""" # TOP2049 Open Source programming suite # # pic8_splittedPMarea - file for newer 8bit PIC MCUs # # Copyright (c) 2013 Pavel Stemberk # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ from libtoprammer.chips.microchip8.microchip8_common import * class microchip8_splittedPMarea(Chip_Microchip8_common): CMD_LOAD_CONFIGURATION = 0x00 logicalFlashProgramMemorySize = 0x2000 logicalFlashConfigurationMemorySize = 0x2000 CMD_BEGIN_INTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING = 0x08 CMD_BEGIN_EXTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING = 0x18 CMD_END_EXTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING = 0x0A CMD_ROW_ERASE_PGM = 0x11 delayTinternalProgDM = 0.005 delayTinternalProgPM = 0.0025 # overriding: delayTdis = 0.0003 delayTprog = 0.0021 delayTdly = 0.0000015 delayTera = 0.005 defaultWord = [b'\xFF', b'\x3F'] def __init__(self, chipPackage, chipPinVCC, chipPinsVPP, chipPinGND, signature, flashPageSize, flashPages, eepromPageSize, eepromPages, fuseBytes ): Chip_Microchip8_common.__init__(self, chipPackage, chipPinVCC, chipPinsVPP, chipPinGND, signature, flashPageSize, flashPages, eepromPageSize, eepromPages, fuseBytes) self.isInsideProgramMemoryArea = True self.initPcValue = 0 self.userIDLocationAddr = self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize self.deviceIDAddr = self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize + 0x06 self.configWordAddr = self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize + 0x07 self.programMemoryByteAddressRange = [(0, 2 * self.flashPageSize)] self.configWordByteAddressRange = [(2 * self.configWordAddr, 2 * self.configWordAddr + 1)] self.userIDLocationByteAddressRange = [(2 * self.userIDLocationAddr, 2 * (self.userIDLocationAddr + self.userIDLocationSize) - 1)] def incrementPC(self, count): for address in range(0, count): self.sendCommand(0, 0, 0, self.CMD_INCREMENT_ADDRESS) self.PC += 1 if(self.isInsideProgramMemoryArea): if (self.PC == self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize): self.PC = 0 else: if (self.PC == self.logicalFlashConfigurationMemorySize): self.PC = self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize def enterConfigArea(self, wordLatched=0): self.send6bitWriteInstruction(self.CMD_LOAD_CONFIGURATION, wordLatched) self.PC = self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize self.isInsideProgramMemoryArea = False def setPC(self, address): if(self.isInsideProgramMemoryArea): if(address >= self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize): raise(TOPException('Cannot set PC to address inside PM {:x}'.format(address))) else: if(address < self.logicalFlashProgramMemorySize): raise(TOPException('Cannot set PC to address outside PM {:x}'.format(address))) while(self.PC != address): self.incrementPC(1) def readSignature(self): self.progressMeterInit("Reading signature", 0) self.enterPM() self.enterConfigArea() self.setPC(self.deviceIDAddr) idSize = 1 for i in range(0, idSize): self.sendReadFlashInstr() self.top.hostDelay(0.00002) self.readSDOBufferLow() self.readSDOBufferHigh() self.incrementPC(1) self.progressMeterFinish() return self.top.cmdReadBufferReg()[0:2 * idSize] def sendWriteFlashInstrExternallyTimed(self): ''' ''' self.sendCommand(0, 0, 0, self.CMD_BEGIN_EXTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayTprog) self.sendCommand(0, 0, 0, self.CMD_END_EXTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayTdis) def sendWriteFlashInstrPM(self): ''' ''' self.sendCommand(0, 0, 0, self.CMD_BEGIN_INTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayTinternalProgPM) def sendWriteFlashInstrCW(self): ''' ''' self.sendCommand(0, 0, 0, self.CMD_BEGIN_INTERNALLY_TIMED_PROGRAMMING) self.top.hostDelay(self.delayTinternalProgDM) def sendWriteFlashInstr(self): ''' ''' self.sendWriteFlashInstrPM() def sendWriteFlashInstrDM(self): ''' ''' self.sendWriteFlashInstrExternallyTimed()