""" # TOP2049 Open Source programming suite # # IHEX file layout # # Copyright (c) 2013 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ from .util import * class AddressRange(object): """Address range type.""" def __init__(self, startAddress = 0, endAddress = -1): # endAddress of -1 means "to the end of the image". assert(startAddress >= 0) assert(endAddress >= -1) assert(startAddress <= endAddress or endAddress == -1) self.startAddress = startAddress self.endAddress = endAddress def overlaps(self, other): """Check if self overlaps with other.""" if (other.startAddress <= self.endAddress or self.endAddress < 0) and\ (other.endAddress >= self.startAddress or other.endAddress < 0): return True return False @classmethod def overlapsAny(cls, addressRangeList, addressRange): """Check if 'addressRange' overlaps with any AddressRange in 'addressRangeList'""" return any(r.overlaps(addressRange) for r in addressRangeList) class IHexInterpreter(object): """Generic interpreter for a cumulative IHEX file. This class must be subclassed to be usable.""" # Definition of the address ranges. # For each memory area type, several possible address # ranges can be defined. They are tried first to last. # Override these in the subclass. progmemRanges = None eepromRanges = None fuseRanges = None lockRanges = None ramRanges = None uilRanges = None # Definition of default memory values. # Override these in the subclass. progmemDefaultBytes = b"\xFF" eepromDefaultBytes = b"\xFF" fuseDefaultBytes = b"\xFF" lockDefaultBytes = b"\xFF" ramDefaultBytes = b"\x00" uilDefaultBytes = b"\xFF" def __init__(self): self.__ihexData = None self.__progmem = None self.__eeprom = None self.__fusebits = None self.__lockbits = None self.__ram = None self.__uil = None def cumulativeSupported(self): """Returns True, if parsing of cumulative IHEX files is supported by the implementation.""" return self.progmemRanges or\ self.eepromRanges or\ self.fuseRanges or\ self.lockRanges or\ self.ramRanges or\ self.uilRanges def interpret(self, ihexData): self.__ihexData = ihexData usedRanges = [] self.__progmem = self.tryExtract(ihexData, self.progmemDefaultBytes, usedRanges, self.progmemRanges) self.__eeprom = self.tryExtract(ihexData, self.eepromDefaultBytes, usedRanges, self.eepromRanges) self.__fusebits = self.tryExtract(ihexData, self.fuseDefaultBytes, usedRanges, self.fuseRanges) self.__lockbits = self.tryExtract(ihexData, self.lockDefaultBytes, usedRanges, self.lockRanges) self.__ram = self.tryExtract(ihexData, self.ramDefaultBytes, usedRanges, self.ramRanges) self.__uil = self.tryExtract(ihexData, self.uilDefaultBytes, usedRanges, self.uilRanges) def tryExtract(self, ihexData, defaultBytes, alreadyUsedRanges, tryRanges): if not tryRanges: return None for tryRange in tryRanges: if AddressRange.overlapsAny(alreadyUsedRanges, tryRange): continue image = IO_ihex().toBinary(ihexData, addressRange = tryRange, defaultBytes = defaultBytes) if not image: continue alreadyUsedRanges.append(tryRange) return image return None def getRaw(self, defaultBytes=b"\xFF"): return IO_ihex().toBinary(self.__ihexData, defaultBytes = defaultBytes) def getProgmem(self, dontInterpretSections=False): if dontInterpretSections: return self.getRaw(defaultBytes = self.progmemDefaultBytes) return self.__progmem def getEEPROM(self, dontInterpretSections=False): if dontInterpretSections: return self.getRaw(defaultBytes = self.eepromDefaultBytes) return self.__eeprom def getFusebits(self, dontInterpretSections=False): if dontInterpretSections: return self.getRaw(defaultBytes = self.fuseDefaultBytes) return self.__fusebits def getLockbits(self, dontInterpretSections=False): if dontInterpretSections: return self.getRaw(defaultBytes = self.lockDefaultBytes) return self.__lockbits def getRAM(self, dontInterpretSections=False): if dontInterpretSections: return self.getRaw(defaultBytes = self.ramDefaultBytes) return self.__ram def getUIL(self, dontInterpretSections=False): if dontInterpretSections: return self.getRaw(defaultBytes = self.uilDefaultBytes) return self.__uil