/* * Xytronic LF-1600 * Open Source firmware * Simulator core * * Copyright (c) 2018 Michael Buesch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../timer.h" #include "../measure.h" #include "../settings.h" #include #include //#define IRQ_ENDIS_DEBUG //#define IRQ_HANDLER_DEBUG #define memory_barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("" : : : "memory") #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) #define _stringify(x) #x #define stringify(x) _stringify(x) struct sim_context { /* Simulator context */ int initialized; std::thread io_thread; volatile int io_thread_stop; /* EEPROM */ std::recursive_mutex eeprom_mutex; /* UART */ uint8_t uart_tx_buf[4096]; unsigned int uart_tx_buf_write; unsigned int uart_tx_buf_read; std::recursive_mutex uart_mutex; /* ADC */ int ADC_vect_pending; int adc_conversion_running; uint64_t adc_conversion_start; uint16_t adc_values[11]; std::recursive_mutex adc_mutex; /* Timer 0 */ int TIMER0_COMPA_vect_pending; uint64_t timer0_prevsample; /* Interrupts */ volatile int irq_suspend_request; volatile int irq_suspended; void reset() { initialized = 0; io_thread_stop = 0; memset(uart_tx_buf, 0, sizeof(uart_tx_buf)); uart_tx_buf_write = 0; uart_tx_buf_read = 0; ADC_vect_pending = 0; adc_conversion_running = 0; adc_conversion_start = 0; memset(adc_values, 0, sizeof(adc_values)); TIMER0_COMPA_vect_pending = 0; timer0_prevsample = 0; irq_suspend_request = 0; irq_suspended = 0; } }; struct sim_context sim; /* Firmware EEPROM memory */ extern const uint8_t __start_eeprom; extern const uint8_t __stop_eeprom; /* Declare firmware interrupt service routines */ ISR(ADC_vect); ISR(EE_READY_vect); ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect); #define print_enter(name) printf(">>> enter %s()\n", name) #define print_exit(name) printf("<<< exit %s()\n", name) #ifdef IRQ_HANDLER_DEBUG # define print_enter_irqhandler(name) print_enter(name) # define print_exit_irqhandler(name) print_exit(name) #else # define print_enter_irqhandler(name) do { } while (0) # define print_exit_irqhandler(name) do { } while (0) #endif #ifdef IRQ_ENDIS_DEBUG # define print_enter_irqendis(name) print_enter(name) # define print_exit_irqendis(name) print_exit(name) #else # define print_enter_irqendis(name) do { } while (0) # define print_exit_irqendis(name) do { } while (0) #endif static bool this_is_io_thread() { return std::this_thread::get_id() == sim.io_thread.get_id(); } void sim_irq_disable(void) { memory_barrier(); print_enter_irqendis("irq_disable"); if (!this_is_io_thread()) { sim.irq_suspend_request = 1; while (!sim.irq_suspended && !sim.io_thread_stop) std::this_thread::yield(); SREG &= (uint8_t)~(1u << SREG_I); } print_exit_irqendis("irq_disable"); memory_barrier(); } void sim_irq_enable(void) { memory_barrier(); print_enter_irqendis("irq_enable"); if (!this_is_io_thread()) { sim.irq_suspend_request = 0; while (sim.irq_suspended && !sim.io_thread_stop) std::this_thread::yield(); SREG |= (1u << SREG_I); } print_exit_irqendis("irq_enable"); memory_barrier(); } uint8_t sim_irq_disable_save(void) { uint8_t sreg_flags; memory_barrier(); print_enter_irqendis("irq_disable_save"); sreg_flags = SREG; sim_irq_disable(); print_exit_irqendis("irq_disable_save"); memory_barrier(); return sreg_flags; } void sim_irq_restore(uint8_t sreg_flags) { memory_barrier(); print_enter_irqendis("sim_irq_restore"); if (sreg_flags & (1u << SREG_I)) sim_irq_enable(); print_exit_irqendis("sim_irq_restore"); memory_barrier(); } static uint64_t systime_ms_get(void) { struct timeval tv = {}; int err; uint64_t ms; err = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (err) perror("gettimeofday()"); ms = (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000u; ms += (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec / 1000u; return ms; } static void EEDR_read_hook(FakeIO &io) { uint8_t data; ee_addr_t addr; uint16_t offset; uint8_t *ee_pointer; std::lock_guard locker(sim.eeprom_mutex); if (EECR & (1 << EERE)) { addr = EEAR; ee_pointer = (uint8_t *)addr; offset = ee_pointer - &__start_eeprom; data = (&__start_eeprom)[offset]; #if 0 printf("sim_ee_read_hook() at 0x%X = 0x%02X\n", (unsigned int)offset, (unsigned int)data); #endif EEDR = data; EECR &= ~(1 << EERE); } } static void UCSR0A_read_hook(FakeIO &io) { UCSR0A |= (1 << UDRE0); } static void UDR0_write_hook(FakeIO &io, uint8_t prev_value) { std::lock_guard locker(sim.uart_mutex); sim.uart_tx_buf[sim.uart_tx_buf_write] = UDR0; if (++sim.uart_tx_buf_write >= ARRAY_SIZE(sim.uart_tx_buf)) sim.uart_tx_buf_write = 0; } #define run_IRQ_vect(name) do { \ if (sim.name##_pending) { \ print_enter_irqhandler(stringify(name)); \ sim.name##_pending = 0; \ name(); \ print_exit_irqhandler(stringify(name)); \ } \ } while (0) /* Simulate timer0 hardware */ static void simulate_timer0(uint64_t systime_ms) { if (TCCR0B & ((1 << CS02) | (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS00))) { uint64_t diff_ms = systime_ms - sim.timer0_prevsample; double count_per_ms = TIMERCPS / 1000.0; double call_count = diff_ms * count_per_ms; if (call_count >= 1.0) { sim.TIMER0_COMPA_vect_pending = 1; sim.timer0_prevsample = systime_ms; } } } /* Simulate ADC hardware */ static void simulate_adc(uint64_t systime_ms) { uint16_t adc_value; uint32_t adc_hz, adc_ps; uint64_t conv_runtime_ms; uint8_t mux; switch (ADCSRA & ((1 << ADPS2) | (1 << ADPS1) | (1 << ADPS0))) { case MEAS_PS_2: adc_ps = 2; break; case MEAS_PS_4: adc_ps = 4; break; case MEAS_PS_8: adc_ps = 8; break; case MEAS_PS_16: adc_ps = 16; break; case MEAS_PS_32: adc_ps = 32; break; case MEAS_PS_64: adc_ps = 64; break; case MEAS_PS_128: adc_ps = 128; break; default: adc_ps = 1; break; } adc_hz = F_CPU / adc_ps; conv_runtime_ms = (uint64_t)ceil((1000.0 / adc_hz) * 13); mux = (ADMUX & ((1 << MUX3) | (1 << MUX2) | (1 << MUX1) | (1 << MUX0))); { std::lock_guard locker(sim.adc_mutex); switch (mux) { case MEAS_MUX_ADC0: adc_value = sim.adc_values[0]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC1: adc_value = sim.adc_values[1]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC2: adc_value = sim.adc_values[2]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC3: adc_value = sim.adc_values[3]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC4: adc_value = sim.adc_values[4]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC5: adc_value = sim.adc_values[5]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC6: adc_value = sim.adc_values[6]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC7: adc_value = sim.adc_values[7]; break; case MEAS_MUX_ADC8: adc_value = sim.adc_values[8]; break; case MEAS_MUX_BG: adc_value = sim.adc_values[9]; break; case MEAS_MUX_GND: adc_value = sim.adc_values[10]; break; default: adc_value = 0; break; } } if (sim.adc_conversion_running) { if (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC)) { if (systime_ms - sim.adc_conversion_start >= conv_runtime_ms) { sim.adc_conversion_running = 0; ADC = adc_value; if (ADCSRA & (1 << ADIE)) sim.ADC_vect_pending = 1; if (!