fuse bytes self.isInPmMode = False self.BufferedBytes = 0 self.Image = b"" def getIHexInterpreter(self): inter = IHexInterpreter() inter.progmemRanges = [ AddressRange(0, self.flashPageSize) ] inter.fuseRanges = [ AddressRange(self.configWordAddr, self.configWordAddr + self.fuseBytes) ] inter.uilRanges = [ AddressRange(self.userIDLocationAddr, self.userIDLocationAddr + self.userIDLocationSize) ] return inter def enterPM(self, force=False): if self.isInPmMode and not force: return "Enter HV programming mode. Vdd first entry mode" self.applyVCC(False) self.applyVPP(False) self.applyGND(False) self.setPins(0, 0) self.top.cmdSetVCCVoltage(self.voltageVDD) self.top.cmdSetVPPVoltage(self.voltageVPP) self.applyGND(True) self.applyVCC(True) self.top.hostDelay(10 * self.delayP13) self.applyVPP(True) self.top.hostDelay(102 * self.delayP12) self.setTopProgrammerDelays() self.isInPmMode = True def readUserIdLocation(self): return self.readSequentialBlock(self.userIDLocationAddr, self.userIDLocationSize, "Reading User ID Locations") def readFuse(self): return self.readSequentialBlock(self.configWordAddr, self.fuseBytes, "Reading Config Words") def readSignature(self): return self.readSequentialBlock(self.deviceIDAddr, self.deviceIDLength, "Reading Signature") def readProgmem(self): nrBytes = self.flashPages * self.flashPageSize return self.readSequentialBlock(0, nrBytes, "Reading flash") def readSequentialBlock(self, startAddr, nBytes, infoText): self.enterPM() self.progressMeterInit(infoText, nBytes) self.BufferedBytes = 0 self.Image = b"" self.executeCode(self.getCodeAddrToTBLPTR(startAddr)) for byteAddr in range(0, nBytes): self.send4bitReadInstruction(self.CMD_TRI) self.progressMeter(byteAddr) self.progressMeterFinish() self.flushBufferToImage() return self.Image def writeSequentialBlock(self, startAddr, image, size, infoText): if len(image) > size: self.throwError("Invalid flash image size %d (expected <=%d)" % \ (len(image), self.userIDLocationSize)) self.enterPM() self.executeCode((0x8EA6, 0x9CA6)) self.progressMeterInit(infoText, len(image) // 8) for blockAddr in range(0, len(image), self.writeBufferSize): #print("addr:{:x}".format(startAddr+blockAddr)) self.executeCode(self.getCodeAddrToTBLPTR(startAddr+blockAddr)) #for code in self.getCodeAddrToTBLPTR(startAddr+blockAddr): # print("({:x}, ".format(code)) print(")\n") self.writeNbytes(image[blockAddr:], self.writeBufferSize) #self.executeCode((0x0, 0x0)) self.progressMeter(blockAddr) self.progressMeterFinish() def readEEPROM(self): nrBytes = self.eepromPages * self.eepromPageSize self.enterPM() self.progressMeterInit("Reading EEPROM", nrBytes) self.BufferedBytes = 0 self.Image = b"" self.executeCode((0x9EA6, 0x9CA6)) for byteAddr in range(0, nrBytes): # print("set addr to {:x}\n".format(byteAddr)) self.setEEPROMAddr(byteAddr) self.executeCode((0x80A6, 0x50A8, 0x6EF5)) self.send4bitReadInstruction(self.CMD_SHIFT_OUT_TABLAT) self.progressMeter(byteAddr) self.progressMeterFinish() self.flushBufferToImage() return self.Image def writeEEPROM(self, image): nrBytes = self.eepromPages * self.eepromPageSize if len(image) > nrBytes: self.throwError("Invalid flash image size {:d} (expected <={:d})".format(len(image), nrBytes)) self.enterPM() self.progressMeterInit("Writing eeprom", len(image)) self.executeCode((0x9EA6, 0x9CA6)) for addr in range(0, len(image)): self.progressMeter(addr) #print("writing {:x} value to addr {:x}\n".format(byte2int(image[addr]), addr)) self.setEEPROMAddr(addr) self.executeCode((0x0E00 | (byte2int(image[addr]) & 0xFF), 0x6EA8)) self.executeCode((0x84A6, 0x0E55, 0x6EA7, 0x0EAA, 0x6EA7)) self.executeCode((0x82A6, 0x0, 0x0)) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayP11 + self.delayP10) self.executeCode((0x94A6,)) self.progressMeterFinish() def writeNbytes(self, image, N): if N % 2: self.throwError("N should be even, not %d" % N) isEmpty = True #N = (pN, len(image))[len(image) < pN] for idx in range(0, N): if idx == len(image): image += b'\xFF' elif byte2int(image[idx]) != 0xFF: isEmpty = False if(not isEmpty): for wordAddr in range(0, N-2, 2): self.send4bitWriteInstruction(self.CMD_TWII, byte2int(image[wordAddr]) | (byte2int(image[wordAddr + 1]) << 8)) self.send4bitWriteInstruction(self.CMD_TW_START_PROG, byte2int(image[N-2]) | (byte2int(image[N-1]) << 8)) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, 0x81) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayP9) self.setPins(0) self.top.cmdDelay(self.delayP10) for i in range(0,4): self.sendCommand(1) def writeUserIdLocation(self, image): self.writeSequentialBlock(self.userIDLocationAddr, image, self.userIDLocationSize, "Writing User ID Locations") def checkSignature(self): signature = self.readSignature() if signature != self.signature: msg = "Unexpected device signature. " + \ "Want %02X%02X%02X, but got %02X%02X%02X" % \ (byte2int(self.signature[0]), byte2int(self.signature[1]), byte2int(self.signature[2]), byte2int(signature[0]), byte2int(signature[1]), byte2int(signature[2])) if self.top.getForceLevel() >= 1: self.printWarning(msg) else: self.throwError(msg) def writeProgmem(self, image): nrBytes = self.flashPages * self.flashPageSize if len(image) > nrBytes: self.throwError("Invalid flash image size %d (expected <=%d)" % \ (len(image), nrBytes)) self.writeSequentialBlock(0, image, nrBytes, "Writing flash") def writeFuse(self, image): self.enterPM() if len(image) > self.fuseBytes: self.throwError("Invalid Fuses image size %d (expected less than %d)" % \ (len(image), self.fuseBytes)) self.executeCode((0x8EA6, 0x8CA6, 0xEF00, 0xF800)) for fuseAddr in range(0,len(image)): self.executeCode(self.getCodeAddrToTBLPTR(self.configWordAddr+fuseAddr)) if(fuseAddr & 0x01): byte = byte2int(image[fuseAddr]) << 8 else: byte = byte2int(image[fuseAddr]) self.send4bitWriteInstruction(self.CMD_TW_START_PROG, byte) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, 0x81) #self.setPins(1) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayP9) self.setPins(0) self.top.cmdDelay(self.delayP10) for i in range(0,4): self.sendCommand(1) #self.executeCode((0x2AF6,)) self.writeSequentialBlock(self.configWordAddr, image, self.fuseBytes, "Writing fuses") self.progressMeterInit("Writing fuses", 0) def exitPM(self): "Exit programming mode. Vdd last exit mode" self.top.flushCommands() self.setPins(0, 0) self.applyVPP(False) self.applyVCC(False) self.applyGND(False) self.isInPmMode = False # ready for 18F below def send4bitReadInstruction(self, pInstruction): def incBbAndCheckFillImage(): self.BufferedBytes += 1 if self.BufferedBytes == self.top.getBufferRegSize(): self.flushBufferToImage() # self.sendCommand(1,0,1,pInstruction) self.sendCommand(1, 0, 1, pInstruction) # self.busyWait() self.readSDOBufferHigh() incBbAndCheckFillImage() def send4bitWriteInstruction(self, pInstruction, pDataPayload): # self.busyWait() self.setSDI(pDataPayload) #print("sending {:x}\n".format(pDataPayload)) self.sendCommand(1, 1, 0, pInstruction) self.top.flushCommands() def sendCommand(self, bit4bitInstr=1, bitSendData=0, bitReadData=0, cmd4bit=0, bitKeepClkHigh=0): ''' `define CMDBIT_4BITINSTR 0 `define CMDBIT_SENDDATA 1 `define CMDBIT_READDATA 2 `define CMDBIT_KEEPCLKHIGH 7 ''' command = (cmd4bit & 0x0F) << 3 if bit4bitInstr: command |= 2 ** self.PCMDBIT_4BITINSTR if bitSendData: command |= 2 ** self.PCMDBIT_SENDDATA if bitReadData: command |= 2 ** self.PCMDBIT_READDATA if bitKeepClkHigh: command |= 2 ** self.PCMDBIT_KEEPCLKHIGH # print("cmd sending {:x}\n".format(command)) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x12, command) if(bitSendData or bitReadData): self.top.cmdDelay(2 * 20 * 2 * self.delayP2A) else: self.top.cmdDelay(2 * 4 * 2 * self.delayP2A) def setTopProgrammerDelays(self): #print("tdel5:{:d}".format(int(math.ceil(self.delayP2A / 42e-9)))) #print("tdly:{:d}".format(int(math.ceil(self.delayP5 / 42e-9)))) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x10, int(math.ceil(self.delayP2A / 42e-9))) self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x11, int(math.ceil(self.delayP5 / 42e-9))) def setSDI8(self, sdi): self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x16, sdi & 0xFF) def setSDI(self, sdi): ''' 16 -set 16 bit sdi value ''' for addr in (0x16, 0x17): self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(addr, sdi & 0xFF) sdi = sdi >> 8 def flushBufferToImage(self): # print ("storing {:d} bytes to image".format(self.BufferedBytes)) if self.BufferedBytes > 0: self.Image += self.top.cmdReadBufferReg(self.BufferedBytes) self.BufferedBytes = 0 def sendInstruction(self, instr): self.setSDI(instr) self.sendCommand(1, 1) # send 4 times positive edge # self.top.flushCommands() def executeCode(self, code): for instr in code: self.sendInstruction(instr) def setPins(self, ICSPCLK=0, SDIOVALUE=0, SDIODRIVEN=1): ''' 16 - setPins ''' data = 0 if ICSPCLK: data |= 1 if SDIODRIVEN: data |= 2 if SDIOVALUE: data |= 4 self.top.cmdFPGAWrite(0x15, data) def getStatusFlags(self): ''' [0] - BUSY [1] - SDO ''' self.flushBufferToImage() self.top.cmdFPGARead(0x12) stat = self.top.cmdReadBufferReg() return byte2int(stat[0]) def readSDOBufferHigh(self): self.top.cmdFPGARead(0x14) def readSDOBufferLow(self): self.top.cmdFPGARead(0x15) def rawSDIOState(self): return bool(self.getStatusFlags() & self.STAT_SDIO) def isBusy(self): return bool(self.getStatusFlags() & self.STAT_BUSY) def busyWait(self): for i in range(0, 100): if not self.isBusy(): return self.top.hostDelay(0.000001) self.throwError("Timeout in busywait.") def getCodeAddrToTBLPTR(self, addr): ub = (addr >> 16) & 0xFF hb = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF lb = addr & 0xFF return ((0x0E00 | ub), 0x6EF8, (0x0E00 | hb), 0x6EF7, (0x0E00 | lb), 0x6EF6)