#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Xytronic LF-1600 # Debug interface tool # # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import sys import serial CURR_DIV = 10.0 if len(sys.argv) != 3 or "-h" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv: print("Usage: dumpcurves.py /dev/ttyUSB0 output.csv") print("") print("/dev/ttyUSB0 is the serial device where the data is read from.") print("output.csv is the output file.") sys.exit(1) inDev = sys.argv[1] outFile = sys.argv[2] s = serial.Serial(port = inDev, baudrate = 9600, bytesize = 8, parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits = 2) def writeOutFile(lines): outFd = open(outFile, "wb") outFd.write(b"time (ticks);" b"current controller real r (A);" b"current controller used r (A);" b"current controller r state;" b"current controller y (A);" b"temp controller r (*C);" b"temp controller y1 (*C);" b"temp controller y2 (A);" b"measured current (ADC);" b"filtered current (ADC);" b"measured temp (ADC);" b"boost mode;" b"calib current percent\r\n") outFd.write("".join(lines).encode("utf-8")) outFd.close() def reset(): global outLines global prevTimeStamp global val_currentRealR global val_currentUsedR global val_currentRState global val_currentY global val_tempR global val_tempY1 global val_tempY2 global val_measCurr global val_filtCurr global val_measTemp global val_boostMode; global val_calCurrPercent print("RESET") outLines = [] writeOutFile(outLines) prevTimeStamp = None val_currentRealR = 0.0 val_currentUsedR = 0.0 val_currentRState = 0 val_currentY = 0.0 val_tempR = 0.0 val_tempY1 = 0.0 val_tempY2 = 0.0 val_measCurr = 0 val_filtCurr = 0 val_measTemp = 0 val_boostMode = 0 val_calCurrPercent = 0 def putLine(timeStamp): csvLine = "%d;%f;%f;%d;%f;%f;%f;%f;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d\r\n" % ( timeStamp, val_currentRealR, val_currentUsedR, val_currentRState, val_currentY, val_tempR, val_tempY1, val_tempY2, val_measCurr, val_filtCurr, val_measTemp, val_boostMode, val_calCurrPercent, ) outLines.append(csvLine) writeOutFile(outLines) def parseInt(valStr, valIdent): try: val = int(valStr, 10) except ValueError: print("Invalid %s" % valIdent) return 0 return val def parseFixpt(valStr, valIdent): val = parseInt(valStr, valIdent) val = float(val) / (1 << 6) return val reset() try: while 1: line = s.readline() line = line.decode("utf-8", "ignore").strip() if not line: continue if line == "st": reset() continue idx = line.find(':') if idx < 0: print("Time stamp not found") continue try: timeStamp = int(line[ : idx], 16) except ValueError: print("Invalid time stamp format") continue line = line[idx + 1 : ].strip() elems = line.split() if len(elems) != 2: print("Unknown format: %s" % line) continue if elems[0] == "cr1": val_currentRealR = parseFixpt(elems[1], "cr1") / CURR_DIV elif elems[0] == "cr2": val_currentUsedR = parseFixpt(elems[1], "cr2") / CURR_DIV elif elems[0] == "rs": val_currentRState = parseInt(elems[1], "rs") elif elems[0] == "cy": val_currentY = parseFixpt(elems[1], "cy") / CURR_DIV elif elems[0] == "tr": val_tempR = parseFixpt(elems[1], "tr") elif elems[0] == "ty1": val_tempY1 = parseFixpt(elems[1], "ty1") elif elems[0] == "ty2": val_tempY2 = parseFixpt(elems[1], "ty2") / CURR_DIV elif elems[0] == "tb": val_boostMode = parseInt(elems[1], "tb") elif elems[0] == "mc": val_measCurr = parseInt(elems[1], "mc") elif elems[0] == "fc": val_filtCurr = parseInt(elems[1], "fc") elif elems[0] == "mt": val_measTemp = parseInt(elems[1], "mt") elif elems[0] == "cc": val_calCurrPercent = parseInt(elems[1], "cc") else: print("Unknown elem: %s" % elems[0]) continue # Fill the missing lines with copies of the previous. if 0: if prevTimeStamp is not None: t = (prevTimeStamp + 1) & 0xFFFF while t != timeStamp: putLine(t) t = (t + 1) & 0xFFFF prevTimeStamp = timeStamp # Put the current line into the CSV. putLine(timeStamp) print("temp-r: %.02f °C current-y: %.02f A current-r: %.02f A" % ( val_tempR, val_currentY, val_currentUsedR, )) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: pass sys.exit(0)