(ADCSRA & (1 << ADATE))) ADCSRA &= ~(1 << ADSC); } } else sim.adc_conversion_running = 0; } else { if (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC)) { sim.adc_conversion_running = 1; sim.adc_conversion_start = systime_ms; } } } static void io_thread_func(void) { uint64_t systime_ms; int suspended; systime_ms = systime_ms_get(); sim.timer0_prevsample = systime_ms; while (!sim.io_thread_stop) { systime_ms = systime_ms_get(); /* Run the simulated hardware */ simulate_timer0(systime_ms); simulate_adc(systime_ms); /* Execute interrupt handlers. * Note that in the simulator the IRQ handlers do actually * run in parallel with the main thread outside of cli-sections. */ suspended = sim.irq_suspend_request; sim.irq_suspended = suspended; if (!suspended) { run_IRQ_vect(ADC_vect); run_IRQ_vect(TIMER0_COMPA_vect); } _delay_us(500); } } size_t simulator_uart_get_tx(uint8_t *buf, size_t max_bytes) { size_t count = 0; std::lock_guard locker(sim.uart_mutex); while (max_bytes > 0 && sim.uart_tx_buf_read != sim.uart_tx_buf_write) { *buf = sim.uart_tx_buf[sim.uart_tx_buf_read]; count++; if (++sim.uart_tx_buf_read >= ARRAY_SIZE(sim.uart_tx_buf)) sim.uart_tx_buf_read = 0; max_bytes--; buf++; } return count; } bool simulator_pwm_get(int pwm_index, uint16_t *value, uint16_t *max_value) { switch (pwm_index) { case 1: *value = OCR1A; *max_value = ICR1; return true; } return false; } bool simulator_adc_set(int adc_index, uint16_t value) { std::lock_guard locker(sim.adc_mutex); if (adc_index >= 0 && adc_index < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(sim.adc_values)) { sim.adc_values[adc_index] = value; return true; } return false; } #define SETTINGS_ACCESS(_field, _name, _value, _write) do { \ if (strcmp(_name, stringify(_field)) == 0) { \ if (_write) \ get_settings()->_field = *(_value); \ else \ (*_value) = get_settings()->_field; \ return true; \ } \ } while (0) bool simulator_setting_access(const char *name, int *value, bool write) { SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[0].kp, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[0].ki, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[0].kd, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[0].d_decay_div, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[1].kp, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[1].ki, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[1].kd, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[1].d_decay_div, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[2].kp, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[2].ki, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[2].kd, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_k[2].d_decay_div, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_idle_setpoint, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint[0], name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint[1], name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint[2], name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint[3], name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint[4], name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint[5], name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_setpoint_active, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(temp_adj, name, value, write); SETTINGS_ACCESS(serial, name, value, write); return false; } void main_loop_once(void); void simulator_mainloop_once(void) { if (!sim.initialized) return; main_loop_once(); } void simulator_exit(void) { if (!sim.initialized) return; sim.initialized = 0; printf("Exiting simulator...\n"); sim.io_thread_stop = 1; sim.io_thread.join(); } int program_main(void) _mainfunc; bool simulator_init(void) { if (sim.initialized) return false; sim.reset(); fakeio_reset_all(); /* Install I/O register hooks. */ EEDR.set_read_hook(EEDR_read_hook); UCSR0A.set_read_hook(UCSR0A_read_hook); UDR0.set_write_hook(UDR0_write_hook); printf("Creating I/O-thread...\n"); sim.io_thread = std::thread(io_thread_func); sim.initialized = 1; printf("Initializing firmware...\n"); program_main(); printf("Firmware initialized.\n"); return true; }